8 research outputs found

    Influence of attention alternation on movement-related cortical potentials in healthy individuals and stroke patients.

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    OBJECTIVE: In this study, we analyzed the influence of artificially imposed attention variations using the auditory oddball paradigm on the cortical activity associated to motor preparation/execution. METHODS: EEG signals from Cz and its surrounding channels were recorded during three sets of ankle dorsiflexion movements. Each set was interspersed with either a complex or a simple auditory oddball task for healthy participants and a complex auditory oddball task for stroke patients. RESULTS: The amplitude of the movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) decreased with the complex oddball paradigm, while MRCP variability increased. Both oddball paradigms increased the detection latency significantly (p<0.05) and the complex paradigm decreased the true positive rate (TPR) (p=0.04). In patients, the negativity of the MRCP decreased while pre-phase variability increased, and the detection latency and accuracy deteriorated with attention diversion. CONCLUSION: Attention diversion has a significant influence on MRCP features and detection parameters, although these changes were counteracted by the application of the laplacian method. SIGNIFICANCE: Brain-computer interfaces for neuromodulation that use the MRCP as the control signal are robust to changes in attention. However, attention must be monitored since it plays a key role in plasticity induction. Here we demonstrate that this can be achieved using the single channel Cz

    Distribution and symmetrical patellofemoral pain patterns as revealed by high-resolution 3D body mapping:a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Detailed pain mapping of extent and distribution in individuals with patellofemoral pain (PFP) within and around a complex structure such as the knee has yet to be explored. Methods Perceptions of on-going pain from adolescents and young adults (N = 35) with long-standing (>10 months) PFP were collected on high-resolution 3D digital body-schema of the knees. Location, area of pain, pain intensity, laterality, worse side of knee pain, symptom duration, and symmetry in bilateral knee pain were recorded. A threshold for naturally occurring variations in symmetrical knee pain drawings were collected from 18 healthy controls and used in combination with the development a symmetry index (0–1) to create a fuzzy rule for classifying symmetrical and non-symmetrical PFP patterns as compared to a PFP expert. The symmetry index was computed and tested using a correlation coefficient alone or in combination with the Jaccard index and the true and false positive rates (TPR and FPR, respectively) determined. Results The peripatellar region was the common report of pain location however, novel and nonconforming PFP patterns were identified and the majority of individuals (22 of 27) with bilateral PFP expressed highly-symmetric mirror-image pain. Individuals with symptom duration of 5 years or more had a greater area of pain, compared to those with symptoms for less than 5 years. The total area of pain was correlated to symptom duration for those with extended symptoms durations and a progression towards an “O” shaped pattern emerged. A TPR of 100% for identifying symmetrical knee pain patterns was found however the expert PFP tended to be stricter, as reflected in FPR of 20%. Conclusions A high proportion of PFP patterns or symptoms occur in mirrored locations and are exceptionally symmetrical, and long duration of symptoms appear to converge to an ‘O’ shape. Classifying symmetrical pain patterns is subjective however simple fuzzy rules and correlations can be used to increase objectivity. This study highlights a gap in knowledge of PFP symptom presentation, reveals what may be a natural progression of symptoms, and provides valuable clinical insight for both pain management and treatment

    A Comparison Study Of Emg Features For Force Prediction

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    Myoelectric prosthetic devices can be controlled by use of surface electromyography (sEMG). However, intramuscular EMG (iEMG) has been proposed as an alternative, since it may provide more stable and selective recordings with several advantages. The purpose of this study was to assess the predictive capabilities of 14 features of iEMG and sEMG for force ranging from 0 to 100 % maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Intramuscular EMG and surface EMG were recorded concurrently from the muscle flexor digitorum profundus from 11 subjects who exerted four force profiles during power grasping. The predictive capability of each feature was assessed using the mean R2-value with a 1st order polynomial (linear prediction). Wilson Amplitude showed the best results for both sEMG (R2 = 0.952 ± 0.007) and iEMG (R2 = 0.948 ± 0.008), with no significant difference (P = 0.658). Application of an advanced model based on artificial neural network did not improve the performance (P = 0.895). We have concluded that a linear model is sufficient for force prediction (0-100% MVC), and that iEMG is potentially suitable for proportional control in the same manner as when using a more global measure of intensity

    Human-Machine Interface for the Control of Multi-Function Systems Based on Electrocutaneous Menu: Application to Multi-Grasp Prosthetic Hands.

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    Modern assistive devices are very sophisticated systems with multiple degrees of freedom. However, an effective and user-friendly control of these systems is still an open problem since conventional human-machine interfaces (HMI) cannot easily accommodate the system's complexity. In HMIs, the user is responsible for generating unique patterns of command signals directly triggering the device functions. This approach can be difficult to implement when there are many functions (necessitating many command patterns) and/or the user has a considerable impairment (limited number of available signal sources). In this study, we propose a novel concept for a general-purpose HMI where the controller and the user communicate bidirectionally to select the desired function. The system first presents possible choices to the user via electro-tactile stimulation; the user then acknowledges the desired choice by generating a single command signal. Therefore, the proposed approach simplifies the user communication interface (one signal to generate), decoding (one signal to recognize), and allows selecting from a number of options. To demonstrate the new concept the method was used in one particular application, namely, to implement the control of all the relevant functions in a state of the art commercial prosthetic hand without using any myoelectric channels. We performed experiments in healthy subjects and with one amputee to test the feasibility of the novel approach. The results showed that the performance of the novel HMI concept was comparable or, for some outcome measures, better than the classic myoelectric interfaces. The presented approach has a general applicability and the obtained results point out that it could be used to operate various assistive systems (e.g., prosthesis vs. wheelchair), or it could be integrated into other control schemes (e.g., myoelectric control, brain-machine interfaces) in order to improve the usability of existing low-bandwidth HMIs.Open-Access-Publikationsfonds 2015peerReviewe