3,161 research outputs found

    Novel Phase Detector Measurement Procedure Using Quasi-Synchronized RF Generator

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    This paper presents a new procedure for phase detector measurements that allows the use of generators that share a 10 MHz reference oscillator but do not synchronize in phase, in other words, quasi-synchronized RF generators. The objectives are taking advantage of the benefits of using two generators but recovering lower-cost generators that have worse synchronization performance and opening the door to the possibility of using a very simple control element based in Arduino Uno and cheaper instruments. The new procedure is characterized by continuously alternating calibration and measurement sequences to make up for the phase drift of quasisynchronized generators and guarantee a maximum phase error specification (+-1 grade in this paper). Data acquisition has been divided in two stages: measurement of detector curves without phase reference (in-phase and phase-shifted) and measurement of reference data. All the data is later combined to obtain correctly referenced in-phase detector curves. The technique can be reproduced with other equivalent instrumentation. The novel procedure that allows compensation for errors (amplitude, phase shift, mismatching, etc.) is detailed, and its relation to the required measurement accuracy is amply discussed. The proposed technique is applied to characterize a phase detector based on in-phase and phase-shifted multiplication from 3 to 8 GHz with 1 GHz step. Measurements have a final maximum error of +-2 grade for both frequency and calibrated input power, according to the accuracy specifications of the VNA used to calibrate the signal distribution network, added to the +-1 grade specified in this new procedure.Comment: copyright 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    New insight on tomato seed priming with Anabaena minutissima phycobiliproteins in relation to Rhizoctonia solani root rot resistance and seedling growth promotion

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    Cyanobacteria phycobiliproteins (PBPs) are already exploited in the food industries and for biotechnological applications but not in the agricultural field. Different concentrations (0.6 - 4.8 mg/mL) of Anabaena minutissima PBPs were applied to tomato seed to study their priming effect against the soil-borne fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani and in promoting plant growth. PBPs increased seedling emergence and vigour, showed activity against root rot disease (67%), and enhanced plant dry weight, length, and height. Generally, no dose effect has been observed except for dry weight (55% at 4.8 mg/mL). Seed treatment primed seeds and seedlings by leading to the activation of defence responses raising phenol (26% in hypocotyls) and flavonoid (26 and 45% in hypocotyls and epicotyls, respectively) contents and chitinase (4-fold at 2.4 and 4.8 mg/mL in hypocotyls) and beta-1,3-D-glucanase (up to about 2-fold at all doses in epicotyls) activities. Micro-Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared revealed changes in functional groups of primed seeds, hypocotyls and exudates released into the agar because of treatment. Protein extract from PBP-primed seedlings inhibited mycelial growth (67% for epicotyl proteins) and caused morphological alterations in hyphae. This research emphasizes the potential priming role of PBPs applied by seed treatment against soil-borne pathogens

    Initial Characteristics of Kepler Short Cadence Data

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    The Kepler Mission offers two options for observations -- either Long Cadence (LC) used for the bulk of core mission science, or Short Cadence (SC) which is used for applications such as asteroseismology of solar-like stars and transit timing measurements of exoplanets where the 1-minute sampling is critical. We discuss the characteristics of SC data obtained in the 33.5-day long Quarter 1 (Q1) observations with Kepler which completed on 15 June 2009. The truly excellent time series precisions are nearly Poisson limited at 11th magnitude providing per-point measurement errors of 200 parts-per-million per minute. For extremely saturated stars near 7th magnitude precisions of 40 ppm are reached, while for background limited measurements at 17th magnitude precisions of 7 mmag are maintained. We note the presence of two additive artifacts, one that generates regularly spaced peaks in frequency, and one that involves additive offsets in the time domain inversely proportional to stellar brightness. The difference between LC and SC sampling is illustrated for transit observations of TrES-2.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, ApJ Letters in pres

    Liderar para Innovar. Innovar para Crear

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    Nos proponemos que a partir de nuestra práctica reflexiva situada, aquellos partícipes de la jornada puedan vivenciar las etapas atravesadas en el desarrollo y la aplicación del Marco de Enseñanza para la Comprensión en todos los espacios curriculares del Nivel Secundario de nuestro colegio, a partir de la ruptura con los paradigmas tradicionales de la gestión de la enseñanza en el aula. Se enunciarán los modos de hacer, desde el asesoramiento y la supervisión del equipo de conducción. Se presentará una unidad didáctica planificada desde el Marco de EPC y evidencias que avalan la mejora significativa en dicha práctica áulica. Se ha encontrado esta experiencia en el espacio curricular de Política y Ciudadanía de 5° año de Educación Secundaria. El tópico generativo presentado para abordar su comprensión ha sido ¿Qué significa e implica pensar el Poder
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