19 research outputs found


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    Supposing the electrochemical nature of the interaction of reducing gas (CO) with oxide melt containing transition metal ions, a kinetic equation is derived for calculation of the reduction process rate taking physical and chemical properties of the contacting phases. Satisfactory agreement between the calculated and experimental data is shown by the example of interaction of the CaO–SiO2–Al2O3 system melt, which contains up to 6.0 wt.% MenOm (NiO, CoO, Cu2O), blasted by gas phase of partial pressure РCO = (0,4÷5,0)·102 MPa at Т = 1623 K.В предположении электрохимической природы взаимодействия газа-восстановителя (СО) с оксидным расплавом, содержащим ионы металлов переходной группы, выведено кинетическое уравнение для расчета скорости восстановительного процесса, учитывающее физико-химические свойства контактирующих фаз. На примере взаимодействия оксидного расплава системы СаО–SiO2–Al2O3, содержащего до 6,0 мас.% MenOm (NiO, CoO, Cu2O), обдуваемого газовой фазой с парциальным давлением РСО = (0,4÷5,0)·102 МПа при Т = 1623 К показано удовлетворительное согласие расчетных и экспериментальных данных

    Radiological background of transverse flatfoot

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    The article deals the data of radiological indicators of deformity of the forefoot in 68 patients (91 feet), and determined the degree of transverse flatfoot, based on the average-normal indicators: M1M2, M1P1, M1M5. The dependence of the degree of valgus deviation of the first finger on the angle of inclination of the articular surfaces of the medial sphenoid bone and the first metatarsophalangeal joint (M1C1) was also revealed.В статье рассмотрены данные рентгенологических показателей деформации переднего отдела стопы у 68 пациентов (на 91 стопе), и определены степени поперечного плоскостопия, исходя из средненормальных показателей: М1М2 ,М1Р1, М1М5. Также выявлена зависимость степени вальгусного отклонения первого пальца от угла наклона суставных поверхностей медиальной клиновидной кости и первого плюснефалангового сустава (М1С1)

    Маркеры почечного повреждения, липидного обмена и карбонильного стресса у пациентов с сахарным диабетом I типа и разным уровнем альбуминурии

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    The aim of this work was to study the levels of podocalyxin and β-2-microglobulin and parameters of lipid metabolism and carbonyl stress in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients with different levels of albuminuria.Materials and methods. 56 men of reproductive age with T1DM were divided into two groups: 24 patients with stage A1 albuminuria (group A1) and 32 patients with stage A2 albuminuria (group A2). The control group consisted of 28 healthy men. The levels of renal function markers, lipid metabolism parameters, and methylglyoxal were assessed using enzyme immunoassay and spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods.Results. Higher values for total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and very-low-density lipoprotein medians in both groups A1 and A2 were found. In these groups, increased podocalyxin and methylglyoxal medians were revealed. Correlation analysis in the group A1 showed the presence of a relationship between the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and creatinine. In the group A2, correlations between the generally accepted parameters of kidney injury (the albumin / creatinine ratio and GFR) and the duration of the disease and between GFR and the creatinine and methylglyoxal levels in the blood were identified. The podocalyxin level in this group correlated with the β2- microglobulin and methylglyoxal levels and lipid metabolism parameters. The level of β2-microglobulin correlated with the lipid metabolism parameters.Conclusion. Regardless of the level of albuminuria, men with T1DM had significantly increased levels of podocalyxin, lipid metabolism parameters, and methylglyoxal, as well as strong relationships between these parameters. The data of this study can be used for development of potential strategies for prevention and early treatment of diabetic nephropathy.Цель – изучение уровня подокаликсина, β-2-микроглобулина, показателей липидного обмена и карбонильного стресса у пациентов с сахарным диабетом (СД) I типа и разным уровнем альбуминурии.Материалы и методы. Проведено обследование 56 мужчин репродуктивного возраста с СД I типа, разделенных на две группы: 24 пациента с альбуминурией стадии А1 (группа А1) и 32 – с альбуминурией стадии А2 (группа А2). Контрольную группу составили 28 здоровых мужчин. Оценивался уровень почечных маркеров, компонентов липидного обмена и метилглиоксаля (МГ) с использованием иммуноферментных, спектрофотометрических и флюорометрических методов.Результаты. Установлены более высокие значения медиан общего холестерина, триацилглицеридов и липопротеидов очень низкой плотности в обеих группах с СД I типа. В данных группах отмечались также повышенные значения медианы подокаликсина и основного показателя карбонильного стресса – МГ. Проведенный корреляционный анализ в группе А1 показал наличие зависимости уровня скорости клубочковой фильтрации (СКФ) и креатинина. В группе А2 отмечались связи общепринятых показателей почечного повреждения (соотношения альбумин/креатинин и СКФ) с длительностью заболевания, показателя СКФ с уровнем креатинина и МГ. Уровень подокаликсина в данной группе коррелировал с уровнем β2-микроглобулина, МГ, показателей липидного обмена; β2-микроглобулин имел взаимосвязи с параметрами липидного обмена.Заключение. У мужчин с СД I типа вне зависимости от уровня альбуминурии отмечаются значительно более высокий уровень подокаликсина, увеличенные показатели липидного обмена и МГ, а также наличие тесных взаимосвязей между этими параметрами, что может быть использовано для разработки потенциальных стратегий профилактики и ранней терапии диабетической нефропатии

    Paper for the 2005 PAA Annual meeting

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    Mortality crisis in Russia was discussed many times in the scientific literature. However little attention was paid to the problems of the quality of mortality statistics in Russia, which is rapidly deteriorating. During the first half of 1990s mortality from such cause as "injuries undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted" grew with particularly rapid pace. In this study we tested a hypothesis that mortality from violent causes of death (particularly in middle-aged men from marginal social groups) is concealed using death codes from the class "Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions" (ICD-9). Reported mortality from this group of causes increased 6-fold for males and 9-fold for females in 1989-2002. This hypothesis of concealing criminal cases of violent deaths under the mask of ill-defined conditions was confirmed using case study of death certificates from the Kirov region of Russia. It is likely that mortality from violent causes in Russia is significantly underestimated by the official statistics

    Verification of cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    The article presents a case study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a child. The patient stayed for several months in a leishmaniasis endemic area - in Tajikistan. This case is interesting from the point of view of verification of the infection that is not endemic in Russia


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    Aim:  to evaluate efficiency and safety of the combined antihypertensive drug Lozap Plus (50 mg losartan, 12,5 mg hydrochlorothiazide) in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) of I-III grade with high and very high cardiovascular risk. Material and methods: 30 patients with AH of I-III grade (13 men and 17 women aged 51.9±1.9) were observed. Patients received Lozan Plus (Zentiva, Czech Republic) 1 time in the morning during 12 weeks. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), echocardiography, biochemical blood analysis were carried out, microalbuminuria (MA) was determined, quality of life was assessed. Results: After 2 weeks of therapy decrease in office systolic blood pressure (BP) was observed, and after 4 weeks - in diastolic BP. After 12 weeks of treatment decrease in BP became more significant. Target systolic and diastolic BP was reached in 83.3% and 90% of patients respectively. Decrease in systolic BP was observed in 24 hrs. (from 141.9±1.9 to 128.6±0.8 mmHg, p<0.001), in daytime (from 146.8±2.6 to 135.8±1.0 mmHg, p<0.01) and in nighttime (from 131.5±1.9 to 118.8±1.9 mmHg, p<0.001). Diastolic BP also decreased: in 24 hrs. (from 91.7±1.8 to 78.7±1.6 mmHg, p<0.05), in daytime (from 94.3±1.3 to 85.0±1.2 mmHg, p<0.05) and in nighttime (from 83.5±2.0 to 71.2±1.7 mmHg, p<0.01). Daily variability of BP, time index of BP and morning BP rise (from 37.6±2.0 to 23.9±1.9 mmHg, p<0.001) reduced. Normalization of daily profile of BP was observed in the majority of patients after 12 weeks of Lozap Plus therapy. Treatment resulted in reduction of number of patients with myocardial hypertrophy (from 50% to 30%, p<0.01), and of patients with diastolic dysfunction of left ventricle (from 43.3% to 30%, p<0.05). Therapy with Lozap Plus during 12 weeks was followed by decrease in MA from 56.7±1.1 mg/l to 9.0±0.5 mg/l. Lozap Plus demonstrated metabolic safety by assessing carbohydrate, lipid, nitric and electrolyte blood parameters. Increase in quality of life was observed by week 12 of treatment. Conclusion: Lozap Plus is efficient antihypertensive drug providing cardio- and nephroprotection, which doesn’t cause metabolic disturbances and improves quality of life of hypertensive patients


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    Aim. To study influence of mildronate (M) on treatment efficiency of patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD), receiving standard antianginal therapy (AAT)Materials and methods. Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was carried out in parallel groups. All patients continued the earlier prescribed AAT without changes. After control period (10-14 days) was over, randomization of patients either to the treatment group (M 500mg twice per day), or to the control group (placebo (Pl) twice per day) was made for 6 weeks therapy. Criterion of treatment efficiency: increase in duration of trial with burden on treadmill (TB), decrease in angina attack frequency (AA) and reduction in nitroglycerin taking (NTT). TB was carried out at the beginning (TB-1), at the end of the control period (TB-2), and at the end of the treatment (TB-3).Results. TB-1 and TB-2 had good reproducibility, their duration didn’t differ. At the end of the treatment additionally with M, growth in duration of TB-3 (p=0,002) was registered, while there was no growth of TB duration with the Pl treatment (p=0,07). During the treatment decrease in AA number both with M (p=0,002), and with Pl (p=0,02) was noted. With M treatment decrease in NTT treatment (p=0.02) was observed, while NTT with Pl didn’t change (p=0,7). Number of side effects, registered with M and Pl, didn’t differ.Conclusion. Mildronate provides additional benefits for patients with IHD with stable burden angina, when they do not reach desired effect with the prescribed AAT

    Bladder cancer: treatment after progression. Results of the second retrospective analysis of data on the efficacy of vinflunin in patients with metastatic urothelial cancer in real clinical practice in Russia

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    Objective. There is the second generalized analysis of administration of vinflunine in real clinical practice in Russia.Materials and methods. This analysis gathered 15 patients with urothelial carcinoma treated using this medicine in 8 cancer centers in Russia. We assessed efficacy, safety profile of vinflunine in this subset of patients.Results. Clinical efficacy of vinflunine (complete response + partial response + stable disease) was 73.3 %, one patient demonstrated complete response. Median of response duration accounts for 3.8 months. Six-month and 1-year survival rate made up 93.3 %. Adverse events were observed in 53.5 %, with only one episode of neutropenia 4 grade.Conclusion. In our second analysis vinflunine was more effective than in randomized clinical trial and other studies from real practice in Europe. Thus, we confirm expediency to administer of vinflunine for metastatic urothelial carcinoma