32,112 research outputs found
Spectral Stability of the Neumann Laplacian
We prove the equivalence of Hardy- and Sobolev-type inequalities, certain
uniform bounds on the heat kernel and some spectral regularity properties of
the Neumann Laplacian associated with an arbitrary region of finite measure in
Euclidean space. We also prove that if one perturbs the boundary of the region
within a uniform H\"older category then the eigenvalues of the Neumann
Laplacian change by a small and explicitly estimated amount.
AMS subject classifications: 35P15, 35J25, 47A75, 47B25, 26D10, 46E35.
Keywords: Neumann Laplacian, Sobolev inequalities, Hardy inequalities,
spectral stability, H\"older continuity.Comment: 23 page
Measurements continuous in time and a posteriori states in quantum
Measurements continuous in time were consistently introduced in quantum
mechanics and applications worked out, mainly in quantum optics. In this
context a quantum filtering theory has been developed giving the reduced state
after the measurement when a certain trajectory of the measured observables is
registered (the a posteriori states). In this paper a new derivation of
filtering equations is presented, in the cases of counting processes and of
measurement processes of diffusive type. It is also shown that the equation for
the a posteriori dynamics in the diffusive case can be obtained, by a suitable
limit, from that one in the counting case. Moreover, the paper is intended to
clarify the meaning of the various concepts involved and to discuss the
connections among them. As an illustration of the theory, simple models are
worked out.Comment: 31 page. See also related papers at
http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/personal/vpb/research/mes_fou.html and
The Propeller Regime of Disk Accretion to a Rapidly Rotating Magnetized Star
The propeller regime of disk accretion to a rapidly rotating magnetized star
is investigated here for the first time by axisymmetric 2.5D
magnetohydrodynamic simulations. An expanded, closed magnetosphere forms in
which the magnetic field is predominantly toroidal. A smaller fraction of the
star's poloidal magnetic flux inflates vertically, forming a magnetically
dominated tower. Matter accumulates in the equatorial region outside
magnetosphere and accretes to the star quasi-periodically through elongated
funnel streams which cause the magnetic field to reconnect. The star spins-down
owing to the interaction of the closed magnetosphere with the disk. For the
considered conditions, the spin-down torque varies with the angular velocity of
the star omega* as omega*^1.3 for fixed mass accretion rate. The propeller
stage may be important in the evolution of X-ray pulsars, cataclysmic variables
and young stars. In particular, it may explain the present slow rotation of the
classical T Tauri stars.Comment: 5 pages with 4 figures, LaTeX, macros: emulapj.sty, avi movies are
available at http://www.astro.cornell.edu/us-russia/disk_prop.ht
Ablation of solids by femtosecond lasers: ablation mechanism and ablation thresholds for metals and dielectrics
The mechanism of ablation of solids by intense femtosecond laser pulses is
described in an explicit analytical form. It is shown that at high intensities
when the ionization of the target material is complete before the end of the
pulse, the ablation mechanism is the same for both metals and dielectrics. The
physics of this new ablation regime involves ion acceleration in the
electrostatic field caused by charge separation created by energetic electrons
escaping from the target. The formulae for ablation thresholds and ablation
rates for metals and dielectrics, combining the laser and target parameters,
are derived and compared to experimental data. The calculated dependence of the
ablation thresholds on the pulse duration is in agreement with the experimental
data in a femtosecond range, and it is linked to the dependence for nanosecond
pulses.Comment: 27 pages incl.3 figs; presented at CLEO-Europe'2000 11-15 Sept.2000;
papers QMD6 and CTuK11
Statistics of Neutron Stars at the Stage of Supersonic Propeller
We analyze the statistical distribution of neutron stars at the stage of a
supersonic propeller. An important point of our analysis is allowance for the
evolution of the angle of inclination of the magnetic axis to the spin axis of
the neutron star for the boundary of the transition to the supersonic propeller
stage for two models: the model with hindered particle escape from the stellar
surface and the model with free particle escape. As a result, we have shown
that a consistent allowance for the evolution of the inclination angle in the
region of extinct radio pulsars for the two models leads to an increase in the
total number of neutron stars at the supersonic propeller stage. This increase
stems from he fact that when allowing for the evolution of the inclination
angle for neutron stars in the region of extinct radio pulsars and,
hence, for the boundary of the transition to the propeller stage, this
transition is possible at shorter spin periods (P~5-10 s) than assumed in the
standard model.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; scale corrected for figures 3-
Non-Weyl asymptotics for quantum graphs with general coupling conditions
Inspired by a recent result of Davies and Pushnitski, we study resonance
asymptotics of quantum graphs with general coupling conditions at the vertices.
We derive a criterion for the asymptotics to be of a non-Weyl character. We
show that for balanced vertices with permutation-invariant couplings the
asymptotics is non-Weyl only in case of Kirchhoff or anti-Kirchhoff conditions,
while for graphs without permutation numerous examples of non-Weyl behaviour
can be constructed. Furthermore, we present an insight helping to understand
what makes the Kirchhoff/anti-Kirchhoff coupling particular from the resonance
point of view. Finally, we demonstrate a generalization to quantum graphs with
nonequal edge weights.Comment: minor changes, to appear in Pierre Duclos memorial issue of J. Phys.
A: Math. Theo
Diffusion Approximation of Stochastic Master Equations with Jumps
In the presence of quantum measurements with direct photon detection the
evolution of open quantum systems is usually described by stochastic master
equations with jumps. Heuristically, from these equations one can obtain
diffusion models as approximation. A necessary condition for a general
diffusion approximation for jump master equations is presented. This
approximation is rigorously proved by using techniques for Markov process which
are based upon the convergence of Markov generators and martingale problems.
This result is illustrated by rigorously obtaining the diffusion approximation
for homodyne and heterodyne detection.Comment: 15 page
Dynamics of open quantum systems initially entangled with environment: Beyond the Kraus representation
We present a general analysis of the role of initial correlations between the
open system and an environment on quantum dynamics of the open system.Comment: 5 revtex pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Classical and nonclassical randomness in quantum measurements
The space of positive operator-valued measures on the Borel sets of a compact
(or even locally compact) Hausdorff space with values in the algebra of linear
operators acting on a d-dimensional Hilbert space is studied from the
perspectives of classical and non-classical convexity through a transform
that associates any positive operator-valued measure with a certain
completely positive linear map of the homogeneous C*-algebra
into . This association is achieved by using an operator-valued integral
in which non-classical random variables (that is, operator-valued functions)
are integrated with respect to positive operator-valued measures and which has
the feature that the integral of a random quantum effect is itself a quantum
effect. A left inverse for yields an integral representation,
along the lines of the classical Riesz Representation Theorem for certain
linear functionals on , of certain (but not all) unital completely
positive linear maps . The extremal and
C*-extremal points of the space of POVMS are determined.Comment: to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic
The 24-Cell and Calabi-Yau Threefolds with Hodge Numbers (1,1)
Calabi-Yau threefolds with h^11(X)=h^21(X)=1 are constructed as free
quotients of a hypersurface in the ambient toric variety defined by the
24-cell. Their fundamental groups are SL(2,3), a semidirect product of Z_3 and
Z_8, and Z_3 x Q_8.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, 3 table
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