1,234 research outputs found

    On the partition sum of the NS five-brane

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    We study the Type IIA NS five-brane wrapped on a Calabi-Yau manifold X in a double-scaled decoupling limit. We calculate the euclidean partition function in the presence of a flat RR 3-form field. The classical contribution is given by a sum over fluxes of the self-dual tensor field which reduces to a theta-function. The quantum contributions are computed using a T-dual IIB background where the five-branes are replaced by an ALE singularity. Using the supergravity effective action we find that the loop corrections to the free energy are given by B-model topological string amplitudes. This seems to provide a direct link between the double-scaled little strings on the five-brane worldvolume and topological strings. Both the classical and quantum contributions to the partition function satisfy (conjugate) holomorphic anomaly equations, which explains an observation of Witten relating topological string theory to the quantization of three-form fields.Comment: 35 page

    Holomorphic matrix models

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    This is a study of holomorphic matrix models, the matrix models which underlie the conjecture of Dijkgraaf and Vafa. I first give a systematic description of the holomorphic one-matrix model. After discussing its convergence sectors, I show that certain puzzles related to its perturbative expansion admit a simple resolution in the holomorphic set-up. Constructing a `complex' microcanonical ensemble, I check that the basic requirements of the conjecture (in particular, the special geometry relations involving chemical potentials) hold in the absence of the hermicity constraint. I also show that planar solutions of the holomorphic model probe the entire moduli space of the associated algebraic curve. Finally, I give a brief discussion of holomorphic ADEADE models, focusing on the example of the A2A_2 quiver, for which I extract explicitly the relevant Riemann surface. In this case, use of the holomorphic model is crucial, since the Hermitian approach and its attending regularization would lead to a singular algebraic curve, thus contradicting the requirements of the conjecture. In particular, I show how an appropriate regularization of the holomorphic A2A_2 model produces the desired smooth Riemann surface in the limit when the regulator is removed, and that this limit can be described as a statistical ensemble of `reduced' holomorphic models.Comment: 45 pages, reference adde

    Branched Matrix Models and the Scales of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    In the framework of the matrix model/gauge theory correspondence, we consider supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory with U(1)NU(1)^N symmetry breaking pattern. Due to the presence of the Veneziano--Yankielowicz effective superpotential, in order to satisfy the FF--term condition iSi=0\sum_iS_i=0, we are forced to introduce additional terms in the free energy of the corresponding matrix model with respect to the usual formulation. This leads to a matrix model formulation with a cubic potential which is free of parameters and displays a branched structure. In this way we naturally solve the usual problem of the identification between dimensionful and dimensionless quantities. Furthermore, we need not introduce the N=1\N=1 scale by hand in the matrix model. These facts are related to remarkable coincidences which arise at the critical point and lead to a branched bare coupling constant. The latter plays the role of the N=1\N=1 and N=2\N=2 scale tuning parameter. We then show that a suitable rescaling leads to the correct identification of the N=2\N=2 variables. Finally, by means of the the mentioned coincidences, we provide a direct expression for the N=2\N=2 prepotential, including the gravitational corrections, in terms of the free energy. This suggests that the matrix model provides a triangulation of the istanton moduli space.Comment: 1+18 pages, harvmac. Added discussion on the CSW relative shifts of theta vacua and the odd phases at the critical point. References added and typos correcte

    Baby Universes in String Theory

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    We argue that the holographic description of four-dimensional BPS black holes naturally includes multi-center solutions. This suggests that the holographic dual to the gauge theory is not a single AdS_2 times S^2 but a coherent ensemble of them. We verify this in a particular class of examples, where the two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory gives a holographic description of the black holes obtained by branes wrapping Calabi-Yau cycles. Using the free fermionic formulation, we show that O(e^{-N}) non-perturbative effects entangle the two Fermi surfaces. In an Euclidean description, the wave-function of the multi-center black holes gets mapped to the Hartle-Hawking wave-function of baby universes. This provides a concrete realization, within string theory, of effects that can be interpreted as the creation of baby universes. We find that, at least in the case we study, the baby universes do not lead to a loss of quantum coherence, in accord with general arguments.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figure

    Comments on BRST quantization of strings

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    The BRST quantization of strings is revisited and the derivation of the path integral measure for scattering amplitudes is streamlined. Gauge invariances due to zero modes in the ghost sector are taken into account by using the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. This involves promoting the moduli of Riemann surfaces to quantum mechanical variables on which BRST transformations act. The familiar ghost and antighost zero mode insertions are recovered upon integrating out auxiliary fields. In contrast to the usual treatment, the gauge-fixed action including all zero mode insertions is BRST invariant. Possible anomalous contributions to BRST Ward identities due to boundaries of moduli space are reproduced in a novel way. Two models are discussed explicitly: bosonic string theory and topological gravity coupled to the topological A-model.Comment: 23 pages, latex; v2: typos fixed, footnote and reference adde

    On Effective Superpotentials and Compactification to Three Dimensions

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    We study four dimensional N=2 SO/SP supersymmetric gauge theory on R^3\times S^1 deformed by a tree level superpotential. We will show that the exact superpotential can be obtained by making use of the Lax matrix of the corresponding integrable model which is the periodic Toda lattice. The connection between vacua of SO(2N) and SO(2kN-2k+2) can also be seen in this framework. Similar analysis can also be applied for SO(2N+1) and SP(2N).Comment: 18 pages, latex file, v2: typos corrected, refs adde

    Schaaleffecten en Onderwijskwaliteit

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    Statistische analyse van data voor het voortgezet onderwijs laat zien dat er geen eenduidig verband bestaat tussen schaalgrootte en kwaliteit. Actief overheidsbeleid gericht op schaalverandering kan volgens dit onderzoek niet gebaseerd worden op wetenschappelijk bewijs

    Competition and educational quality: Evidence from the Netherlands

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    Ample evidence is available for the effect of competition on educational quality as only a few countries allow large scale competition. In the Netherlands free parental choice is present since the beginning of the 20th century, which can be characterized as a full voucher program with 100% funding. Based on panel data for the Netherlands we show that there is a relation between competition and educational outcomes in secondary education, but that it is negative and small. This effect is larger for small and medium sized schools and for schools which do not have a Protestant or Catholic denomination

    Chiral Rings and Anomalies in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory

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    Motivated by recent work of Dijkgraaf and Vafa, we study anomalies and the chiral ring structure in a supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory with an adjoint chiral superfield and an arbitrary superpotential. A certain generalization of the Konishi anomaly leads to an equation which is identical to the loop equation of a bosonic matrix model. This allows us to solve for the expectation values of the chiral operators as functions of a finite number of ``integration constants.'' From this, we can derive the Dijkgraaf-Vafa relation of the effective superpotential to a matrix model. Some of our results are applicable to more general theories. For example, we determine the classical relations and quantum deformations of the chiral ring of N=1\N=1 super Yang-Mills theory with SU(N) gauge group, showing, as one consequence, that all supersymmetric vacua of this theory have a nonzero chiral condensate.Comment: 67 pages, minor change

    Combinatorial Identities and Quantum State Densities of Supersymmetric Sigma Models on N-Folds

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    There is a remarkable connection between the number of quantum states of conformal theories and the sequence of dimensions of Lie algebras. In this paper, we explore this connection by computing the asymptotic expansion of the elliptic genus and the microscopic entropy of black holes associated with (supersymmetric) sigma models. The new features of these results are the appearance of correct prefactors in the state density expansion and in the coefficient of the logarithmic correction to the entropy.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. To appear in the European Physical Journal