114 research outputs found

    Future Developments and Applications of the Vaccines against Dangerous Viral Infections, RNA-Replicon-Based, Obtained from the Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus

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    The members of the Filoviridae (Marburg and Ebola viruses) and Arenaviridae (Lassa, Lujo, Machupo, Junin, Guanarito, Sabia viruses) families are the etiological agents of particularly dangerous viral hemorrhagic fevers. These agents pose a potential threat to public health care in view of the possibility of their unintended import into the non-endemic regions, and thus construction of specific medical protectors as regards induced by them diseases is a pressing issue. According to leading experts, vaccination of the cohorts that fall in the risk groups is the most effective and least expensive method to prevent the development of epidemics. The review contains information on a new prospective line of protective preparations development as regards particularly dangerous viral infections - construction of alphavirus-replicon-based vaccine. Elaboration of recombinant replicons does not require cultivation of pathogenic microorganisms. RNA-replicons are distinguished by their incapacity to produce infective progeny, which is of a great importance for the development of vaccines against particularly dangerous viral hemorrhagic fevers. Advantages of alphaviral replicons over other RNA-replicons are as follows: high levels of heterologous gene expression and resistance to anti-vector immunity. RNA-replicons of alphaviruses combine the safety of inactivated, and immunogenicity of live attenuated vaccines. Alphaviruses-based replicons are suitable for express vaccine development with the purpose of specific prophylaxis of viral infectious diseases

    Association of polymorphisms of genes SLC30A8 and MC4R with the prognosis of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has reached epidemic proportions and it is estimated to affect over 400 million people worldwide. Moreover, the incidence of diabetes is expected to continue to rise and it is projected to affect nearly one of the three individuals by the year 2050. These alarming projections suggest that there is an urgent need for the development and implementation of novel prevention and treatment strategies to combat the rise in T2DM.AIM: To study the possibility of using polymorphisms of genes SLC30A8 and MC4R as markers for predicting the development of T2D in the population of Novosibirsk.MATERIALS AND METHODS: On the basis of prospective follow-up of a representative population sample of residents of Novosibirsk (The HAPIEE Project), 2 groups were formed according to the “case-control” principle (case — people who had diabetes mellitus 2 over 10 years of follow-up, and control — people who did not developed disorders of carbohydrate metabolism). T2D group (n = 443, mean age 56.2 ± 6.7 years, men — 29.6%, women — 70.4%), control group (n = 532, mean age 56.1 ± 7.1 years, men — 32.7%, women — 67.3%). DNA was isolated by phenol-chloroform extraction. Genotyping was performed by the method of polymerase chain reaction with subsequent analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism, polymerase chain reaction in real time. Statistical processing was carried out using the SPSS 16.0 software package.RESULTS: Genotype TT rs13266634 of the SLC30A8 gene was associated with the risk of developing T2D (relative risk — RR 1.51, 95% confidence interval — CI 1.11–2.05, p =0.008). The CC genotype rs13266634 of the SLC30A8 gene was associated with a protective effect against T2D (RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.35–0.92, p=0.026). No significant effect of rs17782313 of the MC4R gene on the risk of developing T2D was found.CONCLUSION: The rs13266634 polymorphism of the SLC30A8 gene confirmed its association with the prognosis of the development of T2D, which indicates the possibility of considering it as a candidate for inclusion in a diabetes risk score. The association between polymorphisms rs17782313 of the MC4R gene and the prognosis of the development of T2D was not found

    Epidemiological Situation on Natural Focal Infectious Diseases of Bacterial and Viral Etiology in 2012 in the Territory of Siberia and Far East, and Prognosis for 2013

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    Analyzed is the incidence rate as regards natural focal infections of bacterial and viral etiology. Displayed is the data on the performed laboratory diagnostics of these infections in the territory of Siberia and Far East in 2012 and forecast of the epidemiological situation development in 2013. Analysis is carried out based on the data received by the Reference Center for surveillance over natural focal infections at the Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute, from Rospotrebnadzor Institutions of Siberian, Far-Eastern and Ural Federal districts, as well as reviews and prognoses on the current state of natural foci of infections available from Altay, Tuva, Chita, Khabarovsk and Primorsk plague control stations

    Assessment of Epizootiological-Epidemiological Situation on Natural Focal Infections in Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin Territory of the Sakhalin Region

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    Objective of the work was to carry out complex assessment of the current state of epizootic activity and epidemiological significance of the infectious disease natural foci in the Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin territory of the Sakhalin Region. Trapped were 56 samples of small mammals in July, 2010; collected were 180 specimens of taiga tick imago, caught were 1000 specimens of mosquitoes. 223 samples of blood sera were taken from residents of the region. All the field data were tested to detect specific antibodies, antigens and genetic material of agents. Based on the results of epizootiological investigations, serological and molecular-genetic assays, demonstrated was the occurence of natural foci of leptospirosis, tularemia, tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis, rickettsiosis, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, human monocytic ehrlichiosis, West Nile fever, Inco fever, Batai and Geto fevers, as well as HFRS with varying degree of activity manifestation in the territory of the region. Isolated was tick-borne encephalitis virus from mosquitoes

    Results of Immunological Screening for Natural-Focal and «Exotic» Infectious Diseases among Certain Population Groups of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Region

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    Displayed are the results of examination of immuno-competent local population of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Amur Region, as well as foreign residents living and temporarily working in the areas, on a wide range of natural-focal bacterial and viral infectious diseases including the causative agents of some “exotic” infections too. Investigations have been carried out with the participation of experts from the specialized anti-epidemic team No. 1 (Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute), who worked in the Amur Region, and a group of laboratory-epidemiological specialists from the team No. 2 - deployed in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region during the flooding in August-September 2013. The total of 1335 blood sera samples has been tested using serological methods. The findings have revealed the presence of immuno-competent population in the three regions of the Far Eastern Federal district in reference to the agents of natural-focal infectious diseases: tularemia, leptospirosis, yersinioses, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, tick-borne borrelioses, tick-borne viral encephalitis, Californian encephalitis serogroup, Sindbis, West Nile and Dengue fevers. Circulation of Batai and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses has not been revealed based on serological assays

    Анализ ключевых компонентов реабилитационного диагноза у пациентов с инсультом в острейшую фазу

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    Introduction. There are key problems that limit patients’ functioning in the period after insult. The content of these problems determines the structure of multidisciplinary team.The objective of the study was to describe key problems that limited patients’ functioning in the period after insult and determine the structure of multidisciplinary team for resolving these problems efficiently.Material and methods. The study was observational. The sample size was 81 patients. Inclusion criteria: acute phase of post ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke (0–14 days after onset), mRs score 2 and more at admission to the hospital, the age over 18 years. Exclusion criteria: patients with transient ischemic attack, subarachnoid haemorrhage, Glasgow coma scale 2 and more at admission to the hospital. All patients – research participants received medical care in according to clinical guidelines, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation. In the course of rehabilitation, the first and second key problems that limited patients’ functioning in the period after insult were dedicated in each patient. We also investigated these problems and explored, which specialists must have been included in the structure of multidisciplinary team.Results. The key problems were non-medical in 24 % cases, poor exercise capacity were presented in 27 % cases, environment issues – 6 % cases, swallowing and speech disorders – 17 %, nursery problems – 4 %. The next specialists were needed to resolve the key problems: psychologist – 38 % cases, physical therapist– 69 % cases, occupational therapist – 28 % cases, neurologist – 27 % cases, physical medicine and rehabilitation physician – 27 % cases.Conclusion. Medical (rehabilitation physician, specialist, nurse) and non-medical specialists (occupational therapist, physical therapist, psychologist, logopaedist, etc.) must have been included in multidisciplinary team.Введение. У пациентов с инсультом в реабилитационном периоде обнаруживаются ключевые проблемы, ограничивающие функционирование. Характер ключевых проблем определяет потребность определенных специалистов в составе мультидисциплинарной бригады (МДБ).Цель исследования. Описать ключевые проблемы, ограничивающие функционирование пациентов с инсультом и определить какие специалисты должны входить в состав МДБ.Материалы и методы. Исследование наблюдательное. Размер выборки 81 человек. В выборку включены пациенты в острейшем периоде ишемического или геморрагического инсульта, с оценкой по модифицированной шкале Рэнкина 2 и более балла при поступлении в стационар, возрастом старше 18 лет. В выборку намерено не включались пациенты с изолированной транзиторной ишемической атакой, изолированным субарахноидальным кровоизлиянием, с уровнем сознания при поступлении кома 2 и более. Пациентам – участникам исследования оказана медицинская помощь в соответствии с имеющимися рекомендациями, проведена мультидисциплинарная реабилитация. В ходе реабилитации у каждого пациента выделены первая и вторая ключевая проблемы, ограничивающие функционирование.Результаты. Ключевые проблемы носили немедицинский характер в 24% случаев, снижение толерантности к физической нагрузке – 27% случаев, проблемы со средой – 6% случаев, нарушения глотания и речи – 17% случаев, проблемы сестринского характера – 4% случаев. Для решения ключевых проблем требовалось участие психолога в 38% случаев, физического терапевта – в 69% случаев, эрготерапевта – в 28% случаев, невролога – в 27% случаев, врача-реабилитолога – в 27% случаев.Заключение. В состав мультидисциплинарной бригады должны входить специалисты медицинского (врач-реабилитолог, профильный специалист, медицинская сестра) и немедицинского профиля (эрготерапевт, физический терапевт, психолог, логопед, и др.)

    Phase Behavior of Aqueous Na-K-Mg-Ca-CI-NO3 Mixtures: Isopiestic Measurements and Thermodynamic Modeling

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    A comprehensive model has been established for calculating thermodynamic properties of multicomponent aqueous systems containing the Na{sup +}, K{sup +}, Mg{sup 2+}, Ca{sup 2+}, Cl{sup -}, and NO{sub 3}{sup -} ions. The thermodynamic framework is based on a previously developed model for mixed-solvent electrolyte solutions. The framework has been designed to reproduce the properties of salt solutions at temperatures ranging from the freezing point to 300 C and concentrations ranging from infinite dilution to the fused salt limit. The model has been parameterized using a combination of an extensive literature database and new isopiestic measurements for thirteen salt mixtures at 140 C. The measurements have been performed using Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) previously designed gravimetric isopiestic apparatus, which makes it possible to detect solid phase precipitation. Water activities are reported for mixtures with a fixed ratio of salts as a function of the total apparent salt mole fraction. The isopiestic measurements reported here simultaneously reflect two fundamental properties of the system, i.e., the activity of water as a function of solution concentration and the occurrence of solid-liquid transitions. The thermodynamic model accurately reproduces the new isopiestic data as well as literature data for binary, ternary and higher-order subsystems. Because of its high accuracy in calculating vapor-liquid and solid-liquid equilibria, the model is suitable for studying deliquescence behavior of multicomponent salt systems

    Structural, thermal and optical properties of elpasolite-like (NH4)2KZrF7

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    New fluoride compound (NH4)2KZrF7 with the elpasolite structure (sp. gr. Fm-3m) was synthesized by partial cationic substitution in (NH4)3ZrF7 cryolite. Due to small difference in ionic radii of K+ and NH+ , non-equivalent crystallographic positions 8c and 4b are occupied by both cations. Investigations of thermal, optical and structural properties in a wide range of temperature revealed two phase transitions Fm-3m ↔ P42/ncm ↔ P42/nmc of the first order. The results obtained are discussed in comparison with the data for the previously studied related cryolite (NH4)3ZrF