11 research outputs found

    Novel Internal Regions of Fluorescent Proteins Undergo Divergent Evolutionary Patterns

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    Over the past decade, fluorescent proteins (FPs) have become ubiquitous tools in biological research. Yet, little is known about the natural function or evolution of this superfamily of proteins that originate from marine organisms. Using molecular phylogenetic analyses of 102 naturally occurring cyan fluorescent proteins, green fluorescent proteins, red fluorescent proteins, as well as the nonfluorescent (purple-blue) protein sequences (including new FPs from Lizard Island, Australia) derived from organisms with known geographic origin, we show that FPs consist of two distinct and novel regions that have evolved under opposite and sharply divergent evolutionary pressures. A central region is highly conserved, and although it contains the residues that form the chromophore, its evolution does not track with fluorescent color and evolves independently from the rest of the protein. By contrast, the regions enclosing this central region are under strong positive selection pressure to vary its sequence and yet segregate well with fluorescence color emission. We did not find a significant correlation between geographic location of the organism from which the FP was isolated and molecular evolution of the protein. These results define for the first time two distinct regions based on evolution for this highly compact protein. The findings have implications for more sophisticated bioengineering of this molecule as well as studies directed toward understanding the natural function of FPs

    Evidence, Content and Corroboration and the Tree of Life

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    We examine three critical aspects of Popper’s formulation of the ‘Logic of Scientific Discovery’—evidence, content and degree of corroboration—and place these concepts in the context of the Tree of Life (ToL) problem with particular reference to molecular systematics. Content, in the sense discussed by Popper, refers to the breadth and scope of existence that a hypothesis purports to explain. Content, in conjunction with the amount of available and relevant evidence, determines the testability, or potential degree of corroboration, of a statement; content distinguishes scientific hypotheses from metaphysical assertions. Degree of corroboration refers to the relative and tentative confidence assigned to one hypothesis over another, based upon the performance of each under critical tests. Here we suggest that systematists attempt to maximize content and evidence to increase the potential degree of corroboration in all phylogenetic endeavors. Discussion of this “total evidence” approach leads to several interesting conclusions about generating ToL hypotheses

    Phylogenomic Analysis Identifies Gene Gains That Define <i>Salmonella enterica</i> Subspecies I

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    <div><p>Comparative methods for analyzing whole genome sequence (WGS) data enable us to assess the genetic information available for reconstructing the evolutionary history of pathogens. We used the comparative approach to determine diagnostic genes for <i>Salmonella enterica</i> subspecies I. <i>S. enterica</i> subsp. I strains are known to infect warm-blooded organisms regularly while its close relatives tend to infect only cold-blooded organisms. We found 71 genes gained by the common ancestor of <i>Salmonella enterica</i> subspecies I and not subsequently lost by any member of this subspecies sequenced to date. These genes included many putative functional phenotypes. Twenty-seven of these genes are found only in <i>Salmonella enterica</i> subspecies I; we designed primers to test these genes for use as diagnostic sequence targets and data mined the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database for draft genomes which carried these genes. We found that the sequence specificity and variability of these amplicons can be used to detect and discriminate among 317 different serovars and strains of <i>Salmonella enterica</i> subspecies I.</p></div

    Identification of Unusual E6 and E7 Proteins within Avian Papillomaviruses: Cellular Localization, Biophysical Characterization, and Phylogenetic Analysis▿ §

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    Papillomaviruses (PVs) are a large family of small DNA viruses infecting mammals, reptiles, and birds. PV infection induces cell proliferation that may lead to the formation of orogenital or skin tumors. PV-induced cell proliferation has been related mainly to the expression of two small oncoproteins, E6 and E7. In mammalian PVs, E6 contains two 70-residue zinc-binding repeats, whereas E7 consists of a natively unfolded N-terminal region followed by a zinc-binding domain which folds as an obligate homodimer. Here, we show that both the novel francolin bird PV Francolinus leucoscepus PV type 1 (FlPV-1) and the chaffinch bird PV Fringilla coelebs PV contain unusual E6 and E7 proteins. The avian E7 proteins contain an extended unfolded N terminus and a zinc-binding domain of reduced size, whereas the avian E6 proteins consist of a single zinc-binding domain. A comparable single-domain E6 protein may have existed in a common ancestor of mammalian and avian PVs. Mammalian E6 C-terminal domains are phylogenetically related to those of single-domain avian E6, whereas mammalian E6 N-terminal domains seem to have emerged by duplication and subsequently diverged from the original ancestral domain. In avian and mammalian cells, both FlPV-1 E6 and FlPV-1 E7 were evenly expressed in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Finally, samples of full-length FlPV-1 E6 and the FlPV-1 E7 C-terminal zinc-binding domain were prepared for biophysical analysis. Both constructs were highly soluble and well folded, according to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements