70 research outputs found

    Impact flux of asteroids and water transport to the habitable zone in binary star systems

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    By now, observations of exoplanets have found more than 50 binary star systems hosting 71 planets. We expect these numbers to increase as more than 70% of the main sequence stars in the solar neighborhood are members of binary or multiple systems. The planetary motion in such systems depends strongly on both the parameters of the stellar system (stellar separation and eccentricity) and the architecture of the planetary system (number of planets and their orbital behaviour). In case a terrestrial planet moves in the so-called habitable zone (HZ) of its host star, the habitability of this planet depends on many parameters. A crucial factor is certainly the amount of water. We investigate in this work the transport of water from beyond the snow-line to the HZ in a binary star system and compare it to a single star system

    Disc-protoplanet interaction Influence of circumprimary radiative discs on self-gravitating protoplanetary bodies in binary star systems

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    Context. More than 60 planets have been discovered so far in systems that harbour two stars, some of which have binary semi-major axes as small as 20 au. It is well known that the formation of planets in such systems is strongly influenced by the stellar components, since the protoplanetary disc and the particles within are exposed to the gravitational influence of the binary. However, the question on how self-gravitating protoplanetary bodies affect the evolution of a radiative, circumprimary disc is still open. Aims. We present our 2D hydrodynamical GPU-CPU code and study the interaction of several thousands of self-gravitating particles with a viscous and radiative circumprimary disc within a binary star system. To our knowledge this program is the only one at the moment that is capable to handle this many particles and to calculate their influence on each other and on the disc. Methods. We performed hydrodynamical simulations of a circumstellar disc assuming the binary system to be coplanar. Our gridbased staggered mesh code relies on ideas from ZEUS-2D, where we implemented the FARGO algorithm and an additional energy equation for the radiative cooling according to opacity tables. To treat particle motion we used a parallelised version of the precise Bulirsch - Stoer algorithm. Four models in total where computed taking into account (i) only N-body interaction, (ii) N-body and disc interaction, (iii) the influence of computational parameters (especially smoothing) on N-body interaction, and (iv) the influence of a quiet low-eccentricity disc while running model (ii). The impact velocities where measured at two different time intervals and were compared. Results. We show that the combination of disc- and N-body self-gravity can have a significant influence on the orbit evolution of roughly Moon sized protoplanets

    Stellar activity and planetary atmosphere evolution in tight binary star systems

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    Context. In tight binary star systems, tidal interactions can significantly influence the rotational and orbital evolution of both stars, and therefore their activity evolution. This can have strong effects on the atmospheric evolution of planets that are orbiting the two stars. Aims. In this paper, we aim to study the evolution of stellar rotation and of X-ray and ultraviolet (XUV) radiation in tight binary systems consisting of two solar mass stars and use our results to study planetary atmosphere evolution in the habitable zones of these systems. Methods. We have applied a rotation model developed for single stars to binary systems, taking into account the effects of tidal interactions on the rotational and orbital evolution of both stars. We used empirical rotation-activity relations to predict XUV evolution tracks for the stars, which we used to model hydrodynamic escape of hydrogen dominated atmospheres. Results. When significant, tidal interactions increase the total amount of XUV energy emitted, and in the most extreme cases by up to factor of ∌\sim50. We find that in the systems that we study, habitable zone planets with masses of 1~M⊕_\oplus can lose huge hydrogen atmospheres due to the extended high levels of XUV emission, and the time that is needed to lose these atmospheres depends on the binary orbital separation.For some orbital separations, and when the stars are born as rapid rotators, it is also possible for tidal interactions to protect atmospheres from erosion by quickly spinning down the stars. For very small orbital separations, the loss of orbital angular momentum by stellar winds causes the two stars to merge. We suggest that the merging of the two stars could cause previously frozen planets to become habitable due to the habitable zone boundaries moving outwards.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&

    Colliding Winds in Low-Mass Binary Star Systems: wind interactions and implications for habitable planets

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    Context. In binary star systems, the winds from the two components impact each other, leading to strong shocks and regions of enhanced density and temperature. Potentially habitable circumbinary planets must continually be exposed to these interactions regions. Aims. We study, for the first time, the interactions between winds from low-mass stars in a binary system, to show the wind conditions seen by potentially habitable circumbinary planets. Methods. We use the advanced 3D numerical hydrodynamic code Nurgush to model the wind interactions of two identical winds from two solar mass stars with circular orbits and a binary separation of 0.5 AU. As input into this model, we use a 1D hydrodynamic simulation of the solar wind, run using the Versatile Advection Code. We derive the locations of stable and habitable orbits in this system to explore what wind conditions potentially habitable planets will be exposed to during their orbits. Results. Our wind interaction simulations result in the formation of two strong shock waves separated by a region of enhanced density and temperature. The wind-wind interaction region has a spiral shape due to Coriolis forces generated by the orbital motions of the two stars. The stable and habitable zone in this system extends from approximately 1.4 AU to 2.4 AU. (TRUNCATED)Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, to be published in A&

    Extrasolar Trojan Planets close to Habitable Zones

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    We investigate the stability regions of hypothetical terrestrial planets around the Lagrangian equilibrium points L4 and L5 in some specific extrasolar planetary systems. The problem of their stability can be treated in the framework of the restricted three body problem where the host star and a massive Jupiter-like planet are the primary bodies and the terrestrial planet is regarded as being massless. From these theoretical investigations one cannot determine the extension of the stable zones around the equilibrium points. Using numerical experiments we determined their largeness for three test systems chosen from the table of the know extrasolar planets, where a giant planet is moving close to the so-called habitable zone around the host star in low eccentric orbits. The results show the dependence of the size and structure of this region, which shrinks significantly with the eccentricity of the known gas giant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&
