5 research outputs found

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of severe acute respiratory infections in children

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    The article analyzed the data of 525 individual cards of the patient’s severe acute respiratory infections (SARI). Children were admitted to the hospital for 2-3 days after the onset of the disease, with symptoms of flu-like illness. It is noted that SARI in children in the younger age group (0-2) were caused by respiratory viruses but in children 3-6 and 7-14 years, influenza viruses. The main risk factor for the development of SARI of influenza etiology in children was smoking.В статье проанализированы данные 525 индивидуальных карт больных (ИКБ) тяжелыми острыми респираторными инфекциями (ТОРИ).Дети поступали в стационар на 2-3-е сутки от начала болезни, с симптомами гриппоподобного заболевания. Отмечено, что ТОРИ у детей в младшей возрастной группе (0-2) были обусловлены вирусами респираторной группы, а у детей 3-6 и 7-14 лет вирусами гриппа. Основным фактором риска развития ТОРИ гриппозной этиологии у детей, особенно старших возрастных групп, явилась привычка курения

    Etiology characteristics of severe acute respiratory viral infection forms in the epidemiological season of 2017-2018

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    The article analyzed the data of 403 case studies of patients with influenza and ARVI (CS), and the biomaterials from the patients enrolled in the study were tested using PCR. If was determined that the isolation frequency rate of influenza viruses and viruses of non-influenza etiology was practically the same in the hospitalized patients. Yamagata B-lineage and А(H1N1)pdm09 influenza viruses dominated in the structure of the isolated influenza viruses, RS viruses and rhinoviruses dominated among other respiratory viruses.В статье проанализированы данные 403 индивидуальных карт больных гриппом и ОРВИ (ИКБ), методом ПЦР проведены лабораторные исследования биоматериала от пациентов, включенных в исследование. Определено, что частота выделения вирусов гриппа и вирусов негриппозной этиологии у госпитализированных пациентов была практически одинаковой. В структуре выделенных вирусов гриппа преобладали вирусы гриппа В линии Yamagata и А(H1N1)pdm09, а среди респираторных вирусов преобладали РС- вирусы и риновирусы

    Этиология тяжелых острых респираторных инфекций у детей, госпитализированных в стационары Екатеринбурга в эпидемический сезон 2022 — 2023 г.

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    Objective. Study of the viral etiology of severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) in children hospitalized in a hospital in Yekaterinburg during the epidemic season of 2022—2023. Materials and methods. 267 clinical samples (nasopharyngeal swab) obtained from children hospitalized with symptoms of acute respiratory disease were studied. The etiology of the disease was deciphered by RT-PCR, using standard sets of reagents. The material was examined for the presence of influenza A and B viruses, as well as for viruses of non-influenza etiology. 267 individual patient records were analyzed. Results. As a result, it was found that cases of SARI were more often registered among younger children, the structure of SARI of influenza etiology was represented by influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus — 29.9% and influenza B virus — 20.7%, while it was found that most children were not vaccinated against influenza. The proportion of viruses of non-influenza etiology was represented by RS viruses (23.0%), rhinoviruses (9.2%) and bokaviruses (6.3%).Цель. Изучение вирусной этиологии тяжелых острых респираторных инфекций (ТОРИ) у детей, госпитализированных в стационар города Екатеринбурга в период эпидемического сезона 2022 — 2023 г. Материалы и методы. Исследовано 267 клинических образцов (носоглоточных мазков), полученных от детей, госпитализированных с симптомами острого респираторного заболевания. Расшифровку этиологии заболевания проводили методом ОТ-ПЦР с использованием стандартных наборов реагентов. Материал исследовали на наличие вирусов гриппа А и В, а также на вирусы негриппозной этиологии. Проанализировано 267 индивидуальных карт больных. Результаты. В результате установлено, что случаи ТОРИ чаще регистрировались среди детей младшей возрастной группы, структура ТОРИ гриппозной этиологии была представлена вирусом гриппа А(H1N1) pdm09 — 29,9% и вирусом гриппа B — 20,7%, при этом установлено, что большинство детей не были привиты против гриппа. Долю вирусов негриппозной этиологии представляли РС-вирусы (23,0%), риновирусы (9,2%) и бокавирусы (6,3%)

    Measles. Characteristics of the Epidemic Process and its Determinant in Real-Time Conditions (on the Example of a Measles outbreak in Yekaterinburg in 2016)

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    Introduction. Measles still poses a threat to the inhabitants of the planet. In different regions of the world and the Russian Federation are recorded instances of contamination and subsequent infection with formation of foci with a significant number of victims. Measles has a high reproduction rate of the infection. The purpose of this study was to determine the main characteristics of the epidemic process of measles and its determinants in realtime for direct and indirect control of epidemic process. Materials and methods. The authors analyzed the data of official registration of the incidence of measles the population of Ekaterinburg from 1988 to 2016, and medical records of cases of measles in 2016. We used epidemiological, clinical and statistical research methods. Results. The authors found that the epidemic process of measles has undergone significant changes. Measles was not registered in the city from 2001 to 2015, the unit drifts measles-endemic territories didn't leak. However, the situation changed at the end of 2016. It was 72 clinically and laboratory confirmed case of measles in a period of 11 weeks. The largest proportion of cases were in children who are not vaccinated against measles. The average age of infection in children was 3.8 years. 59 measles epidemic foci were formed during the flash. Foci were registered in families, educational institutions and health care organizations. The most active spread of the infection was in medical organizations. The spread was associated with the presence of susceptible children and adults, serious shortcomings in terms of timely diagnostics of measles in the first and subsequent cases, violations in the organization of antiepidemic measures. Conclusion. 1. Despite positive shifts in the direction of measles elimination, it remains an actual infection, reserving opportunities for distribution among unvaccinated adults and children. 2. A special feature of the outbreak of measles in the territory of Yekaterinburg was the spread in medical organizations with the formation of secondary foci along the routes of following sick children and adults. The share of foci in medical organizations was 15.2% of the number of all foci, and the number of cases in any - 70.8% of registered cases.3. The significance of previously vaccinated cases as potential sources of infection in the foci is not high, the incidence rate when in contact with them is 0.53 ± 0.15, whereas in contact with previously not vaccinated - 7.94 ± 0.56