32 research outputs found

    Study of Integrated Light Spectra of 48 Globular Clusters in the Galaxy M31

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    В работе определены возрасты, содержания элементов Fe, Ca, Mg, C, Mn, Ti, Cr и впервые удельные содержания гелия (Y) для 48 шаровых скоплений галактики M31. Получены значения металличности в диапазоне [Fe/H] = −2.0 ...−0.7 dex. Скопления оказались старше 10 млрд лет. Мы обсуждаем полученные содержания элементов в сравнении с данными из литературы для скоплений M31 и звезд нашей Галактики.The age, abundances of the elements Fe, Ca, Mg, C, Mn, Ti, Cr and, for the first time, specific helium abundance (Y) are determined for 48 globular clusters of the M31 galaxy. The metallicity values were obtained in the range [Fe/H] = −2.0 ... − 0.7 dex. The clusters appear to be older than 10 billion years. We discuss the determined elemental abundances in comparison with the literature data for globular clusters in M31 and stars in our Galaxy.Работа частично поддержана грантом Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации № 075-15-2022-262 (13.МНПМУ.21.0003)


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    The article deals with the assessment results of the quality and productivity of winter soft wheat grain during the period of 2013-2015. The aggregation ability of endosperm protein due to the disulfide bonds (-S-S-) in flour ranged from 37+1.31 (2013) to 55.28+1.3 (2014) and 73.50+1.06 (2015). Respectively, the value of dough kneading was 3.53+0.13; 4.66+0.12 and 4.70+0.15 points (the device ‘Mikrolab’), which indicated about more favorable environmental conditions for the formation of the trait in 2014 and2015, in comparison with 2013. It has been determined that the largest differentiation among the samples according to the aggregation ability of protein complex and correlation of the trait with the value of dough kneading was noticed in2013. In the years contributing to higher levels of the peptides aggregation, the impact of the environment, which eliminates the hereditary differences in quality, significantly increases. The carriers of rye chromosome translocations 1RS.1BL and 1RS.1AL, in comparison with the typical wheat, possessed less aggregation of proteins, but in the years of 2013 and 2014 they significantly stood out in the productivity in the conditions of theBelgorod region

    Solar Flash Sub-Millimeter Wave Range Spectrum Part Radiation Modeling

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    Currently, solar flares are under observation on the RT-7.5 radio telescope of BMSTU. This telescope operates in a little-studied range of the spectrum, at wavelengths of 3.2 and 2.2 mm (93 and 140 GHz), thereby providing unique information about parameters of the chromosphere plasma and zone of the temperature minimum. Observations on various instruments provided relatively small amount of data on the radio emission flare at frequencies close to 93 GHz, and at frequency of 140 GHz such observations were not carried out. For these reasons, data collected from the RT-7.5 radio telescope are of high value (Shustikov et al., 2012).This work describes modeling and gives interpretation of the reason for raising flux density spectrum of sub-millimeter radio frequency emission using as an example the GOES flare of class M 5.3 occurred on 04.07.2012 in the active region 11515. This flare was observed on the RT-7.5 radio telescope of BMSTU and was described by Shustikov et al. (2012) and by Smirnova et al. (2013), where it has been suggested that the reason for raising radio frequency emission is a bremsstrahlung of the thermal electrons in the hot plasma of the solar chromosphere. Rough estimates of the plasma temperature at the flare source were obtained.This paper proposes model calculations of the flux density spectrum of the sub-millimeter radio emission based on the gyrosynchrotron Fleischman-Kuznetsov code (Fleishman &amp; Kuznetsov, 2010). Section 1 briefly describes observational data, tools and processing methods used in the work. Section 2 shows results of modeling the flare radio emission. Section 3 discusses results and conclusions.Numerical modeling the sub-millimeter part of the spectrum of the radio flux density for the GOES flare of class M5.3 has been carried out. This flare occurred in the active region 11515 on 04.07.2012. Modeling was based on the observations on the BMSTU’s RT-7.5 radio telescope.The paper draws conclusion based on the model that the reason for raising flux density spectrum of sub-millimeter radio emission of flare is thermal bremsstrahlung plasma radiation with a temperature of 0.1 mK.</p