98 research outputs found

    Coulomb gap in a model with finite charge transfer energy

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    The Coulomb gap in a donor-acceptor model with finite charge transfer energy Δ\Delta describing the electronic system on the dielectric side of the metal-insulator transition is investigated by means of computer simulations on two- and three-dimensional finite samples with a random distribution of equal amounts of donor and acceptor sites. Rigorous relations reflecting the symmetry of the model presented with respect to the exchange of donors and acceptors are derived. In the immediate neighborhood of the Fermi energy μ\mu the the density of one-electron excitations g(ϵ)g(\epsilon) is determined solely by finite size effects and g(ϵ)g(\epsilon) further away from μ\mu is described by an asymmetric power law with a non-universal exponent, depending on the parameter Δ\Delta.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Transport of magnetoexcitons in single and coupled quantum wells

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    The transport relaxation time τ(P)\tau (P) and the mean free path of magnetoexcitons in single and coupled quantum wells are calculated (PP is the magnetic momentum of the magnetoexciton). We present the results for magnetoexciton scattering in a random field due to (i) quantum well width fluctuations, (ii) composite fluctuations and (iii) ionized impurities. The time τ(P)\tau(P) depends nonmonotonously on PP in the case (ii) and in the cases (i), (iii) for D/lD/l smaller than some critical value (DD is the interwell separation, l=c/eHl=\sqrt{\hbar c/eH} is the magnetic length). For D/l1D/l\gg 1 the transport relaxation time increases monotonously with PP. The magnetoexciton mean free path λ(P)\lambda (P) has a maximum at P0P\ne 0 in the cases (i), (iii). It decreases with increasing D/lD/l. The mean free path calculated for the case (ii) may have two maxima. One of them disappears with the variation of the random fields parameters. The maximum of λ(P)\lambda (P) increases with HH for types (i,iii) of scattering processes and decreases in the case (ii).Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures in EPS format; Physica Scripta (in print

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of the Dynamical Behavior of the Coulomb Glass

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    We study the dynamical behavior of disordered many-particle systems with long-range Coulomb interactions by means of damage-spreading simulations. In this type of Monte-Carlo simulations one investigates the time evolution of the damage, i.e. the difference of the occupation numbers of two systems, subjected to the same thermal noise. We analyze the dependence of the damage on temperature and disorder strength. For zero disorder the spreading transition coincides with the equilibrium phase transition, whereas for finite disorder, we find evidence for a dynamical phase transition well below the transition temperature of the pure system.Comment: 10 pages RevTeX, 8 Postscript figure

    Complex lithium ion dynamics in simulated LiPO3 glass studied by means of multi-time correlation functions

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to study the lithium jumps in LiPO3 glass. In particular, we calculate higher-order correlation functions that probe the positions of single lithium ions at several times. Three-time correlation functions show that the non-exponential relaxation of the lithium ions results from both correlated back-and-forth jumps and the existence of dynamical heterogeneities, i.e., the presence of a broad distribution of jump rates. A quantitative analysis yields that the contribution of the dynamical heterogeneities to the non-exponential depopulation of the lithium sites increases upon cooling. Further, correlated back-and-forth jumps between neighboring sites are observed for the fast ions of the distribution, but not for the slow ions and, hence, the back-jump probability depends on the dynamical state. Four-time correlation functions indicate that an exchange between fast and slow ions takes place on the timescale of the jumps themselves, i.e., the dynamical heterogeneities are short-lived. Hence, sites featuring fast and slow lithium dynamics, respectively, are intimately mixed. In addition, a backward correlation beyond the first neighbor shell for highly mobile ions and the presence of long-range dynamical heterogeneities suggest that fast ion migration occurs along preferential pathways in the glassy matrix. In the melt, we find no evidence for correlated back-and-forth motions and dynamical heterogeneities on the length scale of the next-neighbor distance.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Electronic correlation effects and the Coulomb gap at finite temperature

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    We have investigated the effect of the long-range Coulomb interaction on the one-particle excitation spectrum of n-type Germanium, using tunneling spectroscopy on mechanically controllable break junctions. The tunnel conductance was measured as a function of energy and temperature. At low temperatures, the spectra reveal a minimum at zero bias voltage due to the Coulomb gap. In the temperature range above 1 K the Coulomb gap is filled by thermal excitations. This behavior is reflected in the temperature dependence of the variable-range hopping resitivity measured on the same samples: Up to a few degrees Kelvin the Efros-Shkovskii lnRT1/2R \propto T^{-1/2} law is obeyed, whereas at higher temperatures deviations from this law are observed, indicating a cross-over to Mott's lnRT1/4R \propto T^{-1/4} law. The mechanism of this cross-over is different from that considered previously in the literature.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    On the unipolarity of charge transport in methanofullerene diodes

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    Fullerenes are electron transporting organic semiconductors with a wide range of applications. In particular, methanofullereneshave been the preferred choice for solution-processed solar cells and photodiodes. The wide applicability of fullerenes as both ‘ntype’transport materials and electron acceptors is clear. However, what is still a matter of debate is whether the fullerenes can alsosupport efficient transport of holes, particularly in diode geometries. In this letter, we utilize a number of recently developedexperimental methods for selective electron and hole mobility measurements. We show for the two most widely used solutionprocessable fullerenes, PC70- and-PC60BM, that whilst both exhibit electron mobilities as high as 10−3 cm2/Vs, their hole mobilities

    Single-particle excitations under coexisting electron correlation and disorder: a numerical study of the Anderson-Hubbard model

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    Interplay of electron correlation and randomness is studied by using the Anderson-Hubbard model within the Hartree-Fock approximation. Under the coexistence of short-range interaction and diagonal disorder, we obtain the ground-state phase diagram in three dimensions, which includes an antiferromagnetic insulator, an antiferromagnetic metal, a paramagnetic insulator (Anderson-localized insulator) and a paramagnetic metal. Although only the short-range interaction is present in this model, we find unconventional soft gaps in the insulating phases irrespective of electron filling, spatial dimensions and long-range order, where the single-particle density of states (DOS) vanishes with a power-law scaling in one dimension (1D) or even faster in two dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D) toward the Fermi energy. We call it soft Hubbard gap. Moreover, exact-diagonalization results in 1D support the formation of the soft Hubbard gap beyond the mean-field level. The formation of the soft Hubbard gap cannot be attributed to a conventional theory by Efros and Shklovskii (ES) owing the emergence of soft gaps to the long-range Coulomb interaction. Indeed, based on a picture of multivalley energy landscape, we propose a phenomenological scaling theory, which predicts a scaling of the DOS in perfect agreement with the numerical results. We further discuss a correction of the scaling of the DOS by the long-range part of the Coulomb interaction, which modifies the scaling of Efros and Shklovskii. Furthermore, explicit formulae for the temperature dependence of the DC resistivity via variable-range hopping under the influence of the soft gaps are derived. Finally, we compare the present theory with experimental results of SrRu_{1-x}Ti_xO_3.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figure