498 research outputs found

    Cadmium Impairs p53 Activity in HepG2 Cells

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    Cadmium and cadmium compounds are contaminants of the environment, food, and drinking water and are important constituents of cigarette smoke. Cd exposure has also been associated with airborne particulate CdO and with Cd-containing quantum dots in medical therapy. Adverse cadmium effects reported in the literature have stimulated during recent years an ongoing discussion to better elucidate cadmium outcomes at cell and molecular level. The present work is designed to gain an insight into the mechanism of p53 impairment at gene and protein level to understand Cd-induced resistance to apoptosis. We used a hepatoma cell line (HepG2) derived from liver, known to be metal responsive. At genotoxic cadmium concentrations no cell cycle arrest was observed. The p53 at gene and protein level was not regulated. Fluorescence images showed that p53 was correctly translocated into the nucleus but that the , a downstream protein of p53 network involved in cell cycle regulation, was not activated at the highest cadmium concentrations used. The miRNAs analysis revealed an upregulation of mir-372, an miRNA able to affect expression and promote cell cycle progression and proliferation. The role of metallothioneins and possible conformational changes of p53 are discussed

    Comparative genomic hybridization on microarray (a-CGH) in constitutional and acquired mosaicism may detect as low as 8% abnormal cells

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    Abstract. Background: The results of cytogenetic investigations on unbalanced chromosome anomalies, both constitutional and acquired, were largely improved by comparative genomic hybridization on microarray (a-CGH), but in mosaicism the ability of a-CGH to reliably detect imbalances is not yet well established. This problem of sensitivity is even more relevant in acquired mosaicism in neoplastic diseases, where cells carrying acquired imbalances coexist with normal cells, in particular when the proportion of abnormal cells may be low. We constructed a synthetic mosaicism by mixing the DNA of three patients carrying altogether seven chromosome imbalances with normal sex-matched DNA. Dilutions were prepared mimicking 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 10% and 15% levels of mosaicism. Oligomer-based a-CGH (244 K whole-genome system) was applied on the patients' DNA and customized slides designed around the regions of imbalance were used for the synthetic mosaics. Results and conclusions. The a-CGH on the synthetic mosaics proved to be able to detect as low as 8% abnormal cells in the tissue examined. Although in our experiment some regions of imbalances escaped to be revealed at this level, and were detected only at 10-15% level, it should be remarked that these ones were the smallest analyzed, and that the imbalances recurrent as clonal anomalies in cancer and leukaemia are similar in size to those revealed at 8% level

    Deletion of chromosome 20 in bone marrow of patients with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, loss of the EIF6 gene and benign prognosis

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    Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS; On-line Mendelian Inheritance in Man database number 260400) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the SBDS gene in at least 90% of cases (Boocock et al, 2003). It is characterized by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, skeletal anomalies, and bone marrow failure with variable severity of neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and anaemia (Rothbaum et al, 2002). Acquired clonal chromosome anomalies are commonly found in the bone marrow (BM), being an isochromosome for the long arms of a 7, i(7)(q10), and a deletion of the long arms of a 20, del(20)(q11), the most frequent. The relationship between these chromosome changes and the risk of patients with SDS to develop myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukaemia (MDS/AML) has been discussed (Dror, 2005). This risk increases with the age (Shimamura, 2006), and we have also shown that the acquisition of BM clonal anomalies is age-related (Maserati et al, 2009)

    Different loss of material in recurrent chromosome 20 interstitial deletions in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome and in myeloid neoplasms

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: An interstitial deletion of the long arms of chromosome 20, del(20)(q), is frequent in the bone marrow (BM) of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), and it is recurrent in the BM of patients with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS), who have a 30-40% risk of developing MDS and AML. RESULTS: We report the results obtained by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (a-CGH) in six patients with SDS, and we compare the loss of chromosome 20 material with one patient with MDS, and with data on 92 informative patients with MDS/AML/MPN and del(20)(q) collected from the literature. CONCLUSIONS: The chromosome material lost in MDS/AML/MPN is highly variable with no identifiable common deleted regions, whereas in SDS the loss is more uniform: in 3/6 patients it was almost identical, and the breakpoints that we defined are probably common to most patients from the literature. In some SDS patients less material may be lost, due to different distal breakpoints, but the proximal breakpoint is in the same region, always leading to the loss of the EIF6 gene, an event which was related to a lower risk of MDS/AML in comparison with other patients

    MLL-MLLT10 fusion in acute monoblastic leukemia: variant complex rearrangements and 11q proximal breakpoint heterogeneity

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    Cytogenetic studies of acute monoblastic leukemia cases presenting MLL-MLLT10 (alias MLL-AF10) fusion show a broad heterogeneity of chromosomal breakpoints. We present two new pediatric cases (French-American-British type M5) with MLL-MLLT10 fusion, which we studied with fluorescence in situ hybridization. In both we detected a paracentric inversion of the 11q region that translocated onto chromosome 10p12; one case displayed a variant complex pattern. We review the cytogenetic molecular data concerning the proximal inversion breakpoint of 11q and confirm its heterogeneit

    Clonal Chromosome Anomalies Affecting Fli1 Mimic Inherited Thrombocytopenia Of The Paris-Trousseau Type

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    Introduction: The thrombocytopenia of the Paris-Trousseau (TCPT) type is a contiguous gene syndrome characterized by mild bleeding tendency, variable thrombocytopenia (THC), abnormal giant alpha-granules in platelets and dysmegakaryopoiesis: it derives from a constitutional deletion of chromosome 11 leading to the loss of FLI1, a transcription factor involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and maturation. Case report: A women with an acquired, isolated THC developing over 10 yr showed morphological features typical of TCPT in platelets and bone marrow (BM). Twenty years after the onset of THC, the other hematological parameters are still normal and the patient is well. Results: Clonal hemopoiesis was shown and chromosome analyses performed on BM revealed a clone with 45 chromosomes and a complex unbalanced translocation involving chromosomes 2, 3, and 11. The anomaly was present in the majority of bone marrow cells but only in a few peripheral blood elements. A microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization defined the deleted region of chromosome 11 including the FLI1 locus that was missing. Conclusion: Although our patient presented with nearly all the characteristics of TCPT, her illness was acquired instead of being inherited and the most appropriate diagnosis is that of the unilineage dysplasia 'refractory THC.' This observation suggests that appropriate cytogenetic investigations should be always considered in patients with acquired THC of unknown origin


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    Trisomic cells in neoplasms may represent abnormal clones originated from a tissue-confined mosaicism, and arise therefore by a meiotic error. We report on a 16-month-old child with erythroleukaemia (AML-M6), whose marrow karyotype at onset was 48,XX,del(13)(q12q14),del(14)(q22q32),+21,+21. The parental origin of the supernumerary chromosomes 21 was investigated by comparing 10 polymorphic loci scattered along the whole chromosome on the patient's marrow and her parents' leukocytes. Three loci were informative for the presence of three alleles, two of which were of maternal origin; two further loci showed a maternal allele of higher intensity. Lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts showed a normal karyotype, and molecular analysis on leukocytes at remission, buccal smear and urinary sediment cells consistently showed only one maternal allele, whereas neonatal blood from Guthrie spot showed two maternal alleles as in the marrow. An accurate clinical re-evaluation confirmed a normal phenotype. Our results indicate that tetrasomy 21 arose from a marrow clone with trisomy 21 of meiotic origin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence that supernumerary chromosomes in neoplastic clones may in fact be present due to a meiotic error. This demonstrates that a tissue-confined constitutional mosaicism for a trisomy may indeed represent the first event in multistep carcinogenesis

    A homozygous contiguous gene deletion in chromosome 16p13.3 leads to autosomal recessive osteopetrosis in a Jordanian patient

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    Human malignant autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder caused by reduced bone resorption by osteoclasts. Mutations in the CLCN7 gene are responsible not only for a substantial portion of ARO patients, but also for other forms of osteopetrosis characterized by different severity and inheritance. The lack of a clear genotype/phenotype correlation makes genetic counselling a tricky issue for CLCN7-dependent osteopetrosis. Here we characterize the first homozygous interstitial deletion in 16p13.3, detected by array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (a-CGH) in an ARO patient of Jordanian origin. The deletion involved other genes beside CLCN7, while the proband displayed a classic ARO phenotype; however her early death did not allow more extensive clinical investigations. The identification of this novel genomic deletion involving a large part of the CLCN7 gene is of clinical relevance, especially in prenatal diagnosis, and suggests the possibility that this kind of mutation has been underestimated so far. This data highlights the need for alternative approaches to genetic analysis also in other ARO-causative genes

    Ph-positive CML in blastic phase with monosomy 7 in a Down syndrome patient. Monitoring by interphase cytogenetics and demonstration of maternal allelic loss

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    We report a case of Ph-positive chronic myelocytic leukemia in blastic phase in an 11-year-old boy with Down syndrome. Monosomy 7 was the only additional chromosomal anomaly in the blastic clone. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis on interphase nuclei with a centromeric probe specific to chromosome 7 proved to be efficient in disease monitoring; and showed, together with the results of chromosome analysis on metaphases, that B- lymphocytes at the origin of an EBV-established line were not part of the leukemic clone. The study of DNA polymorphisms showed that the origin of the constitutional trisomy 21 was a maternal anaphase I nondisjunction, that the chromosome 7 lost in the blastic marrow clone was the maternal one, and led us to postulate that the mother's chromosomes are prone to impairment of normal disjunction. The study of allelic losses of chromosome 7 loci proved to be a further possibility for disease monitoring