504 research outputs found

    Continuous Magnetophoretic Separation of Blood Cells from Plasma at the Microscale

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    We present a method for the direct and continuous separation of red and white blood cells from plasma at the microscale. The method is implemented in a microfluidic system with magnetic functionality. The fluidic structure within the microsystem consists of an inlet and a single microfluidic channel with multiple outlets. The magnetic functionality is provided by an array of integrated soft-magnetic elements that are embedded transverse and adjacent to the microchannel. The elements are magnetized using an external field, and once magnetized they produce a magnetic force on blood cells as they flow through the microchannel. In whole blood, white blood cells (WBCs) behave as diamagnetic microparticles, while red blood cells (RBCs) exhibit diamagnetic or paramagnetic behavior depending on the oxygenation of their hemoglobin. We study the motion of blood cells through the microchannel using a mathematical model that takes into account the magnetic, fluidic and gravitational forces on the cells. We use the model to study blood cell separation, and our analysis indicates that the microsystem is capable of separating WBC-rich plasma, deoxygenated RBC-rich plasma and cell-depleted plasma into respective outlets.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Analysis of Particle Transport in a Magnetophoretic Microsystem

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    An analytical analysis is presented of the transport and capture of magnetic micro/nano-particles in a magnetophoretic microsystem that consists of an array of integrated soft-magnetic elements embedded beneath a microfluidic channel. The elements, which are polarized by a bias field, produce a nonuniform field distribution that gives rise to a force on magnetic particles within the microchannel. The equations governing particle motion are derived using analytical expressions for the dominant magnetic and fluidic forces. The magnetic force is obtained using an analytical expression for the field distribution in the microchannel combined with a linear magnetization model for the magnetic response of particles. The theory takes into account particle size and material properties, the bias field, the dimensions of the microchannel, the fluid properties, and the flow velocity. The equations of motion are solved to study particle transport and capture. The analysis indicates that the particles exhibit an oscillatory motion as they traverse the microsystem, and that a high capture efficiency can be obtained in practice

    Resposta diferencial de genótipos de sorgo para tolerância ao alumínio em solução nutritiva.

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    Neste trabalho utilizou-se de uma tecnica de solucao nutritiva para identificar, dentre 391 linhagens de sorgo (BAG-Sorgo; 181), CNPMS: 71, SEPON/ICRISAT: 17 e Sacarino: 122, os genotipos que apresentam tolerancia ao aluminio. A avaliacao do comportamento diferencial dessas linhagens baseou-se no crescimento da raiz seminal primaria de plantas jovens de sorgo, em solucao nutritiva contendo niveis variados de Al (0,0, 2,25 e 4,5 mg de Al/1 para sorgo granifero e 0,0, 2,25 e 5,0 mg de Al/1 para sorgo sacarino). A caracteristica usada para a comparacao entre genotipos foi o Comprimento Relativo da Raiz Seminal (CRSS = CRS + AL/CRS - Al, onde CRS = comprimento da Raiz Seminal). Baseando-se na distribuicao percentual dos valores de CRRS obtidos para as diferentes linhagens e nos valores de CRRS encontrados para os materiais controles SC 298 (sensivel ao Al) e SC 283 (tolerante ao Al) tres classes de resposta ao aluminio foram definidas: Sensivel (CRRS 0,70). Dentre os materiais avaliados as seguintes linhagens apresentaram tolerancia aos niveis de 4,5 ou 5,0 mg de Al/1: IS 3625, IS 7173 C (SC 283), IS 12666, 5DX61/6/2, 3DX57/1/1910, 156-P-5-Serere-1, 9DX9/11, Brandes, MN 4004 e MN 1204

    Three-year observations of halocarbons at the Nepal Climate Observatory at Pyramid (NCO-P, 5079 m a.s.l.) on the Himalayan range

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    A monitoring programme for halogenated climate-altering gases has been established in the frame of the SHARE EV-K<sup>2</sup>-CNR project at the Nepal Climate Laboratory – Pyramid in the Himalayan range at the altitude of 5079 m a.s.l. The site is very well located to provide important insights on changes in atmospheric composition in a region that is of great significance for emissions of both anthropogenic and biogenic halogenated compounds. Measurements are performed since March 2006, with grab samples collected on a weekly basis. The first three years of data have been analysed. After the identification of the atmospheric background values for fourteen halocarbons, the frequency of occurrence of pollution events have been compared with the same kind of analysis for data collected at other global background stations. The analysis showed the fully halogenated species, whose production and consumption are regulated under the Montreal Protocol, show a significant occurrence of "above the baseline" values, as a consequence of their current use in the developing countries surrounding the region, meanwhile the hydrogenated gases, more recently introduced into the market, show less frequent spikes. <br><br> Atmospheric concentration trends have been calculated as well, and they showed a fast increase, ranging from 5.7 to 12.6%, of all the hydrogenated species, and a clear decrease of methyl chloroform (−17.7%). The comparison with time series from other stations has also allowed to derive Meridional gradients, which are absent for long living well mixed species, while for the more reactive species, the gradient increases inversely with respect to their atmospheric lifetime. The effect of long range transport and of local events on the atmospheric composition at the station has been analysed as well, allowing the identification of relevant source regions the Northern half of the Indian sub-continent. Also, at finer spatial scales, a smaller, local contribution of forest fires from the Khumbu valley has been detected

    N-isopropyl chitosan. A pH- and thermo-responsive polysaccharide for gel formation

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    The present contribution deals with the synthesis and characterization of N-isopropyl chitosan in which the introduction of hydrophobic groups leads to an increased flexibility of the polysaccharide backbone. The isopropyl groups extend the solubility of the modified-chitosan samples and render the modified chitosan a pH- and thermo-sensitive system for hydrogel formation. Indeed, upon varying the pH of the system and/or its temperature within a range compatible with biological applications, a non-reversible sol-gel transition occurs, as determined through extended rheological analyses. The modified chitosan samples show a very good biocompatibility as determined through preliminary viability and cell growth experiments

    Avaliação de linhagens, materiais comerciais e duas populações de milho para tolerância a alumínio.

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    Neste trabalho realizou-se a avaliacao da tolerancia a Al (4,5 mg.l) de 39 linhagens, 98 materiais comerciais, 167 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Maya e de 466 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Genetica, usando-se a tecnica de solucao nutritiva. Foram usadas na avaliacao as características ICR (indice de crescimento da radicula = comprimento relativo da radicula -CRR (CR+Al.CR-Al)- multiplicado por comprimento relativo da raiz secundaria mais longa - CRRSML (CRSML+Al/CRSML-Al) e CLR (comprimento liquido da radicula = diferenca entre os valores de comprimento da radicula - CR - obtidos no inicio e fim do periodo de crescimento das plantas em presenca de Al). As linhagens e as progenies da populacao IAC-Maya a de milho foram avaliadas através do ICR enquanto que os materiais comerciais e as progenies da populacao IAC-Genetica foram avaliados pelos valores de CLR. Os controles utilizados foram IAC HS1227 (tolerante a Al) e IAC HS7777 (sensivel a Al). O metodo de solucao nutritiva foi eficiente na diferenciacao da tolerancia a Al dentre os materiais testados, evidenciando a ocorrencia de ampla variabilidade genetica para essa caracteristica. As seguintes linhagens e materiais comerciais apresentaram tolerancia a Al (4,5 mg/l): Porto Rico 70. D,2, IP 38-5-3, IP 365-4-I, IA 2992-3-1-2-3, Vic 3-2-3-30-V-6, 490, 519, 532, 536-2 e 820 (linhagens) e AG 82, AG 260, AGROMEM 1022, ASGROW 1255, DINA 03S, DINA 47, IAC Hmd 7974, SS 1243 e UNICAMP 720 (materiais comerciais)

    Temporary/Permanent Dual Cross-Link Gels Formed of a Bioactive Lactose-Modified Chitosan

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    Mounting evidences have recognized that dual cross-link and double-network gels can promisingly recapitulate the complex living tissue architecture and overcome mechanical limitations of conventional scaffolds used hitherto in regenerative medicine. Here, dual cross-link gels formed of a bioactive lactose-modified chitosan reticulated via both temporary (boric acid-based) and permanent (genipin-based) cross-linkers are reported. While boric acid rapidly binds to lactitol flanking diols increasing the overall viscosity, a slow temperature-driven genipin binding process takes place allowing for network strengthening. Combination of frequency and stress sweep experiments in the linear stress\u2013strain region shows that ultimate gel strength, toughness, and viscoelasticity depend on polymer-to-genipin molar ratio. Notably, herewith it is demonstrated that linear stretching correlates with strain energy dissipation through boric acid binding/unbinding dynamics. Strain-hardening effect in the nonlinear regime, along with good biocompatibility in vitro, points at an interesting role of present system as biological extracellular matrix substitute
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