14,766 research outputs found

    Multifractal dimensions for all moments for certain critical random matrix ensembles in the strong multifractality regime

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    We construct perturbation series for the q-th moment of eigenfunctions of various critical random matrix ensembles in the strong multifractality regime close to localization. Contrary to previous investigations, our results are valid in the region q<1/2. Our findings allow to verify, at first leading orders in the strong multifractality limit, the symmetry relation for anomalous fractal dimensions Delta(q)=Delta(1-q), recently conjectured for critical models where an analogue of the metal-insulator transition takes place. It is known that this relation is verified at leading order in the weak multifractality regime. Our results thus indicate that this symmetry holds in both limits of small and large coupling constant. For general values of the coupling constant we present careful numerical verifications of this symmetry relation for different critical random matrix ensembles. We also present an example of a system closely related to one of these critical ensembles, but where the symmetry relation, at least numerically, is not fulfilled.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Quantized Non-Abelian Monopoles on S^3

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    A possible electric-magnetic duality suggests that the confinement of non-Abelian electric charges manifests itself as a perturbative quantum effect for the dual magnetic charges. Motivated by this possibility, we study vacuum fluctuations around a non-Abelian monopole-antimonopole pair treated as point objects with charges g=\pm n/2 (n=1,2,...), and placed on the antipodes of a three sphere of radius R. We explicitly find all the fluctuation modes by linearizing and solving the Yang-Mills equations about this background field on a three sphere. We recover, generalize and extend earlier results, including those on the stability analysis of non-Abelian magnetic monopoles. We find that for g \ge 1 monopoles there is an unstable mode that tends to squeeze magnetic flux in the angular directions. We sum the vacuum energy contributions of the fluctuation modes for the g=1/2 case and find oscillatory dependence on the cutoff scale. Subject to certain assumptions, we find that the contribution of the fluctuation modes to the quantum zero point energy behaves as -R^{-2/3} and hence decays more slowly than the classical -R^{-1} Coulomb potential for large R. However, this correction to the zero point energy does not agree with the linear growth expected if the monopoles are confined.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes, reference list update

    Energy in one dimensional linear waves in a string

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    We consider the energy density and energy transfer in small amplitude, one-dimensional waves on a string, and find that the common expressions used in textbooks for the introductory physics with calculus course give wrong results for some cases, including standing waves. We discuss the origin of the problem, and how it can be corrected in a way appropriate for the introductory calculus based physics course.Comment: 5 page

    Seasonal reproduction in a fluctuating energy environment: Insolation-driven synchronized broadcast spawning in corals

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    *Background/Question/Methods:* Colonies of spawning corals reproduce in mass-spawning events, in which polyps within each colony release sperm and eggs for fertilization in the water column, with fertilization occurring only between gametes from different colonies. Participating colonies synchronize their gamete release to a window of a few hours once a year (for the species Acropora digitifera we study experimentally). This remarkable synchrony is essential for successful coral reproduction and thus, maintenance of the coral reef ecosystem that is currently under threat from local and global environmental effects such as pollution, global warming and ocean acidification. The mechanisms determining this tight synchrony in reproduction are not well understood, although several influences have been hypothesized and studied including lunar phase, solar insolation, and influences of temperature and tides. Moreover, most corals are in a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae (Symbiodinium spp.) that live within the host tissue. Experiments supported by detailed bioenergetic modeling of the coral-algae symbiosis have shown that corals receive &#x3e;90% of their energy needs from these symbionts. We develop a bioenergetic integrate-and-fire model in order to investigate whether annual insolation rhythms can entrain the gametogenetic cycles that produce mature gametes to the appropriate spawning season, since photosynthate is their primary source of energy. We solve the integrate-and-fire bioenergetic model numerically using the Fokker-Planck equation and use analytical tools such as rotation number to study entrainment.&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;*Results/Conclusions:* In the presence of short-term fluctuations in the energy input, our model shows that a feedback regulatory mechanism is required to achieve coherence of spawning times to within one lunar cycle, in order for subsequent cues such as lunar and diurnal light cycles to unambiguously determine the &#x201c;correct&#x201d; night of spawning. Entrainment to the annual insolation cycle is by itself not sufficient to produce the observed coherence in spawning. The feedback mechanism can also provide robustness against population heterogeneity due to genetic and environmental effects. We also discuss how such bioenergetic, stochastic, integrate-and-fire models are also more generally applicable: for example to aquatic insect emergence, synchrony in cell division and masting in trees

    On Certain Invariants of Closed Extremals

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    Screening of charged spheroidal colloidal particles

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    We study the effective screened electrostatic potential created by a spheroidal colloidal particle immersed in an electrolyte, within the mean field approximation, using Poisson--Botzmann equation in its linear and nonlinear forms, and also beyond the mean field by means of Monte Carlo computer simulation. The anisotropic shape of the particle has a strong effect on the screened potential, even at large distances (compared to the Debye length) from it. To quantify this anisotropy effect, we focus our study on the dependence of the potential on the position of the observation point with respect with the orientation of the spheroidal particle. For several different boundary conditions (constant potential, or constant surface charge) we find that, at large distance, the potential is higher in the direction of the large axis of the spheroidal particle

    The Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice: topological excitations

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    We study the topological defects in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet in two dimensions on a triangular lattice (HAFT). While the topological analysis of the order parameter space indicates that the defects are of Z2Z_2 type, consideration of the energy leads us to a description of the low--energy stationary points of the action in terms of ±\pm vortices, as in the planar XY model. Starting with the continuum description of the HAFT, we show analytically that its partition function can be reduced to that of a 2--dimensional Coulomb gas with logarithmic interaction. Thus, at low temperatures, the correlation length is determined by the spinwaves, while at higher temperatures we expect a crossover to a Kosterlitz--Thouless type behaviour. The results of recent Monte Carlo calculations of the correlation length are consistent with such a crossover.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, preprint: ITP-UH 03/9