27,527 research outputs found

    Charged anisotropic compact objects by gravitational decoupling

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    In the present article, we have constructed a static charged anisotropic compact star model of Einstein field equations for a spherically symmetric space-time geometry. Specifically, we have extended the charged isotropic Heintzmann solution to an anisotropic domain. To address this work, we have employed the gravitational decoupling through the so called minimal geometric deformation approach. The charged anisotropic model is representing the realistic compact objects such as RXJ1856−37RXJ1856-37 and SAXJ1808.4−3658(SS2)SAX J1808.4-3658(SS2). We have reported our results in details for the compact star RXJ1856−37RXJ1856-37 on the ground of physical properties such as pressure, density, velocity of sound, energy conditions, stability conditions, Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation and redshift etc

    Accurate control of a Bose-Einstein condensate by managing the atomic interaction

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    We exploit the variation of the atomic interaction in order to move ultra-cold atoms across an AC-driven periodic lattice. By breaking relevant symmetries, a gathering of atoms is achieved. Accurate control of the gathered atoms positions can be demonstrated via the control of the atomic localization process. The localization process is analyzed with the help of the nonlinear Floquet states where the Landau-Zener tunneling between states is observed and controlled. Transport effects in the presence of disorder are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 Figures, PACS numbers: 03.75.Lm, 05.60.-k, 63.20.P

    Linking plant composition and arthropod abundance to establish little bustard breeding requirements in pastureland dominated landscapes

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    Most research on steppe bird habitat selection has been focused on the effects of management regimes or vegetation structure. However, much less is known on how plant composition is related with steppe bird occurrence. We investigated microhabitat of little bustard territorial males and females during the nesting and chick-rearing season in areas with dominance of pastureland focusing on plant composition. We searched for relationships between preferred vegetation and arthropod abundance in order to identify the contribution of different vegetation typologies in providing essential trophic resources for the species. Surveys of little bustards were made using car and foot transects. Plant composition was obtained within a 50 × 50 cm square at four sampling replicates and arthropod availability was sampled using a sweep net. Statistical procedures were conducted in three steps: (1) analysis of variance was used to identify at univariate level the plant composition and arthropod variables that were significantly related with both male and female occurrence sites; (2) principal components analysis was performed using the variables with significant results at univariate level; (3) model averaging on generalized linear and mixed models was applied to evaluate the selection probability of each principal component. The species occurs in sites with high floristic richness and high abundance of Fabaceae species, although plant composition differs from male to female sites. These variables were found to be crucial to provide higher abundances of arthropods, notably of Acrididea, Formicidae and some groups of Coleoptera which are decisive for the selection of displaying or female breeding sites

    Two-photon imaging through a multimode fiber

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    In this work we demonstrate 3D imaging using two-photon excitation through a 20 cm long multimode optical fiber (MMF) of 350 micrometers diameter. The imaging principle is similar to single photon fluorescence through a MMF, except that a focused femtosecond pulse is delivered and scanned over the sample. In our approach, focusing and scanning through the fiber is accomplished by digital phase conjugation using mode selection by time gating with an ultra-fast reference pulse. The excited two-photon emission is collected through the same fiber. We demonstrate depth sectioning by scanning the focused pulse in a 3D volume over a sample consisting of fluorescent beads suspended in a polymer. The achieved resolution is 1 micrometer laterally and 15 micrometers axially. Scanning is performed over an 80x80 micrometers field of view. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of high-resolution three-dimensional imaging using two-photon fluorescence through a multimode fiber
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