49 research outputs found

    Characteristics of hotel premises in Belgorod city

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    Hotel industry is regarded as one of the factors in the development of tourism and the initial basis for planning the production of the tourist product. It determines the specificity of the development of tourism, being the basis for the production of the tourism product in planning the priorities of the investment policy. The article presents the results of the authors’s research, as well as materials open print and electronic resources. The authors analyzed the state of hotel real estate market of Belgorod, the structure of the number of rooms, hotel occupancy assessed by type of rooms, highlighted promising areas of the hotel business. It should be noted, that the development of domestic tourism, the growth of business and cultural activity in the region will contribute to the further development of tourism infrastructure and, in particular, the hotel industryyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Diffraction of real and virtual photons in a pyrolytic graphite crystal as source of intensive quasimonochromatic X-ray beam

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    A series of experiments on the parametric X-rays radiation (PXR) generation and radiation soft component diffraction of relativistic electrons in pyrolytic graphite (PG) crystals have been carried out at the Tomsk synchrotronyesBelgorod State Universit

    Mobile technologies in implementation of programs of internal tourism development

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    Now a days great attention is paid to the programs of the development of domestic tourism, its informational support, the development of new tourist products. But in spite of efforts in this direction, the population of Russia still has not enough information about tourist recreational opportunities of particular regions and in the whole countr

    Digital supply chain management in the tourism and hospitality industry: trends and prospects

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    The article discusses the basics of the digital supply chain management, its characteristic features and scope of application are covered. The analysis of a condition of development of digital supply chain management in the world reflecting growth of its share in gross domestic product, and the Russian Federation for which characteristic is the state initiative of advance and development of digital processes, but not business structures is carried ou

    Digital supply chain management in the tourism and hospitality industry: trends and prospects

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    The article discusses the basics of the digital supply chain management, its characteristic features and scope of application are covered. The analysis of a condition of development of digital supply chain management in the world reflecting growth of its share in gross domestic product, and the Russian Federation for which characteristic is the state initiative of advance and development of digital processes, but not business structures is carried ou


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    Проведен вирусолого-микробиологический мониторинг семи северных районов Иркутской области. Полученные в ходе исследования данные свидетельствуют об изменении эпидемиологической ситуации в отношении клещевых инфекций на территории данных районов. Отмечается продвижение природных очагов на север. На территории северных районов выявлены сочетанные очаги, клещевых инфекций, в том числе обнаружена циркуляция новых для Восточной Сибири патогенов - E. muris, A. phagocytophilum, B. miyamotoi

    Рентгенологическая плотность структуры молочной железы как фактор риска развития протоковой карциномы in situ

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    Objectives. to reveal a potential relationship between the breast density, various radiographic patterns of the breast structure, and the risk of developing ductal adenocarcinoma in situ.Methods. In this study, 169 patients were divided into 2 groups according to the modern X-ray classification L. Tabar. All patients underwent a core biopsy with subsequent histological examination. The first group consisted of 57 women (33.7%) with tumors arising in the terminal ductal-lobular unit – acinar adenocarcinoma (AAB) unifocal and multifocal forms, and the second group – 112 women (66.3%) with types of ductal adenocarcinoma in situ (in situ DAB) and ductal adenocarcinoma in situ associated with the acinar form of breast cancer (DAB + AAB). Pathologic findings on mammography were assessed using the modern classification of L. Tabar. Evaluation of the breast density was made using ACR 2013 classification. The Pattern of radiologic breast structure was evaluated according to the classification of L. Tabar.Results. According to our results, statistically significant differences of the compared groups on the breast density were established (p < 0.001). In the first group, patients with a density of ACR 1 prevailed, the proportion of which was 52.6%. In the second group, the incidence of ACR 4 was highest, with a share of 32.1% among all patients. Thus, it was concluded that there is an association of the breast density ACR 3 and ACR 4 and risk of development of DAB.Conclusions. The high breast density, as well as the IV and V type of the breast structure according to L. Tabar's classification, are statistically associated with an increased risk of developing ductal carcinoma in situ (DAB). Our study also showed a statistically significant difference in the age of onset of ductal and acinar adenocarcinoma of the breast – 52 and 64, respectively.Цель исследования: выявить потенциальную связь рентгенологической плотности структуры молочной железы, различных рентгенологических подтипов строения молочной железы и риском развития протоковой карциномы in situ.Материал и методы. В настоящем исследовании приняли участие 169 пациенток, разделенных на 2 группы в соответствии с современной рентгенологической классификацией L. Tabar. Всем пациенткам была выполнена трепан-биопсия с последующим гистологическим исследованием. 1-ю группу составили 57 (33,7%) женщин с опухолями, возникающими в терминальном секреторном отделе железы, – ацинарной аденокарциномой (AAB), унифокальной и мультифокальной формами, а 2-ю – 112 (66,3%) женщин с такими типами рака, как истинная протоковая аденокарцинома in situ (in situ DAB) и истинная протоковая аденокарцинома in situ, ассоциированная с ацинарной формой рака молочной железы (in situ DAB + AAB). Качество рентгенологического изображения оценивалось по классификации PGMI. Исследование было выполнено на цифровой маммографической системе производства General Electric. Оценка рентгенологической плотности структуры молочной железы выполнялась по классификации ACR 2013 г. Тип рентгенологического строения железы оценивался по классификации L. Tabar.Результаты. В соответствии с результатами про веденного анализа были установлены статистически значимые различия сравниваемых групп по рентгенологической плотности структуры молочной железы (p < 0,001). В 1-й группе преобладали пациентки с плотностью ACR 1, доля которых составляла 52,6%. Во 2-й группе с наибольшей частотой отмечались случаи рент генологической плотности структуры ACR 4, доля которых среди всех исследуемых составляла 32,1%. Таким образом, был сделан вывод о более высокой рентгенологической плотности структуры молочной железы в группе пациенток с протоковой карциномой in situ (DAB).Заключение. Высокая рентгенологическая плотность структуры, а также IV и V типы строения молочной железы по классификации L. Tabar статистически связаны с повышенным риском развития протоковой карциномы in situ. Исследование показало статистически значимую разницу в возрасте возникновения протокового и ацинарного рака молочной железы (средний возраст пациенток составил 52 и 64 года соответственно)

    Manifestation of Huntington's disease pathology in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons

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    © 2016 Nekrasov et al.Background: Huntington's disease (HD) is an incurable hereditary neurodegenerative disorder, which manifests itself as a loss of GABAergic medium spiny (GABA MS) neurons in the striatum and caused by an expansion of the CAG repeat in exon 1 of the huntingtin gene. There is no cure for HD, existing pharmaceutical can only relieve its symptoms. Results: Here, induced pluripotent stem cells were established from patients with low CAG repeat expansion in the huntingtin gene, and were then efficiently differentiated into GABA MS-like neurons (GMSLNs) under defined culture conditions. The generated HD GMSLNs recapitulated disease pathology in vitro, as evidenced by mutant huntingtin protein aggregation, increased number of lysosomes/autophagosomes, nuclear indentations, and enhanced neuronal death during cell aging. Moreover, store-operated channel (SOC) currents were detected in the differentiated neurons, and enhanced calcium entry was reproducibly demonstrated in all HD GMSLNs genotypes. Additionally, the quinazoline derivative, EVP4593, reduced the number of lysosomes/autophagosomes and SOC currents in HD GMSLNs and exerted neuroprotective effects during cell aging. Conclusions: Our data is the first to demonstrate the direct link of nuclear morphology and SOC calcium deregulation to mutant huntingtin protein expression in iPSCs-derived neurons with disease-mimetic hallmarks, providing a valuable tool for identification of candidate anti-HD drugs. Our experiments demonstrated that EVP4593 may be a promising anti-HD drug

    Effect of electrolyte composition on porous anodic aluminium oxide formation

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    The effect of composite anodizing electrolyte with reduced content of organic acids on the formation rate, structure and properties of aluminium oxide film was studied. It is established that for the production of electronic devices structural parts of improved insulation properties it is preferable to use the solutions where less active citric acid predominates. It has been shown that kinetic retardation of specified anodic process of aluminium oxidation increases the density of barrier oxide while preserving the rate of main porous Al[2]O[3] layer growth