377 research outputs found

    Automated data reduction workflows for astronomy

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    Data from complex modern astronomical instruments often consist of a large number of different science and calibration files, and their reduction requires a variety of software tools. The execution chain of the tools represents a complex workflow that needs to be tuned and supervised, often by individual researchers that are not necessarily experts for any specific instrument. The efficiency of data reduction can be improved by using automatic workflows to organise data and execute the sequence of data reduction steps. To realize such efficiency gains, we designed a system that allows intuitive representation, execution and modification of the data reduction workflow, and has facilities for inspection and interaction with the data. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has developed Reflex, an environment to automate data reduction workflows. Reflex is implemented as a package of customized components for the Kepler workflow engine. Kepler provides the graphical user interface to create an executable flowchart-like representation of the data reduction process. Key features of Reflex are a rule-based data organiser, infrastructure to re-use results, thorough book-keeping, data progeny tracking, interactive user interfaces, and a novel concept to exploit information created during data organisation for the workflow execution. Reflex includes novel concepts to increase the efficiency of astronomical data processing. While Reflex is a specific implementation of astronomical scientific workflows within the Kepler workflow engine, the overall design choices and methods can also be applied to other environments for running automated science workflows.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Discovery of Carbon/Oxygen depleted Blue Straggler Stars in 47 Tucanae: the chemical signature of a mass-transfer formation process

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    We use high-resolution spectra obtained with the ESO Very Large Telescope to measure surface abundance patterns of 43 Blue Stragglers stars (BSS) in 47 Tuc. We discovered that a sub-population of BSS shows a significant depletion of Carbon and Oxygen with respect to the dominant population. This evidence would suggest the presence of CNO burning products on the BSS surface coming from a deeply peeled parent star, as expected in the case of mass-transfer process. This is the first detection of a chemical signature clearly pointing to a specific BSS formation process in a globular cluster.Comment: Published on 2006, August 10, in ApJ 647, L5

    Chemical Abundances and Rotation Velocities of Blue Horizontal-Branch Stars in Six Globular Clusters

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    High-resolution spectroscopic measurements of blue horizontal-branch stars in six metal-poor globular clusters -- M3, M13, M15, M68, M92, and NGC 288 -- reveal remarkable variations in photospheric composition and rotation velocity as a function of a star's position along the horizontal branch. For the cooler stars (Teff < 11200 K), the derived abundances are in good agreement with the canonical cluster metallicities, and we find a wide range of v sin i rotation velocities, some as high as 40 km/s. In the hotter stars, however, most metal species are strongly enhanced, by as much as 3 dex, relative to the expected cluster metallicity, while helium is depleted by 2 dex or more. In addition, the hot stars all rotate slowly, with v sin i < 8 km/s. The anomalous abundances appear to be due to atomic diffusion mechanisms -- gravitational settling of helium, and radiative levitation of metals -- in the non-convective atmospheres of these hot stars. We discuss the influence of these photospheric metal enhancements on the stars' photometric properties, and explore possible explanations for the observed distribution of rotation velocities.Comment: 77 pages, 27 figures, accepted for November 2003 publication in ApJ

    Making FORS2 fit for exoplanet observations (again)

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    For about three years, it was known that precision spectrophotometry with FORS2 suffered from systematic errors that made quantitative observations of planetary transits impossible. We identified the Longitudinal Atmospheric Dispersion Compensator (LADC) as the most likely culprit, and therefore engaged in a project to exchange the LADC prisms with the uncoated ones from FORS1. This led to a significant improvement in the depth of FORS2 zero points, a reduction in the systematic noise, and should make FORS2 again competitive for transmission spectroscopy of exoplanets.Comment: To appear in the March issue of the ESO Messenge

    Hot Horizontal-Branch Stars: The Ubiquitous Nature of the "Jump" in Stromgren u, Low Gravities, and the Role of Radiative Levitation of Metals

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    A "jump" in the BHB distribution in the V, u-y CMD was recently detected in the GC M13. It is morphologically best characterized as a discontinuity in u, u-y, with stars in the range 11,500<Teff(K)<20,000 deviating systematically from (in the sense of appearing brighter and/or hotter than) canonical ZAHBs. We present u, y photometry of 14 GCs obtained with 3 different telescopes (Danish, NOT, HST) and demonstrate that the u-jump is present in every GC whose HB extends beyond 11,500K, irrespective of [Fe/H], mixing history on the RGB, and other GC parameters. We suggest that the u-jump is a ubiquitous feature, intrinsic to all HB stars hotter than 11,500K. We draw a parallel between the ubiquitous nature of the u-jump and the problem of low measured gravities among BHB stars. We note that the "logg-jump" occurs over the same temperature range as the u-jump, and that it occurs in every metal-poor GC for which gravities have been determined--irrespective of [Fe/H], mixing history on the RGB, or any other GC parameters. Furthermore, the u-jump and the logg-jump are connected on a star-by-star basis. The two are likely different manifestations of the same physical phenomenon. We present a framework which may simultaneously account for the u-jump and the logg-jump. Reviewing spectroscopic data for several field BHB stars, as well as two BHB stars in the GC NGC 6752, we find evidence that radiative levitation of heavy elements takes place at Teff>11,500 K, dramatically enhancing their abundances in the atmospheres of BHB stars in the "critical" temperature region. Model atmospheres taking diffusion effects into account are badly needed, and will likely lead to better overall agreement between canonical evolutionary theory and observations for BHB stars.Comment: ApJ, Main Journal, accepted. Contains several changes and update

    Single and Composite Hot Subdwarf Stars in the Light of 2MASS Photometry

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    Utilizing the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Second Incremental Data Release Catalog, we have retrieved near-IR magnitudes for several hundred hot subdwarfs (sdO and sdB stars) drawn from the "Catalogue of Spectroscopically Identified Hot Subdwarfs" (Kilkenny, Heber, & Drilling 1988, 1992). This sample size greatly exceeds that of previous studies of hot subdwarfs. Examining 2MASS photometry alone or in combination with visual photometry (Johnson BV or Stromgren uvby) available in the literature, we show that it is possible to identify hot subdwarf stars that exhibit atypically red IR colors that can be attributed to the presence of an unresolved late type companion. Utilizing this large sample, we attempt for the first time to define an approximately volume limited sample of hot subdwarfs. We discuss the considerations, biases, and difficulties in defining such a sample. We find that, of the hot subdwarfs in Kilkenny et al., about 40% in a magnitude limited sample have colors that are consistent with the presence of an unresolved late type companion. Binary stars are over-represented in a magnitude limited sample. In an approximately volume limited sample the fraction of composite-color binaries is about 30%.Comment: to appear in Sept 2003 AJ, 41 pages total, 12 figures, 2 tables are truncated (full tables to appear in electronic journal or available by request

    Rotation Velocities of Red and Blue Field Horizontal-Branch Stars

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    We present measurements of the projected stellar rotation velocities (v sin i) of a sample of 45 candidate field horizontal-branch (HB) stars spanning a wide range of effective temperature, from red HB stars with Teff ~ 5000 K to blue HB stars with Teff of 17000 K. Among the cooler blue HB stars (Teff = 7500-11500 K), we confirm prior studies showing that although a majority of stars rotate at v sin i < 15 km/s, there exists a subset of "fast rotators" with v sin i as high as 30-35 km/s. All but one of the red HB stars in our sample have v sin i < 10 km/s, and no analogous rotation bimodality is evident. We also identify a narrow-lined hot star (Teff ~ 16000 K) with enhanced photospheric metal abundances and helium depletion, similar to the abundance patterns found among hot BHB stars in globular clusters, and four other stars that may also belong in this category. We discuss details of the spectral line fitting procedure that we use to deduce v sin i, and explore how measurements of field HB star rotation may shed light on the issue of HB star rotation in globular clusters.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in November 2003 ApJ

    The Promiscuous Nature of Stars in Clusters

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    The recent availability of special purpose computers designed for calculating gravitational interactions of N-bodies at extremely high speed has provided the means to model globular clusters on a star-by-star basis for the first time. By endeavouring to make the N-body codes that operate on these machines as realistic as possible, the addition of stellar evolution being one example, much is being learnt about the interaction between the star cluster itself and the stars it contains. A fascinating aspect of this research is the ability to follow the orbits of individual stars in detail and to document the formation of observed exotic systems. This has revealed that many stars within a star cluster lead wildly promiscuous lives, interacting, often intimately and in rapid succession, with a variety of neighbours.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa
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