26 research outputs found

    Случай тяжелого осложненного течения острой дизентерии у беременной

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    No doubts that shigellosis severity directly depends on the spread of the gut specific lesion. There are some data published on the basis of autopsy records and pointing to shigella caused lesion spreading both to colon and ileum in adult cases especially in those older than 60 y.o. or with any immunosuppressive premorbid background. Obviously, the gut mucosa condition determines the local resistance potential and moreover it's shown that in shigellosis cases, the histologic pattern of gut mucosa depends on quantity and quality of neutrophils, extremely important to control the intensity of agent invasion. Viral infections with concomitant neutropenia are commonly considered as immune suppressive conditions. As to Herpes virus infection, it's well known as the large mucosa lesion disease that can subsequently lead to aggravation of any forthcoming acute bacterial infection. The paper suggests the description of shigellosis case confirmed with the use of PCR test (PCR kit Amplisens All-bacto-screen-FL Lab, Interlabservice) and developed by young woman with unfavorable premorbid condition. The disease course turned to be severe and complicated by the peritonitis development. The aggravating factors in the proposed case were likely such immune modulating concurrent conditions as Herpes virus infection and pregnancy. The clinical example demonstrates that young people can develop severe complicated shigellosis course given burdened premorbid background availability.Известно, что тяжесть течения шигеллеза коррелирует с распространенностью специфического поражения кишечника. Опубликованы данные о том, что результаты исследования кишечника взрослых пациентов, умерших от шигеллеза, выявляют патоморфологические признаки шигеллезного поражения, захватывающего как толстую, так и подвздошную кишку. Такое течение заболевания описано преимущественно у лиц пожилого возраста или лиц с неблагоприятным преморбидным фоном. Исходное состояние слизистой кишечника предопределяет полноценность функционирования региональной системы резистентности, а гистологическая картина при шигеллезе, кроме того, не в последнюю очередь обусловлена как количественной, так и функциональной характеристиками нейтрофилов, которые важны для контроля степени инвазии шигелл. Вирусные инфекции с развивающейся нейтропенией относят, как известно, к иммуносупрессивным состояниям. Herpes-вирусные заболевания, кроме того, еще могут поражать слизистые оболочки всего организма, что закономерно утяжеляет течение развивающейся на этом фоне последующей острой бактериальной инфекции. Приведен случай развития острого шигеллеза на неблагоприятном преморбидном фоне у пациентки молодого возраста. Верификация диагноза реализована с помощью молекулярно-биологического метода (PCR kit Amplisens All-bacto-screen-FL Lab, Interlabservice). Заболевание имело тяжелое течение и осложнилось пропотным перитонитом. В представленном случае в качестве отягощающих течение шигеллеза факторов существенное значение, вероятно, имели такие состояния, сопровождаемые иммуномодуляцией, как незавершенная Herpes-вирусная инфекция и беременность. Таким образом, приведенное клиническое наблюдение демонстрирует возможность тяжелого осложненного течения шигеллезной инфекции у лиц молодого возраста при наличии неблагоприятного преморбидного фона

    Определение происхождения природного битума в мумифицирующих смолах древнеегипетских мумий из собрания ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина

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    This work presents the results of a study of the resins of seven Ancient Egyptian mummies from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts using a complex of analytical methods: gas chromatography, atomic emission and mass spectrometry. Natural bitumen and beeswax were identified in the resins using the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method. Based on the results of hydrocarbon distribution in the profiles of n-alkanes in the resin coatings of the mummies and naturally occurring bitumen, it was assumed that the Dead Sea bitumen was used. The gas chromatography–mass spectrometry studies of mummy resins in the selected ion mode (m/z 217 and 191) provided additional evidence of the bitumen’s geographic origin. Atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma was used as a means to determine the content of microelements. Vanadium, nickel and molybdenum were found in the tar of five mummies. The determined relative amounts of vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum in the resins of the studied mummies showed a good correlation with the available data on the content of these elements in the Dead Sea bitumen, as well as the Fayum mummy resin based on this bitumen. The advantages of using the method of identifying bitumen in mummy resins based on relative content of vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum were revealed.В работе представлены результаты исследования составов смол семи древнеегипетских мумий из коллекции Государственного музея изобразительных искусств имени А.С. Пушкина с применением комплекса аналитических методов: газовой хроматографии (ГХ), атомно-эмиссионной и масс-спектрометрии (МС). Методом ГХ–МС в них идентифицированы природный битум и пчелиный воск. По результатам распределений углеводородов в профилях н-алканов в смоляных покрытиях мумий и природных битумов высказано предположение об использовании битума Мертвого моря. Дополнительные доказательства географического происхождения битума получены ГХ–МС-исследованием смол мумий в режиме мониторинга заданных ионов (m/z 217 и 191). Методом атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой определено содержание микроэлементов и показано, что в смолах пяти мумий присутствуют ванадий, никель и молибден. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют об удовлетворительной корреляции их с литературными данными по содержанию указанных элементов в битуме Мертвого моря и смоле Фаюмской мумии на основе этого битума. Выявлены преимущества использования метода идентификации битума в смолах мумий по относительному содержанию ванадия, никеля и молибдена


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    Studies of electrical characteristics, deep traps spectra, microcathodoluminescence (MCL) spectra of undoped and donor (Pb, Ca) doped TlBr crystals as influenced by growth conditions (Br pressure, Ar pressure, growth in air) are presented. It is shown that, for the 85−320 K temperature range, the crystal conductivity was determined not by ionic conductance but by the density of electrons and holes supplied by the ionization of deep centers. Centers with activation energies of 1−1.2 eV that pin the Fermi level in donor doped crystals are shown to play a prominent role in the recombination of nonequilibrium charge carriers. In undoped crystals the Fermi level is pinned near Ev+0.8 eV and these centers are also active in the recombination of charge carriers and are responsible for the MCL band peak near 1.85 eV. The temperature dependence of photocurrent in undoped crystals is strongly influenced by electron trapping on relatively shallow centers located 0.1−0.2 eV below the conduction band edge. Deep traps spectra revealed the presence of centers with activation energies 0.36, 0.45, 0.6 eV whose concentration increases with donor doping. Doping with Pb or Ca increases the dark resistivity of the crystals by about an order of magnitude, but Pb doping enhances the density of deep traps, which is not favorable for use of this material in radiation detectors.Исследованы электрические характеристики, спектры глубоких ловушек, спектры микрокатодолюминесценции (МКЛ) нелегированных и легированных донорами (Pb, Ca) кристаллов TlBr и изучено влияние на эти характеристики условий выращивания (противодавление брома, противодавление аргона, выращивание на воздухе). Показано, что в исследованном интервале температур (85—320 К) проводимость кристаллов определяется концентрацией электронов и дырок в разрешенных зонах, а не ионной проводимостью. В процессах рекомбинации неравновесных носителей основную роль играют центры с энергией активации 1,0—1,2 эВ, на которых закреплен уровень Ферми в легированных донорами кристаллах. В нелегированных кристаллах уровень Ферми закреплен на центрах с уровнем около Ev+0,8 эВ, которые также участвуют в рекомбинации и ответственны за полосу МКЛ с энергией 1,85 эВ. В температурных зависимостях фототока нелегированных кристаллов большую роль играет прилипание электронов на мелких электронных ловушках с энергией 0,1—0,2 эВ и на более глубоких электронных ловушках. В спектрах глубоких центров обнаружены ловушки с энергиями 0,36, 0,45 и 0,6 эВ, концентрация которых растет при легировании донорами. Легирование Pb или Ca позволяет на порядок повысить удельное сопротивление материала, но легирование Pb приводит к большей концентрации глубоких ловушек, что неблагоприятно для использования материала в радиационных детекторах

    Перспектива применения биогенных квантовых точек наночастиц сульфидов серебра, кадмия и цинка для создания полимерных бионанокомпозитных материалов

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    The possibility of applying silver, cadmium and zinc sulfide nanoparticles (npAg2S, npCdS and npZnS) obtained using Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Bacillus subtilis 168 bacterial cultures for the creation of a new class of polymeric bionanocomposite materials was investigated. Biogenic nanoparticles obtained in aqueous solutions of the corresponding salts in the presence of various types of microorganisms are characterized by the presence of protein molecules on their surface. The molecules composition is determined by the bacterial culture. Proteins stabilize them and allow the nanoparticles to covalently join the active groups of polymeric carriers. Aminated chloromethylated polystyrene microspheres, as well as ion-exchange resins of various types, were used as polymeric matrices. Analysis of interaction with them can be used as a method for studying the properties of biogenic nanoparticles of metal sulfides for subsequent successful selection of a polymeric carrier. The immobilization of biogenic nanoparticles of metal sulfides onto the surface of aminated chloromethylated polystyrene microspheres was found to depend on the level of stability of aqueous nanoparticle suspensions and is determined by the negative charge of biogenic npAg2S, npCdS and npZnS, which suggests covalent binding and the electrostatic interaction of the components in the composition of the polymer bionanocomposite. A comparative analysis of the parameters of nanoparticles depending on the strain used in the biosynthesis was carried out. Analysis of the main physicochemical characteristics of npCdS and npZnS showed that the small size of nanoparticles (npCdS - 5 nm, npZnS - up to 2 nm) and the presence of luminescence peaks at wavelengths less than 400 nm classify them in the blue region of the fluorescence spectrum and identify them as quantum dots. Thus, the possibility of introducing fluorescent quantum dots of nanoparticles of metal sulfides of biogenic origin into various polymeric matrices has been demonstrated, which contributes to the expansion of the horizons for using a new class of nanoparticles to create polymeric bionanocomposites.Исследована возможность применения наночастиц сульфида серебра, кадмия и цинка (npAg2S, npCdS и npZnS), полученных с использованием бактериальных культур Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 и Bacillus subtilis 168, для создания нового класса полимерных бионанокомпозитных материалов. Биогенные наночастицы, полученные в водных растворах соответствующих солей в присутствии различных типов микроорганизмов, характеризуются наличием на их поверхности белковых молекул, состав которых определяется бактериальной культурой. Белки стабилизируют наночастицы и позволяют им ковалентно присоединяться к активным группам полимерных носителей. В качестве полимерных матриц использовали аминированные хлорм,етилирован-ные полистирольные микросферы, а также ионообменные смолы различных типов. Анализ взаилюдействия с ними люжет быть использован в качестве лъетода изучения свойств биогенных наночастиц сульфидов металлов для последующего успешного выбора полимерного носителя. Установлено, что иммобилизация биогенных наночастиц сульфидов металлов на поверхности аминированных хлорметилированных полистирольных микросфер зависит от уровня стабильности водных суспензий наночастиц и определяется отрицательным зарядом биогенных npAg2S, npCdS и npZnS, что предполагает ковалентное связывание и электростатическое взаимодействие компонентов в составе полимерного бионанокомпозита. Проведен сравнительный анализ параметров наночастиц в зависимости от штамма, используемого в биосинтезе. Анализ основных физико-химических характеристик npCdS и npZnS показал, что небольшие размеры наночастиц (npCdS - 5 нм, npZnS - до 2 нм) и наличие люминесцентных пиков на длинах волн менее 400 нм, что относит их к синей области спектра флуоресценции, позволяет классифицировать их как квантовые точки. Таким образом, была продемонстрирована возможность введения флуоресцентных квантовых точек наночастиц сульфидов металлов биогенного происхождения в различные полимерные матрицы, что способствует расширению горизонтов использования нового класса наночастиц для создания полимерных бионанокомпозитов

    Characteristics of acute diarrhea adult cases with samples positive for Norwalk virus

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    Remaining unmanageable,Norwalkvirus infection is clearly tended to be recorded at higher rate, including adult patients. In many cases, clinical picture of adult acute diarrhea in patients positive for Norwalk virus in clinical samples vs. pathogenetically-caused norovirus infection differs, thereby justifying comparison of clinical and laboratory data. A cohort retrospective study with 146 hospitalized adult patients suffering from acute moderate diarrhea positive for fecalNorwalkvirus was performed. Along with standard laboratory tests (culturing, serologic for detecting 4-fold increase in titer between paired serum samples, ELISA), detection of diarrhea-linked agents included PCR kit Amplisens® AII-bacto-screen-FL Lab (Interlabservice). The data obtained demonstrated that in adult patients with acute diarrhea 54.1% of cases were positive forNorwalkvirus as well as for other enteric pathogens, including bacteria found in 36.3% of cases. Moreover, clinical samples of patients with acute diarrhea hospitalized at least on day 4 vs. day 3 after the onset were significantly more often (by 1.5-fold) positive for association between Norwalk virus and other acute enteric infection agents mainly due to astrovirus (р = 0.03; PCR data) and Shigella spp. (culture-based and serologic methods; р = 0.03). In addition,Norwalkvirus was associated with rotavirus, but not other enteric pathogens, at 2.1-fold higher rate in clinical samples from patients treated vs. untreated with antimicrobials before hospitalization. Finally, clinical samples positive for Norwalk virus from patients with vs. without developed colitis syndrome were at higher risk of developing virus-bacterial enteric infection detecting Salmonella spp. at 7.6and 3-fold higher rate verified by culture-based and PCR assay, respectively. Importantly, patients with vs. without hemorrhagic colitis Salmonella spp. verified primarily a culture-based method was detected by 11-fold more frequently (p = 0.01)


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    The paper suggests the results of retrospective cohort study. We analyzed the results of clinical and laboratory examination of 102 hospitalized adult patients with acute diarrhea (AD) of moderate severity and positive feces test for rotavirus. Specific examination for the detection of various pathogens of AD along with standard cultural, serologic (based on the determination of specific antibodies) and ELISA methods included the study of the patient’s feces by PCR. It was found that the use of a complex of modern methods of specific diagnosis allows in 67.2% of individuals along with markers of rotavirus simultaneously identify markers of other pathogens, including bacterial – 51% of patients. Among the examined persons hospitalized on the 4th day of the disease and later, there are 2 times more patients with concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and 2.4 times more patients taking antimicrobial drugs at the prehospital stage than among those who admitted for the 1st three days of the disease. The cases in adult patients with concomitant non-infectious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract compared to those without it turned to be significantly rarer simultaneously positive for rotavirus and Campylobacter spp. In the examined patients with colitis syndrome there is an apparent trend of more frequent detection of a positive cultural test for Salmonella spp. In the absence of markers of bacterial enteropathogens in the clinical material in the group of adult patients with only detected rotavirus, colitis syndrome is documented 2 times more often than in patients with a positive combined reaction to rota- and norovirus

    The determination of the origin of natural bitumen in mummifying resins of Ancient Egyptian mummies from the collection of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

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    This work presents the results of a study of the resins of seven Ancient Egyptian mummies from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts using a complex of analytical methods: gas chromatography, atomic emission and mass spectrometry. Natural bitumen and beeswax were identified in the resins using the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method. Based on the results of hydrocarbon distribution in the profiles of n-alkanes in the resin coatings of the mummies and naturally occurring bitumen, it was assumed that the Dead Sea bitumen was used. The gas chromatography–mass spectrometry studies of mummy resins in the selected ion mode (m/z 217 and 191) provided additional evidence of the bitumen’s geographic origin. Atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma was used as a means to determine the content of microelements. Vanadium, nickel and molybdenum were found in the tar of five mummies. The determined relative amounts of vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum in the resins of the studied mummies showed a good correlation with the available data on the content of these elements in the Dead Sea bitumen, as well as the Fayum mummy resin based on this bitumen. The advantages of using the method of identifying bitumen in mummy resins based on relative content of vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum were revealed

    Prospects of Applying Biogenic Quantum Dots of Silver, Cadmium and Zinc Sulfides Nanoparticles to Create Polymeric Bionanocomposite Materials

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    The possibility of applying silver, cadmium and zinc sulfide nanoparticles (npAg2S, npCdS and npZnS) obtained using Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Bacillus subtilis 168 bacterial cultures for the creation of a new class of polymeric bionanocomposite materials was investigated. Biogenic nanoparticles obtained in aqueous solutions of the corresponding salts in the presence of various types of microorganisms are characterized by the presence of protein molecules on their surface. The molecules composition is determined by the bacterial culture. Proteins stabilize them and allow the nanoparticles to covalently join the active groups of polymeric carriers. Aminated chloromethylated polystyrene microspheres, as well as ion-exchange resins of various types, were used as polymeric matrices. Analysis of interaction with them can be used as a method for studying the properties of biogenic nanoparticles of metal sulfides for subsequent successful selection of a polymeric carrier. The immobilization of biogenic nanoparticles of metal sulfides onto the surface of aminated chloromethylated polystyrene microspheres was found to depend on the level of stability of aqueous nanoparticle suspensions and is determined by the negative charge of biogenic npAg2S, npCdS and npZnS, which suggests covalent binding and the electrostatic interaction of the components in the composition of the polymer bionanocomposite. A comparative analysis of the parameters of nanoparticles depending on the strain used in the biosynthesis was carried out. Analysis of the main physicochemical characteristics of npCdS and npZnS showed that the small size of nanoparticles (npCdS - 5 nm, npZnS - up to 2 nm) and the presence of luminescence peaks at wavelengths less than 400 nm classify them in the blue region of the fluorescence spectrum and identify them as quantum dots. Thus, the possibility of introducing fluorescent quantum dots of nanoparticles of metal sulfides of biogenic origin into various polymeric matrices has been demonstrated, which contributes to the expansion of the horizons for using a new class of nanoparticles to create polymeric bionanocomposites


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    The aim of this study was to analyze the structure of the state segment of the pharmaceutical market ofKrasnoyarskregion in terms of pharmacy sales of drugs for patients with epilepsy in the Program providing the necessary drugs at the expense of the federal budget for 2014.Methods. We used the database of medications dispensed at the expense of the federal budget in patients with ICD code G40 in 2011, 2014.Results. We revealed that in structure of the sold drugs, both in value and in kind antiepileptic drugs are more than 95%.Conclusion. The organization of preferential drug supply of patients with epilepsy in theKrasnoyarskregion matches to the federal regulations