8 research outputs found

    Practical aspects of organizational culture assessment

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    Organizational culture activates the ability to effectively solve management problems and plays a positive role in the development of the organization, provided, that managers are aware of its significance and have appropriate knowledge. The results of organizational culture study of one of the companies in the Perm territory using two methods: Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) and the method by S. I. Cordon, have been given in the article. Application of foreign and domestic methods gave comparable results: clan organizational culture according to OCAI correlates with the type of culture "Family", highlighted by S. I. Cordon, adhocratic culture - with the type of culture "Business". The results of organizational culture assessment of the organization under study and directions of possible managerial influences have been presented in the article

    Review of approaches and methods for identifying experts in organizational research

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    In scientific studies, three approaches are used to identify experts in organizational research: sociological, behavioral, and cognitive. In the sociological approach, the emphasis is on the socio-political status of a person. The behavioral approach focuses on how choices are made in situations of uncertainty. In the cognitive approach, the subject of the thought process is considered directly. The article shows the limitations of each of the approaches. Methods for identification of experts in organizational research in domestic and foreign scientific studies are given. Methods are considered: social acclamation, political influence, problem situation, personal involvement, external cues, self-ratings, past performance, knowledge tests, psychological traits. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are shown. Expert identification methods provide a set of opportunities for researchers of organization and organizational behavior, depending on the need for: expert judgment or expert knowledge; expert evaluation procedures or the product of professional activity; knowledge of a topic, a problem, highly specialized markets or representation of the interests of specific actors, groups, ideas, concepts. The author uses general logical research methods: induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, comparison and contrasting


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    A review of the literature on change management of foreign researchers on the relationship of organizational values and the success of organizational changes has been presented. Identification instruments of organizational values have been considered. Typology of organizational culture on eight value systems in accordance with Graves’ emergent cyclical levels of existence theory and the concept of spiral dynamics by Beck and Cowan has been proposed. Characteristic of organizational culture depending on the level of value structure development has been given


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    Human resources capacity in research is considered through the identification of HR capacity and labor potential by identifying common features or differentiating the concepts of HR capacity and labor potential. In the context of organization management, it is important to take into account direction of managerial decisions. This circumstance has determined the author‘s classification of elements of HR capacity in three  blocks: business orientation (level of knowledge, competence and competency skills, physical development, discipline), power orientation (age and gender, social and professional status, organizational skills and leadership), people orientation (communication skills, emotional culture and emotional abilities, corporate identity). HR capacity development programs based on consideration of these blocks has the focus on ensuring strategic coherence


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    The method of scoring human resources capacity depending on the level of problem complexity and employment function and the level of responsibility has been presented. The complexity of professional activity is determined by the components: type of activity, variety of work, controllability of work performance, scale and complexity of management. The degree of responsibility is determined by the components: independence, initiative, commitment to the result, significance of the results of work. For each component, three characteristics have been determined, each of which is assigned a score: from 1 – minimum level, to 3 – a high level. The matrix model, formed on the basis of scoring data, with four groups of personnel has been proposed in the article: “Stars” (it is characterized by a high level of responsibility and high complexity of the labour functions perfomed), “Experts” (high complexity of work with a relatively low level of responsibility), «Soldiers» (high responsibility with a low level of complexity), «Cogs» (low level of responsibility and complexity of the work performed). Assessment of human resources capacity, determining the current state, is the basis for the development of management decisions and implementation of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization through better use of human resources potential


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    It is necessary to differentiate when considering the effectiveness of the organization’s management system: the organizational structure of management as a formalized descriptive scheme for the distribution of tasks and responsibilities and the organizational management system as  approaches, methods used in the relationship between the object and the subject of management. The article provides assessment tools in the case of considering the efficiency of the functioning of the managed system as a whole or its elements: comparison of the market value of the organization and the book value of its assets or equity; comparison of the amount of revenue, net profit, industry average profitability indicators and indicators of a particular organization; comparison of non-financial indicators, for example, market share, labor productivity, employee satisfaction, etc. It is shown that index and coefficient methods are used to assess the effectiveness of management in the narrow sense as the effectiveness of the actual management activity. The method for assessing the effectiveness of an organization’s management system is proposed. The results of practical research on the proposed method are shown on the example of domestic and foreign industrial enterprises