34 research outputs found


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    The rocks from different stages of the geodynamic evolution have been preserved in the Urals. In its geologic history, the least studied is the transition period between continental rifting and the beginning of oceanic spreading. This article presents the geochemical data on the Sr-, Nd-isotopes, zircon U-Pb (SHRIMP) ages for the MesoNeoproterozoic igneous rocks and associated ores from the Bashkir meganticlinorium (BMA) on the Urals western slope. A Large Igneous Province (LIP) formed there as a result of mantle plume activity during the Middle Riphean (1380–1350 Ma). Later on (1200–1100 Ma), short-term rifting took place, as evidenced by the Nazyam graben, which was followed by the complete break-up of the continental crust. For magmatic rocks in the age range of 1750–1200 Ma, the evolition of chemical composition OIB-type → E-MORB →N-MORB is observed. The εNd(t) values for the igneous rocks and the associated BMA ores vary from negative (–6) to positive ones (+5), and thus give evidence of the lithosphere mantle depletion with time. These facts and the Sr-isotope ratios for the magmatic rocks from the subsequent evolution stages confirm that the oceanic basin to the east of the East European platform started to open at the end of the Middle Riphean. For the Vendian-Cambrian, some traces of orogenes (Timanian stage) are observed. The development of the Uralian Paleozoic ocean started in the Ordovican and continued up to the Late CarboniferousPermian.Урал – одна из немногих структур, в которой сохранились породы всех стадий геодинамической эволюции. Наименее изученным в его геологической истории является период, переходный от континентального рифтинга к океаническому спредингу. В статье представлены новые данные по геохимии, изотопии Sr и Nd, U-Pb (SHRIMP) возрасту цирконов магматических пород и связанных с ними руд Башкирского мегантиклинория (западный склон Южного Урала), имеющих мезонеопротерозойский возраст. В среднем рифее (1380–1350 млн лет) здесь была сформирована крупная изверженная провинция (LIP) как возможный результат активности мантийного плюма. Затем (около 1100 млн лет) имел место полный разрыв континентальной коры, и краткое время существовала рифтовая структура (Назямский грабен). Для магматических пород с возрастом 1750–1100 млн лет фиксируется геохимическая эволюция составов: OIB →E-MORB→ N-MORB. При этом εNd изменяется от отрицательных (–6) до положительных значений (+5), указывая на обеднение литосферной мантии со временем. Эти факты, наряду с поведением изотопов Sr для пород всех последующих стадий эволюции Урала, указывают на то, что океаническое пространство к востоку от Восточно-Европейской платформы открылось в конце среднего рифея. В венде – кембрии присутствуют признаки орогенных событий (Тиманский этап). С ордовика началось развитие Уральского палеозойского океана, существовавшего до верхнего карбона – ранней перми

    Определение фоновых изотопных отношений биодоступного стронция для рудника бронзового века новотемирский

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    To assess the mobility and provenance of ancient populations, it is necessary to compare their 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios with the local bioavailable strontium baseline (background), characteristic of each specific location or potential provenance region of an individual or artifact. Its definition requires a comprehensive approach to the analysis of heterogeneous samples («proxies») characterizing the ecosystem of the archaeological site under study, the identification of the most suitable proxies, as well as the unification and standardization of the sampling and analytic protocols. A pilot study is presented devoted the definition of the local range of bioavailable strontium by the example of the Novotemirskiy Bronze Age mine (Southern Urals). 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios were determined in surface and underground water, bedrock (serpentinite), clay from the mine wall, and steppe polecat’s bone, as well as in grass and a bivalve shell from the lake. The lowest range of strontium isotope ratios relative to each other is characteristic of surface and groundwater, shell and grass, which allows them to be used to determine the combined baseline of bioavailable strontium. Multi-proxy (surface and underground water, grass and a bivalve shell) local bioavailable strontium baseline for the Novotemirskiy ancient mine (Southern Urals) is 0,7096 ± 0,0003 (2σ, n = 5). © 2021 Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology. All rights reserved.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ, проект No 20-18-00402 «Миграции человеческих коллективов и индивидуальная мобильность в рамках мультидисциплинарного анализа археологической информации (бронзовый век Южного Урала)», в ЮУрГУ (НИУ) (Д. В. Киселева – геохимическая интерпретация, П. С. Анкушева – археологическая документация и аналитика; Т. Г. Окунева, А. В. Касьянова – измерения проб и стандартных образцов; Е. С. Шагалов, М. Н. Анкушев – отбор проб и геологическая характеристика)


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    The elemental and mineral composition of the coloring pigment of the Dvuglazy Kamen pre-historic pictograph was studied by the Raman spectroscopy and SEM-EDS. The pigment contains hematite (the most probable mineral component of the paint), gypsum and anhydrite, as well as weddellite.Работа выполнена в ЦКП УрО РАН «Геоаналитик» в рамках темы № АААА-А18-118053090045-8 государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН и при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-09-00194 А


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    87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios are widely used to identify strontium sources and study strontium behaviour in (bio)geochemical cycles. 87Sr/86Sr in surface waters can reflect the average composition of bioavailable (i.e. available for further absorption by plants and animals) strontium in the catchment specific area. Based on those 87Sr/86Sr ratios, the regional maps of the bioavailable strontium distribution (strontium isoscapes) can be compiled. A complex block structure characterizes the Ural mountain system. Individual parts (blocks) are composed of rocks of various ages, genesis and geochemical characteristics, which can radically change at a distance of several tens of kilometres. Such variability would be reflected in strontium isotopic ratios, thus making it possible to determine the local isotopic signatures of bioavailable strontium. This work aimed to study 87Sr/86Sr in the water in the rivers of the Southern Urals. We determined the contents and isotopic ratios of strontium in river water samples collected from the territories of the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2019-2020. For the first time in the surface water of the rivers in the Southern Urals (Ural, Belaya, Tobol, Karagaily-Ayat, Sim, and others), the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios have been determined, and their variations have been analyzed. 87Sr/86Sr values vary in the range 0.70666-0.71063 (average 0.70908) for the rivers of the Urals basin, 0.70749-0.71058 (average 0.70924) for the Kama-Volga basin, 0.70946-0.71176 (average 0.71071) for the Tobol basin. Such features of the strontium isotopic composition may be due to the influence of underlying rocks of the catchment area drained by river water. The data obtained can be used to identify the sources of strontium input into the water system during hydrological and environmental studies; to confirm the authenticity of food products of plant and animal origin; to carry out comparisons in the studies of the migration of ancient people and animals, as well as to determine the raw material areas for the production of vegetable and woollen textiles and wooden products in antiquity. © 2022 Institute of the Earth's Crust. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 20-09-00194; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-680The study is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 20-09-00194) and performed within the state task of the IGG UB RAS АААА-А18-118053090045-8 at the "Geoanalitik" shared research facilities of the IGG UB RAS. The re-equipment and comprehensive development of the "Geoanalitik" shared research facilities of the IGG UB RAS is financially supported by the grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement 075-15-2021-680).FUNDING: The study is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 20-09-00194) and performedwithin the state task of the IGG UB RAS АААА-А 猃稁猃猃稃爃眃甃爃? 爃爃瘃省稀 at the 㘀Geoana?itik 㘀 shared research faci?ities of the IGG UB RAS. The re-equipment and comprehensive deve?opment of the 㘀Geoana?itik 㘀 shared research faci?ities of the IGG UB RAS is 퀀inancia??y supported by the grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement 075-15-2021-680)


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    The study is devoted to the investigation of distribution of heavy metals and metalloids (HMM) in the water-soluble soil fraction of soil samples collected over the territory of the Orenburg Region. HMM are analyzed by ICP-MS, and their environmental-geochemical indices are calculated and discussed.Работа выполнена в ЦКП УрО РАН «Геоаналитик» в рамках темы № 123011800012-9 государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН


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    The study is devoted to the development of the analytical methodology for elemental and Sr isotopic composition by Q-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS of wines in order to their further authentication and determination of the geographical origin by the example of Russian wines.Работа выполнена в ЦКП УрО РАН «Геоаналитик» в рамках темы № 123011800012-9 государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН


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    The article deals with a complex study of the materials obtained during archaeological excavation of the kurgan Novopokrovka 16 in the middle Irtysh river basin (Omsk region). The site, which is attributed to the Sargat culture (5th century BC – second half of the 3rd centuryAD), was located farmost on the right bank of the river Irtysh, nearby the group of “Princely kurgans”. Despite almost total disturbance by robbers and agricultural activity, common scholars’ efforts demonstrate high informative capacity of the multidisciplinary approach, while modern level of undertaken research is not just being declared but enables to reconstruct seemingly lost information. The kurgan erection stages and mound structure features have been decoded using the results of a geophysical survey and soil morphology data. The paleoanthropological study of the incomplete skeletal remains does not support multiple or inlet interment inside the central grave, and provides sexing and aging of the buried individuals as well as some paleopathological observations. Apart from species examination, archaeozoological data testify that a warm period from spring to early autumn was the season of animal slaughter. Characteristics of mortuary rituals and direction of intercultural contacts of the ancient forest-steppe groups have been completed by new details based on the results of strontium isotope analyses (dental enamel of humans and animals) and evidence non-local origin of the individual buried under the excavated kurgan, what is different from local origin of horses butchered for funereal feasts. The proposed hypothesis supports previously suggested archaeological, paleoanthropological and paleogenetic facts on the origin of the forest-steppe population, indicating an involvement of various population groups with notable external components. Based on the archaeological materials, the kurgan under study might be dated back to mid-4th – 3rd centuries BC. © 2023 The Author(s).Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-680The article was prepared in the framework of the state orders No. 121102500121-8, 123011800012-9, 1021061810416-7, АААА-А19-119013090163-2, RFBR grant No. 21-59-23003. Sr isotopic analyses were obtained in the Geoanalitik shared research facilities of the IGG UB RAS, whose re-equipment and comprehensive development is supported by a grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement No. 075-15-2021-680)

    Comparative assessment of efficiency ultrasonic and sound methods of activation irrigational solution in root channels with simple and difficult anatomy (pilot study)

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    The article presents a comparison of the effectiveness of ultrasonic and sound methods of activation of the solution at the stage of final irrigation.В статье представлено сравнение эффективности ультразвукового и звукового методов активации раствора на этапе финишной ирригации

    Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination of Surface Waters, Soils and Plants in the Orenburg Region

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    Microelement analysis of surface waters, soils and plants from the Orenburg region was carried out. For V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, and Pb a comparison was made with the threshold limit values in drinking water, and the enrichment factors were calculated.Работа поддержана РФФИ (проект № 20-09-00194) и выполнена в ЦКП «Геоаналитик» ИГГ УрО РАН в рамках темы № АААА-А18-118053090045-8 государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН. Дооснащение и комплексное развитие ЦКП «Геоаналитик» ИГГ УрО РАН осуществляется при финансовой поддержке гранта Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Соглашение № 075-15-2021-680


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    87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios are widely used to identify strontium sources and study strontium behaviour in(bio)geochemical cycles. 87Sr/86Sr in surface waters can reflect the average composition of bioavailable (i.e. available forfurther absorption by plants and animals) strontium in the catchment specific area. Based on those 87Sr/86Sr ratios, theregional maps of the bioavailable strontium distribution (strontium isoscapes) can be compiled. A complex block structurecharacterizes the Ural mountain system. Individual parts (blocks) are composed of rocks of various ages, genesis andgeochemical characteristics, which can radically change at a distance of several tens of kilometres. Such variability wouldbe reflected in strontium isotopic ratios, thus making it possible to determine the local isotopic signatures of bioavailablestrontium.This work aimed to study 87Sr/86Sr in the water in the rivers of the Southern Urals. We determined the contents andisotopic ratios of strontium in river water samples collected from the territories of the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regionsand the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2019–2020.For the first time in the surface water of the rivers in the Southern Urals (Ural, Belaya, Tobol, Karagaily-Ayat, Sim, andothers), the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios have been determined, and their variations have been analyzed. 87Sr/86Sr values varyin the range 0.70666–0.71063 (average 0.70908) for the rivers of the Urals basin, 0.70749–0.71058 (average 0.70924)for the Kama-Volga basin, 0.70946–0.71176 (average 0.71071) for the Tobol basin. Such features of the strontium isotopiccomposition may be due to the influence of underlying rocks of the catchment area drained by river water. The dataobtained can be used to identify the sources of strontium input into the water system during hydrological and environmentalstudies; to confirm the authenticity of food products of plant and animal origin; to carry out comparisons in thestudies of the migration of ancient people and animals, as well as to determine the raw material areas for the productionof vegetable and woollen textiles and wooden products in antiquity.Изотопные отношения стронция 87Sr/86Sr широко используются для выявления источниковстронция и исследования его поведения в (био)геохимических циклах, а в поверхностных водах они могут отражатьусредненный состав биодоступного (доступного для дальнейшего поглощения растениями и животными)стронция на конкретной территории водосбора, на основании чего могут быть составлены региональные картыраспределения биодоступного стронция (Sr изоскейпы). Уральская горная система характеризуется блочнойструктурой, отдельные части (блоки) которой сложены разнообразными по возрасту, генезису и геохимическимособенностям горными породами, которые могут радикально изменяться на расстоянии нескольких десятковкилометров. Такая вариативность будет отражаться и в изотопных отношениях стронция, что позволит с достаточновысокой точностью определить локальные метки биодоступного стронция.Целью работы являлось исследование изотопных отношений стронция 87Sr/86Srв воде ряда рек Южного Урала.В образцах речной воды, отобранных в 2019–2020 гг. с территорий Оренбургской и Челябинской областей и РеспубликиБашкортостан, определены содержания (квадрупольная масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связаннойплазмой) и изотопные отношения стронция (мультиколлекторная масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связаннойплазмой и термоионизационная масс-спектрометрия после хроматографического выделения стронция).Впервые в поверхностной воде ряда рек Южного Урала (Урал, Белая, Тобол, Карагайлы-Аят, Сим и др.) определеныизотопные отношения 87Sr/86Sr и проанализированы их вариации. Для рек бассейна р. Урал значения87Sr/86Sr варьируются в диапазоне 0.70666–0.71063 (среднее 0.70908), для бассейна р. Кама – 0.70749–0.71058(среднее 0.70924), для бассейна р. Тобол – 0.70946–0.71176 (среднее 0.71071). Подобные особенности изотопногосостава стронция могут быть обусловлены типом подстилающих горных пород водосбора, дренируемых речнойводой. Полученные данные могут быть использованы для выявления источников поступления стронция в воднуюсистему при гидрологических и экологических исследованиях, для подтверждения аутентичности пищевыхпродуктов растительного и животного происхождения, для проведения сопоставлений при исследованияхмиграций древних людей и животных, а также для определения сырьевых ареалов для производства растительногои шерстяного текстиля, деревянных изделий в древности