78 research outputs found

    The gene-expression profile of renal medulla in ISIAH rats with inherited stress-induced arterial hypertension

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    Metabolic pathways enriched with genes differentially expressed in ISIAH and WAG renal medulla. (XLS 41 kb

    Application of Basophil Activation Test with Anthraxin for Laboratory ( <I>in vitro</I>) Diagnostics of Anthrax

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    Demonstrated is the possibility to use in vitro basophil activation test with anthraxin, with registration of the results by means of flow cytometry, for anthrax diagnostics. This approach seems promising as it provides quantitative assessment of sensitization of the organism and does not cause its additional allergization. The duration of the analysis is 1h. The test is suggested for application, as an express one, for early and retrospective laboratory diagnostics of anthrax, estimation of post-vaccinal immunity


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    The results of analysis of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on anthrax in the world in 2016 are presented. In the Russian Federation 36 human cases of anthrax are registered. Epizooties are noted in 3 federal districts. Anthrax in humans was detected in neighboring countries of Central Asia, in a number of Asian and African countries. Epizootic foci are identified throughout with prevalence in the countries of Africa and Asia, where anthrax cases among wild animals were also revealed. The unstable situation on anthrax is forecasted in 2017 in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries

    Analysis of the Anthrax Morbidity Rate in the Russian Federation in 2011, and Prognosis for 2012

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    Carried out is the analysis of epidemiological situation on anthrax in 2011, both in the Russian Federation and around the world. The results of the analysis bear evidence of the fact that in the constituent units of the federal districts of Southern Russia and Siberia anthrax morbidity in humans will be retained at the annual average level (characteristic of the recent decade) - ranging from 1 to 20 cases of the disease

    Epidemiological and Epizootiological Situation on Anthrax in 2017, Forecast for 2018

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    The situation on anthrax in the Russian Federation is characterized as unstable. This is due to a large number of soil foci, incomplete registration and coverage of farm animals that undergo vaccination against anthrax, reduction in the scope of the planned specific immunization of contingents under occupational risk of infection in a number of the country’s regions. Cases of anthrax among animals and humans were not registered in the Russian Federation in 2017. Adverse situation on anthrax was reported in 4 neighboring countries. High incidence rates of antrax in animals and humans was noted in African and Asian countries. Infection of people occurred as a result of contact with sick and dead animals in the process of slaughter and cutting carcasses, eating contaminated meat. Anthrax morbidity rates of animals and humans in the Russian Federation in 2018 will be determined by the extent to which complex of preventive measures is completed; and if implemented to the maximum scale, will be limited to single cases


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    The organizational peculiarities of anti-epidemic measures during the anthrax outbreak in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District in 2016 are presented. Complex of these measures provided for anthrax patients active identification and hospitalization, preventive immunization and emergency antibiotic prophylaxis of risk groups, vaccination of reindeer, utilization of fallen animals. Disinfection, deratization and desinsection measures were performed. Native residents were evacuated from infection focus and sensitization campaign among the population was carried out. Organized were sanitary inspection stations and temporary accommodation points. Due to operational implementation of anti-epidemic measures in the interagency format the anthrax focus was localized within one incubation period

    Anthrax: Epidemiological and Epizootiological Situation in 2015, Prognosis for 2016

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    Outlined are the results of assessment of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on anthrax across the globe in 2015. Three human cases of cutaneous anthrax were registered in the Russian Federation. Detected were two epizootic foci with three cases of live-stock animal disease. 1-20 cases of anthrax in humans are forecasted in the Russian Federation in 2016. Adverse as regards anthrax situation is created in a number of near and far abroad counties. The highest morbidity rates among animals and humans are reported from Asian and African countries. Discussed are the results of investigation into the blunder of the US Department of Defense laboratory system, resulted in distribution of ineffectively decontaminated samples of anthrax agent to the US laboratories, as well as of other states within the past twenty years

    Epidemiological and Epizootiological Situation on Anthrax in 2014, and Prognosis for 2015

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    Presented are the results of analysis of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on anthrax across the Russian Federation and around the world in 2014. Anthrax morbidity rates in Russia have increased as compared to the previous year, but have not exceeded the range of annual variations within the past decade. Three foci of animal infection have been detected here. Unfavorable, as regards anthrax, situation has developed in the CIS countries and the territories beyond. In Europe the cases of deliveries of meat and meat products contaminated with anthrax agent to retail store network have taken place. 1 to 20 cases of anthrax among the population are forecasted in Russia for 2015

    Using CAST-test to investigate human specific hypersensitivity to the anthrax pathogen

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    We present the results of applying functional cytometric test of antigen-stimulated activation basophils to assess specific immunological reactivity in the people with anthrax, and immunized with anthrax vaccine. As a criterion for antigen-specific basophil activation, we measured expression of the CD63 membrane receptor, which reflects the process of anaphylactic basophil degranulation. To determine spontaneous and antigen-induced activation of basophils (CCR3+CD63+), a FlowCAST reagent kit (Buhlmann laboratories AG, Switzerland) was used. Anthraxin, an experimental anthrax allergen (a hydrolysate the Bacillus anthracis STI-1 strain), manufactured by the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute, was used as a specific antigen. As based on clinical and experimental data, a threshold value of &gt; 10% of anthraxin-activated (CCR3+CD63+) basophils was accepted for the in vitro immunodiagnostic CAST test, as a laboratory criterion for the subjects exhibiting specific immune response, i.e., IgE-mediated sensitization. It was shown that, in anthrax patients within one week after onset of the disease (3-7 days), a positive CAST result was obtained in 92.3% cases; the levels of specific basophil activation with anthraxin averaged 37.9% (12.01 ÷ 78.9%). Immunological examination of individuals three weeks (21 days) after vaccination against anthrax revealed CAST-positivity in all the vaccinated persons. Intensity of anthraxin-induced basophil activation the vaccinated subjects was ranged from 10.87 to 30.03%, averaging 17.86%. The overall values of spontaneous and specific activation ranged within 12.39 ÷ 41.46%. The study opens prospectives for implementation of basophil antigenic activation test in the Flow CAST format in diagnostics of anthrax and to identify specific immune rearrangements after vaccination in humans, as an index of actual vaccination rates. Usage of CAST test with anthraxin makes it possible to identify anthrax patients at the early stages (2-4 days after onset of the disease) including, among patients with an increased CCR3+CD63+ background values, evaluation of immunological efficiency in the cohorts at risk for vaccination. At the same time, it was found that a significant decrease in diagnostic sensitivity of CAST test could be observed in the patients immune to anthrax pathogen who received intensive antibacterial and pathogenetic therapy at the early stages of infection, including glucocorticosteroids (anti-inflammatory drugs) and desensitizing agents that inhibit the degree of hypersensitivity development and its expression