8 research outputs found

    Gender Factor in Associative Links of Words: Dictionary and Distributive-Semantic Model Data

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    The aim of the work is to make a comparative analysis of the associative links of full-meaning words from the upper zone of the frequency list, compiled on the basis of a research corpus of blog texts in Russian, in a psycholinguistic experiment and the distributivesemantic model Global Vectors (GloVe), trained on this corpus. The relevance of the work is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the psychologically relevant meaning of the word. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that such an analysis is carried out taking into account the gender factor of the respondent / author of the text. The use of a set of methods for data mining (clustering, classification) and visualization of its results made it possible to establish the influence of gender on the composition of the semantic associates of the analyzed words (that is, words with close vectors in the distributive-semantic model) and the absence of such an effect in their associates recorded in the associative dictionary. As the study showed, distributivesemantic models and dictionary associative norms reflect different aspects of the psychologically relevant content of the word and should be used as complementary sources when modeling the psychologically relevant meaning of the word, taking into account the individual characteristics of the speaker, while conducting such an analysis it is advisable to use data mining methods

    Моно- и коинфицированные с вирусами формы сальмонеллеза у взрослых

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    The Salmonellosis infection keeps the relevance to the present because of a wide circulation, development of heavy forms, emergence of a Bacillus carrying forms and other factors. Use of new technologies of molecular detection of virus and bacterial agents in excrements (RT-PCR and the immuno-enzyme analysis) allowed to improve detection of intestinal pathogen, and also to establish the fact of existence of the mixed forms of salmonellosis. So, at patients by salmonellosis it was succeeded to reveal a co-infесtion with the virus pathogens causing diarrhea diseases in 48,7% of cases. At patients with salmonellosis the detection of rotavirus for account of 28,7%, norovirus – 21,2% and adenovirus – 30,2%. Data of clinical and laboratory research are provided in work mono – salmonellosis form (one group of patients) and mixed form (co-infection with the rotavirus, norovirus and adenovirus) which is the second group, and the results of the comparative analysis in studied groups.Сальмонеллезная инфекция сохраняет свою актуальность по настоящее время из-за широкого распространения, нередкого развития тяжелых форм, возникновения бактерионосительства и других факторов. Использование новых технологий: иммуноферментный анализ, молекулярная детекция вирусных и бактериальных агентов в фекалиях (ОТ-ПЦР) позволило улучшить верификацию кишечных возбудителей, а также установить факт наличия смешанных форм сальмонеллеза. Так, при обследовании больных сальмонеллезом удалось выявить коинфицированность больных вирусными агентами, вызывающими диарейные заболевания в 48,7% случаев. Частота обнаружения ротавируса у больных сальмонеллезом составила 28,7%, норовируса – 21,2% и аденовируса – 30,2%. В работе приведены данные клинико-лабораторного обследования моноформы сальмонеллеза (одна группа больных) и коинфекции сальмонеллез/вирусные диареи (ротавирусы, норовирусы и аденовирусы), которая является второй группой, и результаты сравнительного анализа течения заболевания в исследуемых группах

    Bacteriophage-Resistant Mutants in Yersinia pestis: Identification of Phage Receptors and Attenuation for Mice

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    Background: Bacteriophages specific for Yersinia pestis are routinely used for plague diagnostics and could be an alternative to antibiotics in case of drug-resistant plague. A major concern of bacteriophage therapy is the emergence of phageresistant mutants. The use of phage cocktails can overcome this problem but only if the phages exploit different receptors. Some phage-resistant mutants lose virulence and therefore should not complicate bacteriophage therapy. Methodology/Principal Findings: The purpose of this work was to identify Y. pestis phage receptors using site-directed mutagenesis and trans-complementation and to determine potential attenuation of phage-resistant mutants for mice. Six receptors for eight phages were found in different parts of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inner and outer core. The receptor for R phage was localized beyond the LPS core. Most spontaneous and defined phage-resistant mutants of Y. pestis were attenuated, showing increase in LD 50 and time to death. The loss of different LPS core biosynthesis enzymes resulted in the reduction of Y. pestis virulence and there was a correlation between the degree of core truncation and the impact on virulence. The yrbH and waaA mutants completely lost their virulence. Conclusions/Significance: We identified Y. pestis receptors for eight bacteriophages. Nine phages together use at least seven different Y. pestis receptors that makes some of them promising for formulation of plague therapeutic cocktails. Most phage-resistant Y. pestis mutants become attenuated and thus should not pose a serious problem for bacteriophag


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    Treatment of chronic heart failure (CHF) often can be a rather difficult task. Proper selection of therapy and strict adherence to the recommendations is vital in these patients. Unfortunately, in practice we often encounter with free interpretation of the recommendations, which leads to tactical errors and reduce the effectiveness of treatment. This article deals with the most common tactical errors, and contains recommendations for the management of patients with CHF, which can be very useful to the practitioner.</p

    The Mono- and Coinfection Forms with Viruses of Salmonellosis at Adults

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    The Salmonellosis infection keeps the relevance to the present because of a wide circulation, development of heavy forms, emergence of a Bacillus carrying forms and other factors. Use of new technologies of molecular detection of virus and bacterial agents in excrements (RT-PCR and the immuno-enzyme analysis) allowed to improve detection of intestinal pathogen, and also to establish the fact of existence of the mixed forms of salmonellosis. So, at patients by salmonellosis it was succeeded to reveal a co-infесtion with the virus pathogens causing diarrhea diseases in 48,7% of cases. At patients with salmonellosis the detection of rotavirus for account of 28,7%, norovirus – 21,2% and adenovirus – 30,2%. Data of clinical and laboratory research are provided in work mono – salmonellosis form (one group of patients) and mixed form (co-infection with the rotavirus, norovirus and adenovirus) which is the second group, and the results of the comparative analysis in studied groups

    Essential Oils and Related Products

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