19 research outputs found

    Study of Dried and Calcinated Ceria Stabilized Zirconia Microspheres Morphology by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering and Optical Microscopy

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    The knowledge of how to avoid crack at high temperature is crucial in fuel fabrication for Experimental Power Reactor or Reaktor Daya Eksperimental (RDE). This knowledge should be established and well-mastered by BATAN. RDE uses uranium dioxide as its nuclear fuel. However, uranium utilization for research purposes is heavily restricted. Therefore, the fabrication of ceria-stabilized zirconia (CSZ) microspheres as nuclear fuel surrogate was studied. In this work, the CSZ was prepared by external gelation with two different washing solutions, i.e. isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and propylene glycol methyl ether (PGME). The morphology in nano- and micro-scale of each CSZ microspheres from both variations was evaluated by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and optical microscopy. The morphology of the CSZ microsphere after drying at 80 °C and calcination at 200 °C were observed to understand the structural change in those steps and to see the potential crack based on its morphology. There are two parameters that can prevent microspheres from cracking at high temperatures for the next process, i.e., porosity and gel texture. It was observed that IPA solution has a benefit as a washing solution as it can trigger more porosities in the microspheres, but less in gel texture

    Nephroprotective Effect of Garlic Chives (Allium Tuberosum) on Bun and Creatinine Levels of Wistar Rats Induced by Doxorubicin

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    Cancer is the most leading disease that cause of death. Doxorubicin chemotherapy is often used in cancer treatment, because of its effectiveness. Although doxorubicin has a positive effect for killing cancer cell, doxorubicin has many side effects, one of which doxorubicin can cause kidney damage through the process of interstitial fibrosis. Utilization garlic chives extract as co chemotherapy to reduce renal damage induced by doxorubicin is a prospective opportunities. This study aimed to analyze the effect of garlic chives extract as a nephroprotective on levels of BUN and creatinine of wistar rats induced by doxorubicin. The research method was quasi experimental design with post test only randomized controlled group. The results showed that extracts of garlic chives can reduce levels of BUN and creatinine (p <0.05) in the group that only induced by doxorubicin. In conclusion, extract of garlic chives has nephroprotecive effects on wistar rats which were induced by doxorubicin

    Upaya Peningkatan Atensi dan Partisipasi Guru IPA Mts Kabupaten Malang dalam Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah melalui Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

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    Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi/profesionalisme adalah dengan melakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) secara berkesinambungan. Praktik pembelajaran melalui PTK dapat meningkatkan profesionalisme guru karena PTK dapat membantu guru untuk: (1) mengembangkan kompetensi dalam menyelesaikan masalah pembelajaran mencangkup kualitas isi, efisiensi dan efektifitas pembelajaran, proses, dan hasil belajar siswa, (2) meningkatkan kompetensi kepribadian, sosial, dan prefesional. Dengan melakukan PTK, guru menjadi terbiasa menulis. PTK sangat penting untuk meningkatkan apresiasi, dan profesionalisme guru dalam mengajar. Berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan masyarakat tersebut, prodi pendidikan IPA mengadakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui kegiatan penulisan artikel berbasis PTK untuk MGMP IPA MTs Kabupaten Malang. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk menstimulus atensi guru sehingga dapat berpartisipasi aktif melakukan PTK dan menuliskan laporan hasil penelitiannya dalam bentuk artikel ilmiah. Artikel ilmiah yang dihasilkan selanjutnya dapat dipublikasikan dalam seminar/proceding/jurnal terakreditasi dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru. Tercatat sebanyak 57 orang guru IPA terlibat dalam pelaksanaan PTK dan kemudian membuat outcome berupa artikel ilmiah

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    β-tocopherol and its impact on GALT

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    Tomato, tocopherols and the level of ige

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