20 research outputs found

    Tracing potential soil contamination in the historical Solvay soda ash plant area, Jaworzno, Southern Poland

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    This study of soil conditions was carried out on 30 meadow soil (podzol) samples from the vicinity of the soda ash heap in Jaworzno, supplemented by analyses of 18 samples of waste deposited on the heap. In all samples, the total content of macroelements (Ca and Na) and heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn) as well as pH were analysed. The element concentrations were measured using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The materials examined were neutral to ultra-alkaline. Total accumulations (mg kg(−1)) of chemical elements in the soil vary from 130.24 to 14076.67 for Ca, 41.40–926.23 for Na, 0.03–3.34 for Cd, 0.94–103.62 for Cr, 0.94–35.89 for Ni, 3.51–76.47 for Pb and 12.05–279.13 for Zn, whereas quantities of the same elements in the waste samples vary from 171705.13 to 360487.94 for Ca, 517.64–3152.82 for Na, 0.2–9.89 for Cd, 1.16–20.40 for Cr, 1.08–9.79 for Ni, 0.1–146.05 for Pb and 10.26–552.35 for Zn. The vertical distribution of the metals was determined in each soil profile. Despite enrichment of heavy metals in the uppermost horizon on the top of the heap, the results lead to the conclusion that the relation of historical production of soda ash in Jaworzno to current contamination of the local soil environment is insignificant

    Landscape identification as the Basis for Regeneration Model of Waterfronts in Gothenbourg in Sweden. "New -Known Landscape"

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    Goteborg in Sweden is one of those harbour cities, which development has been determined by the functional issues of waterfront location, being in the past a world famous shipyard centre. Thereby city had remained cut off from the waterfront - in public aspect. Due to establish the sustainable development of the industrial waterfronts and make them accessible the city initiated in late 70-ties a regeneration process. Analysis of the Alvstranden Utveckling process allows to specify it, as a case of the long-term, nonlinear planning process - the comprehensive and successful investment, which is based on wide public participation. A determinant of the regeneration scheme was to take care of history embodied in area due to preserve the identity of developed area and gain the sustainability and high quality environment. The waterfront's public realm has became the functionally attractive and spatial unique. Housing, enterprise, science and commerce are developed besides preserved former shipyard infrastructure. The history is clearly legible in landscape and relationship between the inhabitants and environment is carefully encouraged. Developed waterfronts creates the identity of the entire city, through its significant new, but known expression of landscape

    Townscape Units Identification in Spatial Planning versus Methodology of Landscape Audit

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    Współczesne miasta polskie podlegając nasilonym procesom dezurbanizacji i degradacji dzielnic śródmiejskich wymagają podjęcia zrównoważonej polityki przestrzennej, w tym ochrony krajobrazu prowadzącej do reurbanizacji obszarów śródmiejskich, ale też dostosowania skali działań planistycznych i zarządczych do faktycznych stref oddziaływania miast. Jak zauważa. Nyka choć cechą miast jest ciągłość, to współcześnie często nie można jej osiągnąć nieprzerwaną kompozycją placów i ulic czy nawet użytkowania terenów miejskich. Ciągłość rozwijającego się miasta opierać należy raczej na kontinuum krajobrazu, który pozwala je postrzegać i komponować jako całość [Nyka 2012 s. 50]. Krajobraz spajający przestrzennie fragmenty zróżnicowanych struktur miejskich stanowić może doskonałą, bo zintegrowaną podstawę analiz procesów i zmian zachodzących w mieście.Introduced in 2015 the statutory requirement to produce audits of landscape also includes city. The city creates a very specific type of landscape, complicated visually, functionally and symbolically, the predominant degree of conversion of natural substance and high dynamics of changes. Is the proposed audit procedure appropriate to the specificity of the urban landscape and can be an effective tool for its planning, management and protection? Analysis of audit procedures indicates its considerable specificity and abstrusity, but also confirms the assumed universalism. Model of identification and delimitation of landscapes unit unified and reduced to only visual factor turns out to be too arbitrary solution regarding to the cities, that would falsify their identity. Determination of townscape units requires to take into account, in addition to material structures, the factors that determine their use and perception of space – the determinants of landscape identity – that shape the conditions of functional, social and symbolic. The author proposes the development of two new criteria for the delimitation of townscape units, which are the identifying coherence and the functional complementarity

    Function of public investments in cultural infrastructure within reurbanization model of city’s development

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    Współczesne miasta trawią problemy degradacji, suburbanizacji i depopulacji, jednocześnie jako historycznie nawarstwione krajobrazy niosą w sobie istotne wartości: gospodarcze, społeczne i kulturowe. Rozwój reurbanizacyjny ma na celu odnowę przestrzeni, które utraciły dotychczasową funkcjonalną i formalną aktualność i atrakcyjność. Miejskie projekty inwestycyjne, które chronią i wykorzystują historyczne dziedzictwo, są jednym z narzędzi jego wdrożenia. Artykuł na przykładzie analizy wybranych inwestycji z zakresu infrastruktury kultury prezentuje reurbanistyczne skutki ich realizacji.Cities in recent times suffer from deterioration, suburbanization and depopulation, although as the historically evolved townscapes, they bring economic, social and cultural assets. The reurbanization activates and renews the areas, which lost their functional and formal attractiveness and actuality. The public investments, which protect and capitalize the historical heritage of the cities are the main tool to implement this vector of development. This paper, on the example of analysis of selected group of public investments, which took place in a historic townscape of Szczecin, focuses on significance of the cultural and historical values and presents their catalytic effect on further city development

    Atrakcyjność rekreacyjna osiedla Dąbie w Szczecinie a charakter jego krajobrazu

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    Urban landscape character is holistic spatial record of the historic and contemporary ongoing processes, the natural and cultural ones. The example of a former city of Dąbie in Szczecin presents the possibilities of the evolution the recreational features on the base of landscape values. Landscape character assessment within the historic changes analysis pictures the elements which makes places unique and special.Krajobraz miejski jest całościowym przestrzennym zapisem przenikających się procesów przyrodniczych i kulturowych, zachodzących w mieście historycznie i współcześnie. Na przykładzie dawnego miasta Dąbie, stanowiącego obecnie część Szczecina, ukazano możliwości rozwoju funkcji rekreacyjnych na podstawie walorów wynikających ze specyfiki krajobrazu. Badanie charakteru krajobrazu, wraz z procesem historycznych przemian, pozwoliło zdiagnozować te jego elementy i cechy, które decydują o wyjątkowości poszczególnych stref miasta, poczuciu i percepcji miejsca

    Landscape values of the embankment of the Odra river in Szczecin and the degree of their use for building the city's identity

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    Walory krajobrazowe miasta stanowią istotny element budowy jego tożsamości. Szczególną rolę w tym zakresie pełnią wnętrza, które rzeka tworzy z miastem. Przykład portowego Szczecina pokazuje potencjał krajobrazu nabrzeża Odry, ujawniony przez analizy krajobrazowe, badające wartości historyczne, walory widokowo-kompozycyjne i rodzaj użytkowania przestrzeni, w tym dostępność rzeki. Na przykładzie dwóch odrębnych fragmentów nabrzeży ukazano możliwości relacji miasta z rzeką oraz typy zagrożeń dla identyfikacji tych miejsc i społecznego wykorzystania ich potencjału.A city's landscape values are a significant element in building its identity. Interiors which are formed by the river with the city play a particular role in this respect. The example of the port city of Szczecin demonstrates the landscape potential of the embankment of the Odra river, disclosed through landscape analyses, studying historical values, scenerycomposition qualities and the type of use of space, including the availability of the river. The possibility of relations between the city and the river as well as the types of hazards for the identification of the place and the social use of its potential are presented on the example of two separate fragments of the embankment

    Ideal selection of color : effectiveness of visionary technique in the dental practice

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    Introduction: Aesthetic restorations also hale a significant impact on the success of prosthetic treatment which recreates the proper functioning of the teeth. Suitable aesthetic effect is determined by the appropriate restoration of tooth shape and colour. Selecting the proper colour of artificial teeth is difficult and may suffer from many problems in everyday dentistry. In addition, visual assessment for the help of the unique is subjective and may give erroneous results. On the market there are auxiliary device for the instrumental assessment of the colour of teeth: spectrophotometers, calorimeters, colour analyzers computer. They are not commonly used in everyday medical practice. Goal: The aim of the study is to assess the applicability of Sopro 717 intraoral camera in the correct assessment of the colour of teeth. Methods: The study was conducted based on the evaluation of the natural tooth colour visually using the unique “Lumin - Vacuum” by the patient’s dental and medical students in natural light and using the intraoral camera having their own source of light. The experiment involved 40 people aged 22-46 years. The study was conducted to assess the colour of the surface of the cheek teeth 11 or 21 and 32 Takes into account a number of factors affecting the proper assessment of the colour of teeth such as colour space, light intensity, eye fatigue investigator. Results: The evaluation of the occurrence of differences in colour of the teeth within the two mentioned methods. Conclusions: Intraoral camera helps us to choosing the right colour of the tooth. Although this is still a subjective method allows us to reduce the number of errors made in the selection of the proper shade of hard tissues of the tooth

    FIMA, the questionnaire for health-related resource use in the elderly population: validity, reliability, and usage of the Polish version in clinical practice

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    Justyna Mazurek,1 Edyta Sutkowska,1 Dorota Szcześniak,2 Katarzyna Małgorzata Urbańska,2 Joanna Rymaszewska3 1Department and Division of Medical Rehabilitation, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland; 2Department of Psychiatry, Division of Consultation Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland; 3Department of Psychiatry, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Polish version of the Questionnaire for Health-Related Resource Use in an Elderly Population [Fragebogen zur Inanspruchnahme medizinischer und nicht-medizinischer Versorgungsleistungen im Alter (FIMA)]. Patients and methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a rehabilitation care unit in Poland between January and June of 2017. Sixty-one patients aged ≥65 years who had been admitted to the unit were enrolled into the study. Each participant was evaluated twice: once within 48 hours of admission (T1) and once after 2 weeks (T2). Results: The translated instrument was understood by most respondents in a selected population and it maintained a reading and comprehension level that was accessible by most respondents, even of a low education level. With the aid of the prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa (PABAK) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), 100% test–retest reliability for 10 out of the 12 questions that were subjected to analysis was indicated. The most frequent health-related resource uses were appointments at the general practitioner (90.2%) and orthopedist (54.1%), medication (93.4%), and the necessity to have glasses as supportive equipment (70.5%). Conclusion: The Polish FIMA demonstrated very good test–retest reliability, good validity, and ease of use for elderly people. Further investigation is required. In the future, the routine use of this instrument could be encouraged to assess the use and demand for medical and nonmedical services among the elderly. Keywords: assessment, geriatrics, quality of care, care coordination, decision-makin

    Ergonomics of work and movement disorders among dentists

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    Stomatolodzy w trakcie pracy narażeni są na wiele czynników wpływających negatywnie na stan układu ruchu. Głównym z nich jest statyczny charakter pracy spowodowany przyjmowaniem wymuszonej pozycji ciała. Celem artykułu było wykazanie zależności pomiędzy stosowaniem zasad ergonomii w pracy zawodowej lekarzy stomatologów, a występowaniem schorzeń narządu ruchu. Ponadto ocenie poddano znajomość zasad ergonomii stomatologicznej w tej grupie. Na podstawie badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród 79 stomatologów dokonano oceny znajomości i stosowania zasad ergonomii pracy oraz występowania dolegliwości w obrębie narządu ruchu. Jedynie 4% stomatologów robiło przerwę w pracy po każdym pacjencie, natomiast aż 18% pracowało bez przerw. Zdecydowana większość (84%) stomatologów podczas wykonywania zabiegu stomatologicznego przyjmowała pozycje siedzącą. Z asystą pracowała ponad połowa (54%) lekarzy stomatologów. Wśród osób, które odczuwają ból kręgosłupa w odcinku szyjnym ponad połowa, bo 54% osób pracowało w pozycji z szyją pochyloną w prawo. Większość zasad ergonomii stosowana jest nieprawidłowo, dlatego powinny być one dopasowywane indywidualnie do konkretnego stomatologa, z uwzględnieniem jego możliwości fizycznych, geometrii środowiska pracy, zakresu wykonywanych czynności, a także osobistych upodobań.Dentists in the workplace are exposed to a number of factors that affect the condition of the movement system. The main problem seams to be the static nature of work due to the adoption of forced body position. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the relationship between the use of ergonomics principles in the professional work of dentists and the occurrence of motor disorders. In addition, knowledge of the principles of dental ergonomics in this group was assessed. The study was conducted among 79 dentists. The knowledge and application of the principles of ergonomics and the occurrence of ailments within the motor system were evaluated. Only 4% of dentists were taking a break from work after each patient, while 18% were working without interruption. The vast majority (84%) of dentists, while performing dental surgery took a sitting position. More than half (54%) of dentists who participated in the study worked with assistants. Among people who experience pain in the cervical spine 54% of people work in the position with neck inclined to the right. Most principles of ergonomics are not correct, so they should be adjusted individually to a particular dentist taking in to account its physical capabilities, the geometry of the work environment, the range of activities performed, and personal preferences as well