90 research outputs found
Distribuição geográfica de Sternechus subsignatus, na cultura de soja, no Rio Grande do Sul.
bitstream/item/133678/1/ID12892-1987-1988sojaresultados-p88-93.pdfTrabalho apresentado na XVI Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Santa Maria, 1988
Controle de qualidade de Baculovirus anticarsia armazenado em 1985, no Rio Grande do Sul.
bitstream/item/133831/1/ID12890-1985-1986sojaresultados-p125-126.pdfTrabalho apresentado na XIV Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Chapecó, 1986
Testes para avaliação de linhagens de soja resistentes a percevejos.
bitstream/item/133829/1/ID12891-1985-1986sojaresultados-p127-131.pdfTrabalho apresenta na XIV Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Chapecó, 1986
Reação de genótipos de triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) e de centeio (Secale cereale L.) ao BYDV-PAV, agente causal do nanismo amarelo: análise de dados do ano de 2011.
Seletividade de inseticidas aos predadores que ocorrem em soja.
bitstream/item/133674/1/ID12894-1987-1988sojaresultados-p83-87.pdfTrabalho apresentado na XVI Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Santa Maria, 1988
Multiplicação e distribuição de Baculovirus anticarsia, no Rio Grande do Sul.
bitstream/item/133828/1/ID12901-1985-1986sojaresultados-p123-124.pdfTrabalho apresentado na XIV Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Chapecó, 1986
Quench propagation and detection in the superconducting bus-bars of the ATLAS magnets
The ATLAS superconducting magnet system comprising Barrel (BT) and End-Cap Toroids (ECT) and also Central Solenoid (CS) will store more than 1.5 GJ of magnetic energy. The magnet system will have many superconducting busbars, a few meters long each, running from the current leads to Central Solenoid and Toroids as well as between the coils of each Toroid. Quench development in the busbars, i.e., the normal zone propagation process along the busbar superconductors, is slow and exhibits very low voltages. Therefore, its timely and appropriate detection represents a real challenge. The temperature evolution in the busbars under quench is of primary importance. Conservative calculations of the temperature were performed for all the magnets. Also, a simple and effective method to detect a normal zone in a busbar is presented. A thin superconducting wire, whose normal resistance can be easily detected, is placed in a good thermal contact to busbar. Thus, the wire can operate as straightforward and low-noise quench-detector. (4 refs)
The ATLAS magnet test facility at CERN
The magnet system for the ATLAS detector at CERN consists of a Barrel Toroid (BT), two End-Cap Toroids (ECT) and a Central Solenoid (CS). The overall dimensions of the system are 20 m in diameter by 26 m in length. Before underground installation all coils will be tested on surface in a magnet test facility which is under construction. Moreover two model coils are tested as well as subsystems. In this paper the design and construction of the test facility is presented. (3 refs)
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