58 research outputs found

    Risk factors for the occurrence of USMU students’ back pain

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    The article analyses the results of survey of the third-year students of the medical-prophylactic faculty, conducted in order to identify risk factors for the occurrence of back pain; the hygienic assessment of educational furniture and the weight of student bags is given.В статье проанализированы результаты анкетирования студентов 3 курса лечебно-профилактического факультета, проведенного с целью выявления факторов риска возникновения болей в спине; дана гигиеническая оценка учебной мебели и веса студенческих сумок

    Hygienic assessment of working conditions of workers of the main professions of the thermal power plant

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    The purpose of the study is tostudy of working conditions of workers of the main professions of the CHP.Цель исследования – изучение условий труда рабочих основных профессий ТЭЦ

    Hygienic assessment of the conditions of raising children in the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution – kindergarten XX Severouralsk

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the hygienic conditions of raising children in a preschool educational institution.Цель исследования – оценка гигиенических условий воспитания детей в дошкольном образовательном учреждении

    Risk factors for the occurrence of USMU students’ back pain

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    The article analyses the results of survey of the third-year students of the medical-prophylactic faculty, conducted in order to identify risk factors for the occurrence of back pain; the hygienic assessment of educational furniture and the weight of student bags is given.В статье проанализированы результаты анкетирования студентов 3 курса лечебно-профилактического факультета, проведенного с целью выявления факторов риска возникновения болей в спине; дана гигиеническая оценка учебной мебели и веса студенческих сумок

    Swimming pool hygienic inspection in a large public sport center of the Sverdlovsk region

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    The article reports the results of the oversight for how effective have been the hygienic safety measures taken by the swimming pool management in a «С» sport center (C-SC). The inspection revealed the swimming pool layout and the internal control program (except for organoleptic properties of water), microenvironment (physical exposures) and pool water chemistry to be in compliance with current hygienic regulations.В статье представлены результаты оценки гигиенической эффективности мероприятий, проводимых администрацией спортивного комплекса «С» (далее с/к «С») и направленных на обеспечение безопасности работы плавательного бассейна спортивного комплекса. В ходе проведенного исследования получены убедительные данные, свидетельствующие о соответствии планировки и программы производственного контроля (за исключением органолептических показателей воды бассейна), микроклимата (по физическим факторам) и химических показателей воды плавательного бассейна санитарно-гигиеническим нормам

    Swimming pool hygienic inspection in a large public sport center of the Sverdlovsk region

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    The article reports the results of the oversight for how effective have been the hygienic safety measures taken by the swimming pool management in a «С» sport center (C-SC). The inspection revealed the swimming pool layout and the internal control program (except for organoleptic properties of water), microenvironment (physical exposures) and pool water chemistry to be in compliance with current hygienic regulations.В статье представлены результаты оценки гигиенической эффективности мероприятий, проводимых администрацией спортивного комплекса «С» (далее с/к «С») и направленных на обеспечение безопасности работы плавательного бассейна спортивного комплекса. В ходе проведенного исследования получены убедительные данные, свидетельствующие о соответствии планировки и программы производственного контроля (за исключением органолептических показателей воды бассейна), микроклимата (по физическим факторам) и химических показателей воды плавательного бассейна санитарно-гигиеническим нормам

    Development of score models for severe course risk assessment of febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis

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    Background. There is no current generally accepted classification and clinical approaches to assess the clinical course severity of tick-borne encephalitis.   The aim is to develop models for the quantitative severity scores of the febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis using the most informative predictors.   Materials and methods. In accordance with clinical criteria of the height and duration of fever, two groups of 9 and 30 patients (52.2 ± 4.3 and 49.5 ± 3.9 years old) with severe and non-severe febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis were formed. The study design was a retrospective case-control study. Statistical significance assessment of variables was carried out using the chi-square test. The odds ratios were also calculated. The development of logistic regression models was carried out using Statistica 12.0 modules.   Results. A questionnaire of febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis severity score was developed using the height of fever and 11 most informative clinical predictors including arthralgia, chills, sleep disturbance, dizziness, orbital pain, nausea, photophobia, myalgia, severe headache, vomiting and meningism. To predict the severe clinical course of febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis, two logistic regression models were developed with or without severity score assessment of fever syndrome (coefficients α and β were –12.13 and 0.94 and –5.78 and 0.75 for models 1 and 2, respectively). Models 1 and 2 demonstrated a high predicted probability for cut-off values equal to 14 and 9 points and excellent quality of prediction test (AUC are equal to 0.99 and 0.98, respectively).   Conclusions. The models of severity score demonstrated high predicted probabilities to predict severe clinical course of febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis, which can be used in clinical practice and for scientific purposes

    Hygienic assessment of students working posture

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    The article presents the results of a hygienic assessment of working postures of USMU students during classroom sessions, conducted in order to identify risk factors for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and visual organs. Тhe reasons for non-physiological working postures are analyzed and recommendations for their optimization are given.В статье представлены результаты гигиенической оценки рабочих поз студентов УГМУ во время аудиторных занятий, проведенной с целью выявления факторов риска заболеваний опорно-двигательного аппарата, органов зрения; проанализированы причины нефизиологичных рабочих поз, даны рекомендации по их оптимизации

    Training film development «Garbage – a global problem of humanity»

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    The article presents the purpose of creating and describing the educational film “Garbage – the global problem of mankind” as a means of hygienic education of students and schoolchildren, aimed at forming their ecological and hygienic knowledge on the problem of environmental pollution of household waste, domestic waste management skills, active citizenship in conservation of natural resources.В статье представлены цель создания и описание учебного фильма «Мусор – глобальная проблема человечества» как средства гигиенического воспитания студентов и школьников, направленного на формирование у них экологических и гигиенических знаний по проблеме загрязнения бытовыми отходами окружающей среды, навыков обращения с бытовыми отходами, активной гражданской позиции в вопросах сохранения природных ресурсов

    Psychophysiological and psychological features of elite young volleyball players

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    Objective: to analyze the psychological and psychophysiological features of effective volleyball play. Materials and methods: the study involved 19 female athlets with average age of 17±1 years. The study was conducted during the pre-competition period. Personality traits, sport motivation, coping strategies, emotional burnout, skills of mental training and visualization, were assessed by adapted Russian-language versions of questionnaires «Freiburg multi-factor personal questionnaire (FPI)», «Sport motivation scale (SMS)», «The Sport Imagery Questionnaire (SIQ)», «Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS)», «Maslach burnout inventory». The levels of chronic and acute stress were assessed by «Acute and chronic stress scale». Attentional set-shifting, concentration of attention were examined by the Munsterberg test and the «Entangled lines» test. The speed and stability of sensorimotor functioning were assessed by Simple Reaction Time test and Choice Reaction Time test. Stress load was simulated by the game-biofeedback approach to examine the effectiveness of self-regulation. The obtained data were compared with the assessment of athletes’ gaming efficiency. Results: Revealed significant connection between game effectiveness and the reduced level of stress: high speed, reaction stability, internal motivation, decreased neuroticity, depressiveness, aggressiveness, emotional lability, developed skills of self-regulation, visualization and ideomotor training are discussed. Conclusions: Revealed psychological and psychophysiological features might be considered as components of the young female volleyball players’ model psychophysiological state