99 research outputs found


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    Introduction: one of the key aspects of the knowledge economy development is the growing significance of the results of research and development. The education and basic research play a key role in this process. Funding for education and fundamental science is carried out mainly at the expense of the state resources, including a system of foundations for scientific, engineering and innovation activities in Russia. The purpose of this article is to present recommendations for improving the tools of domestic foundations in funding fundamental research and development, including education and training. The propositions are made with a comparative analysis of the domestic and foreign science foun dations’ activities. Materials and Methods: the authors used analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, graphical analysis, generalisation and other scientific methods during the study. Results: the lack of comparability between domestic and foreign scientific funds in the volume of funding allocated for basic research and development is revealed. This situation affects the scientific research. The foreign foundations have a wide range of instruments to support research projects at all stages of the life cycle of grants for education and training prior to release of an innovative product to market (the use of “innovation elevator” system). The Russian national scientific foundations have no such possibilities. The authors guess that the Russian organisations ignore some of the instruments for supporting research and development. Use of these tools could enhance the effectiveness of research projects. According to the study of domestic and foreign experience in supporting research and development, the authors proposed a matrix composed of instruments for support in the fields of basic scientific researches and education with such phases of the project life cycle as “research” and “development”. Discussion and Conclusions: the foreign science foundations use a broader spectrum of the tools to support research and development than the domestic organisations. The authors pinpoint a number of functional instruments to support research and development and advice to Russian science-supporting institutions to use the modern tools in the activities for enhancing the ef fectiveness of researches

    Наукометрия в области социогуманитарных наук: проблемы и пути их решения

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    Scientometrics is a valuable asset in science management. However, application of scientometric indicators in the sociohumanistic sciences reveals some drawbacks. The problems of assessing researcher efficiency are analyzed and several solutions are proposed. The number of citations in the sociohumanistic sciences and STEMS are analyzed in terms of languages presented in the Web of Science. The author agrees with the expert opinion that research activities in the social sciences and the humanities cannot be correctly assessed with scientometric indicators. On the basis of the study, the author formulates the proposals on how to eliminate these problems. The study covers the wide time period (over 40 years) revealing citation trends in the social sciences, STEM and the humanities. The proposals can be applied in science management in universities and academic organizations.Наукометрия имеет высокую значимость в области управления наукой. Однако практическое применение наукометрических показателей в социогуманитарных науках выявило ряд недостатков, требующих устранения. Проанализированы проблемы, возникающие при оценке научной продуктивности исследователя, ведущего свою деятельность в области социогуманитарных наук, предложены пути их решения. Рассмотрено количество цитирований в социогуманитарных и естественно-технических науках, в том числе в разрезе языков, на которых они приведены в БД Web of Science. Подтвердилось мнение ряда экспертов научного сообщества о том, что осуществлять оценку научной деятельности в области социогуманитарных наук с использованием наукометрических показателей некорректно. Результатом работы являются предложения по устранению проблем в области применения наукометрических показателей в социогуманитарных науках. Особенность исследования – широкий временной охват при проведении анализа (более 40 лет), позволяющий точнее выявить тренды количества цитирований в социогуманитарных и естественно-технических науках. Представленные автором предложения носят прикладной характер, могут применяться в вузах и научных организациях в области управления наукой

    Simple model of the rf noise generated by multipacting electrons

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    A simplified analytical model is developed to predict the spectrum of electric current induced by the multipacting electrons between two parallel electrodes exposed to an rf voltage of fixed amplitude. The model is based on the resonant multipactor theory and makes it possible to calculate the relative spectral amplitudes of electric current at different harmonics and sub-harmonics of the applied rf frequency. The theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations of multipactor inside a rectangular waveguide. Specifically it is seen that the relative height of the spectral peaks decreases with increasing gap height

    Dynamic Nonlinear X-waves for Femtosecond Pulse Propagation in Water

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    Recent experiments on femtosecond pulses in water displayed long distance propagation analogous to that reported in air. We verify this phenomena numerically and show that the propagation is dynamic as opposed to self-guided. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the propagation can be interpreted as due to dynamic nonlinear X-waves whose robustness and role in long distance propagation is shown to follow from the interplay between nonlinearity and chromatic dispersion.Comment: 4 page

    Superoutburst of a New Sub-Period-Minimum Dwarf Nova CSS130418 in Hercules

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    Multicolour photometry of a new dwarf nova CSS130418 in Hercules, which underwent superoutburst on April 18, 2013, allow to classified it as a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova. The phase light curves for different stages of superoutburst are presented. The early superhumps were used to determine the orbital period Porb = 64.84(1) minutes, which is shorter than the period minimum ~78 minutes for normal hydrogen-rich cataclysmic variables. We found the mean period of ordinary superhumps Psh = 65.559(1) minutes. The quiescent spectrum is rich in helium, showing double peaked emissionlines of H I and He I from accretion disk, so the dwarf nova is in a late stage of stellar evolution

    Evaluation of Availability of Human, Scientific, Technological and Innovative Potential in the Context of Priorities in Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation

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    Introduction. The implementation of priorities of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation involves an assessment of the trends in the development of human, scientific, technological and innovation potential within the framework of these directions. In modern conditions of transformation of science and technology into key factors of Russian development, it is necessary to provide the country’s economy with human resources capable of withstanding “big challenges”, but at this stage there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists in many key industries that can offer a new scientific result, taking into account the prospects for its application. The purpose of the article is to develop an approach to assess the human, scientific, technological and innovative potentials in the context of priorities in the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation and its validation using the example of three priorities. Materials and Methods. The materials of this study draw on Rosstat and FSMNO ; Rospatent; Web of Science and Scopus. The object of research is to assess human, scientific, technological and innovative potential in the context of priorities in scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation. In the course of the research, a multiplicative model of the impact of the availability of human, scientific, technological and innovative capacity on labour intensity was developed. In the process of research, the following research and analysis methods were used: comparison, induction and deduction method, generalisation method, chain substitution method, logical structure study, system analysis, and special methods of statistical, comparative analysis. In the methodological plan, we used the system and process appro aches in the basis of the study. Results. The study revealed that the labour intensity in 2016 for all three priorities of the scientific and technological revolution of the Russian Federation has increased. Therefore, according to the priorities of the scientific and technological revolution of the Russian Federation, the availability of scientific, technological and innovative potential is not sufficient, which leads to a decrease in the reverse indicator of labour intensity - labour productivity in the markets within the framework of these priorities. Concerning the impact on labour intensity in all three priorities, one observes: the growth of “collaborations” in fundamental research, the applied effectiveness of scientific activity, “collaborations” of applied research; reduction in citations from scientific articles, low patent activity of engineering and technical workers, technological demand for patents. Therefore, against the background of emerging collaborative activity of actors in the process of research and development and the growth of the applied effectiveness of scientific activity, there is a low level of orientation of scientific and scientific-technical results to c ommercialisation. Discussion and Conclusions. On the basis of the multiplicative model developed by the authors for assessing the impact of the provision of human, scientific, technological and innovative capacities on labor intensity, it was tested on the example of the three priorities of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation (a, b, c). It was revealed that the labour intensity in 2016, according to the priorities of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Russian Federation, increased, and the availability of scientific, technological and innovative potential is not sufficient, which leads to a decrease in the inverse measure of labour intensity - labour productivity in high-tech markets within the framework of these priorities. Concerning the impact on labour intensity for all three priorities, it was revealed: the growth of “collaborations” of fundamental research, the applied effectiveness of scientific activity, “collaborations” of applied research; reduction in citations from scientific articles, low patent activity of engineering and technical workers, technological demand for patents. It was also revealed that against the background of the emerging collaborative activity of actors in the process of research and development and the growth of the applied effectiveness of scientific activity, there is a low level of orientation of scientific and scientific-technical results to commercialisation

    Molecular markers as tools in breeding for resistance to Potato Virus Y

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    Potato virus Y (PVY) is an economically important pathogen of potato as a vegetatively propagated crop. High resistance to all strains of PVY is determined by Ry-genes, which are introgressed into modern potato varieties from a limited number of sources of resistance ‒ Solanum stoloniferum Schlechtd. et Bche., Solanum andigenum Juz. et Buk., Solanum chacoense Bitt. Use of new species Solanum and interspecific hybrids based on them provides for the expansion of existing potato gene pool in breeding for resistance to PVY. Traditional breeding for resistance to viruses has still a great potential, though, it is a long and laborious process. Molecular markers linked to Ry-genes are widely integrated in order to increase the effectiveness of practical breeding. Previous studies have revealed a number of shortcomings in using the molecular markers of Ry-genes. To assess the predictive abilities of molecular markers RYSC3, M45, M6 of the Ryadg gene and YES3-3A of the Rysto gene for resistance to PVY, the F1 generation of two potato populations was studied, in the creation of which inter-specific hybrids were used. The nature of segregation 5:3 obtained by phenotype showed that the original parental forms can be the sources of not only previously identified, but also unidentified Ry-genes and Ny-genes of hypersensitivity. Correlation coefficient between the presence of markers and resistance to PVY was 0.64 for the YES3-3 marker (79 % matching) and 0.54 for RYSC3, М45, М6 markers (76 % matching). There have been revealed the cases of “false positive” results of the study (the presence of a marker in susceptible genotypes), which indicate to the insufficient effectiveness of the markers used. The marker segregation observed in the populations was consistent with chromatid segregation, confirming the simplex nature of Ry-genes inheritance from resistant parents. The ratio of genotypes with the presence/absence of markers was 0.86:1