22 research outputs found

    Epidemiological Situation on Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis in the Russian Federation in 2022 and Forecast of its Development for 2023

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    The aim of this review is to predict the incidence of tick-borne viral encephalitis (TBVE) in the Russian Federation for 2023 based on analysis of the epidemiological situation on TBVE during 2012–2022. Over the decade, the highest incidence of TBVE was registered in the Siberian, Volga and Ural Federal Districts. In 2022, the Ural Federal District took the second place, the share of the North-Western one decreased by almost two times. Ranking of territories according to the rate of TBVE incidence at the level of constituent entities has made it possible to attribute 16 of them to the group of regions with a high epidemic risk, 14 – to medium epidemic risk, and 18 – to a low epidemic risk. In 2022, the incidence of TBVE in Russia increased by 1.9 times compared to 2021, and amounted to 1.34 0/0000. Despite the increase in the incidence of TBVE in 2022, a significant downward trend has been retained. The rate of infection of ticks removed from humans in 2022 was below the long-term average values. PCR and ELISA were applied for tests. Infection rate of ticks from environmental objects when studied by PCR was higher than the multi-year average values, and lower when studied by ELISA. In 2022, 3.5 million people were immunized against TBVE (vaccinated and revaccinated). Emergency immunoprophylaxis with immunoglobulin covered 24.5 % of the people affected by tick bites (children accounted for 34.3 %). The forecast for TBVE incidence in Russia in 2023 remains favorable. It is expected to be reduced to (0.83±0.298) 0/0000. However, there was not only an increase in the number of TBVE cases, but also the proportion of clinical manifestations of the disease, as well as lethal outcomes among those who suffered from tick bites in 2022. If this pattern holds, the incidence of TBVE in 2023 will be higher than predicted, especially in the constituent entities where the share of individuals with manifest forms among those who suffered from tick bites has increased greatly


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     Structural-paragenetic and kinematic methods of tectonophysics are applied to study earthquake focal mechanisms of the Zagros system. Nodal planes of focal mechanisms are identified as L-, L′- and R-, R′-shears by the first method, whereby coordinates of principal stress axes P, T and N (i.e. in tectonophysics, σ1, σ3 and σ2, if σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3) are defined. ‘Working’ nodal planes corresponding to activated ruptures are revealed. Axes of the main normal stresses are combined into local groups on the basis of the kinematic identity of planes of seismogenic ruptures (Figure 2). The second method is applied to construct stereograms of the main axes P, T and N, to construct and interpret stereograms of vectors of seismogenic shifts (Figure 3), and to more clearly define coordinates of principal axes σ1, σ3 и σ2. As evidenced by their comparison, coordinates of the principal axes obtained by the two tectonophysical methods are well coincident (see Figure 2). Five groups of seismogenesis are distinguished; they differ in combination of deformation regimes and kinematic conditions. Locations are determined of the areas wherein earthquake foci of similar parameters are located. This means that seismogenic zones are distinguished; structural and kinematic characteristics of such zones are determined by parameters of stereographic models of corresponding types of seismogenesis (Figures 4 and 5). It is established that the region is dominated by shear and upthrust deformation regimes due to regional submeridional compression and SW-NE compression (see Figures 4 and 5). Submeridional subhorizontal compression is explained by the northward movement of the Arabian plate, and SW-NE compression is explained by divergent processes within the limits of the Red Sea rift. The time pattern of the seismogenic processes from 1979 to 2001 shows that submeridional compression and SW-NE compression are associated with different deep mechanisms. Processes of SE-NW compression, which are observed in the northern part of the Arabian plate, are caused by its interaction with the Eastern Black Sea microplate.   При интерпретации механизмов очагов землетрясений системы Загрос применены структурно-параге­нетический и кинематический методы тектонофизики. Первым методом нодальные плоскости механизмов очагов идентифицированы как L-, L′- и R-, R′-сколы, на основании чего уточнены координаты главных осей напряжений P, T и N (в тектонофизике σ1, σ3 и σ2, при σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3). Определены «рабочие» нодальные плоскости, соответствующие реальным разрывам. Оси главных нормальных напряжений объединены в локальные группы по признаку кинематической идентичности плоскостей сейсмогенных разрывов (рис. 2). Вторым методом построены стереограммы распределения главных осей P, T и N, построены и проинтерпретированы стереограммы векторов сейсмогенных подвижек (рис. 3) и уточнены координаты главных осей напряжений. Сопоставление координат главных осей, полученных двумя тектонофизическими методами, показало их хорошую сходимость (рис. 2). Обосновано пять типов сейсмогенеза, характеризуемых разными комбинаторными сочетаниями деформационных режимов и кинематических обстановок; локализованы участки размещения очагов со сходными параметрами, то есть выделены сейсмогенные зоны, структурно-кинематическая характеристика которых определяется параметрами стереографических моделей соответствующих типов сейсмогенеза (рис. 4, 5). Установлено, что доминирующими в регионе являются сдвиговый и взбросовый деформационные режимы, обусловленные обстановками субмеридионального и ЮЗ-СВ регионального сжатия (рис. 4, 5). Субмеридиональное субгоризонтальное сжатие объясняется движением Аравийской плиты на север, а ЮЗ-СВ сжатие – дивергентными процессами в пределах Красноморского рифта. Временная развертка сейсмогенных процессов за 1979–2001 гг. показывает, что субмеридиональное и ЮЗ-СВ сжатие связано с разными глубинными механизмами. Процессы ЮВ-СЗ сжатия, фиксируемые в северной части Аравийской плиты, обусловлены ее взаимодействием с Восточно-Черноморской микроплитой. 

    Design of hepatotoxicity and cardiotoxicity experimental evaluation of leflunomid in rabbits

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    The article deals the experiment methodology on rabbits in order to assess hepatotoxicity of leflunomide during the intake of essential phospholipids. A model of drug administration was chosen, a concept of manipulations for evaluation of hepatotoxicity was developed, which includes blood sampling, weighing, liver biopsy as well as cardiotoxicity – electrocardiography.В статье представлена методология проведения эксперимента на кроликах по оценке гепатотоксичности лефлуномида на фоне приёма эссенциальных фосфолипидов. Подобрана модель введения препарата, разработана концепция манипуляций для оценки гепатотоксичности: забор крови, взвешивание, биопсия печени, а также кардиотоксичности – снятие электрокардиограммы


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    Central diabetes insipidus is a rare pituitary disease due to impairment of synthesis or/and secretion of vasopressin (AVP), characterized by polyuria, polydipsia, low urine osmolality and hyperosmolality of plasma. Main therapy for CDI is substitutive therapy with desmopressin. Lately, it has been shown that AVP stimulates bone formation through the induction of PG synthesis in mesangial cells, contributing to prevent osteoporosis. Pivonello et al. (1998) found that patients with CDI even on nasal desmopessin therapy had a significant impairment in BMD and serum osteocalcin. The aim of this study was to assess the biochemical parameters of bone metabolism and the bone mineral density (BMD) in patients with idiopathic variant of CDI, treated with oral desmopressin. In 24 patients with idiopathic CDI, treated with oral desmopressin and 24 healthy controls we evaluated BMD (analyzer Prodigy, Lunar, DXA), serum osteocalcin (OK) and C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx), (ECLIA, Roche Elecsys 1010/2010) as well as calcium total, ionized calcium and alkaline phosphatase (analyzer Hitachi 912, commercial kits Roche). Anterior pituitary dysfunction and concomitant conditions associated with osteoporosis were eliminated on clinical and laboratory basis. The results showed no significant differences between study groups with the exception for ionized calcium which was higher in the group of CDI (p=0,02). We were not able to confirm detrimental effects of idiopathic CDI on BMD and biochemical markers of bone metabolism


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    Structural-paragenetic and kinematic methods of tectonophysics are applied to study earthquake focal mechanisms of the Zagros system. Nodal planes of focal mechanisms are identified as L-, L′- and R-, R′-shears by the first method, whereby coordinates of principal stress axes P, T and N (i.e. in tectonophysics, σ1, σ3 and σ2, if σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3) are defined. ‘Working’ nodal planes corresponding to activated ruptures are revealed. Axes of the main normal stresses are combined into local groups on the basis of the kinematic identity of planes of seismogenic ruptures (Figure 2). The second method is applied to construct stereograms of the main axes P, T and N, to construct and interpret stereograms of vectors of seismogenic shifts (Figure 3), and to more clearly define coordinates of principal axes σ1, σ3 и σ2. As evidenced by their comparison, coordinates of the principal axes obtained by the two tectonophysical methods are well coincident (see Figure 2). Five groups of seismogenesis are distinguished; they differ in combination of deformation regimes and kinematic conditions. Locations are determined of the areas wherein earthquake foci of similar parameters are located. This means that seismogenic zones are distinguished; structural and kinematic characteristics of such zones are determined by parameters of stereographic models of corresponding types of seismogenesis (Figures 4 and 5). It is established that the region is dominated by shear and upthrust deformation regimes due to regional submeridional compression and SW-NE compression (see Figures 4 and 5). Submeridional subhorizontal compression is explained by the northward movement of the Arabian plate, and SW-NE compression is explained by divergent processes within the limits of the Red Sea rift. The time pattern of the seismogenic processes from 1979 to 2001 shows that submeridional compression and SW-NE compression are associated with different deep mechanisms. Processes of SE-NW compression, which are observed in the northern part of the Arabian plate, are caused by its interaction with the Eastern Black Sea microplate

    Detailed geological and structural studies to clarify the level of seismic hazard of hydraulic structures (on the example of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station)

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    According to the results of complex remote geologic-structural and instrumental seismolo-gic field studies zones of the main tectonic faults, which are capable to have an influence on security of functioning of the main constructions of the Dniprovsk HES have been revealed and parameterized. Identification of deformational regimes and reconstruction of stress fields, which caused the special features of tectonic ruptures formation in the region have been made. Calculated values of seismic effects have been estimated taking into account local engineering-geological and tectonic conditions of the dam location area of the Dniprovsk HES


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    Цель: оценить возможности маркёра костеобразования - остеокальцина (ОК) для диагностики эндогенного гиперкортицизма. Материалы и методы: В проспективной части работы ОК исследовался методом электрохемилюминисцентного иммуноанализа (ЭХЛА) на автоматизированном анализаторе Cobas e601 (Хоффман Ля Рош) у пациентов с ожирением (П=106), направленных для исключения эндогенного гиперкортицизма. В ретроспективной части оценивались возможности остеокальцина для диагностики вторичного остеопороза среди больных с постменопаузальным остеопорозом (ПМО) и эндогенным гиперкортицизмом (n=106). Пациентам с подозрением на эндогенный гиперкортицизм проводилось исследование уровня свободного кортизола в слюне в 23.00, малая проба с дексаметазоном (МПД). Тестом, подтверждающим генез эндогенного гиперкортицизма, было гистологическое исследование опухоли гипофиза, надпочечника или АКТГ-продуцирующего образования после хирургического лечения или данных аутопсии. Кривые операционных характеристик использовались для оценки и сравнения диагностических возможностей ОК. Точка разделения выбиралась с учётом максимальной суммы чувствительности и специфичности. Результаты: Среди 106 пациентов с ожирением (средний возраст 38±14 лет; ИМТ= 36±7 кг/м2) эндогенный гиперкортицизм был подтверждён у 42 пациентов. Точка разделения - уровень ОК 8,3 нг/мл: чувствительность 73,8% (95%CI 58,9-84,7%), специфичность 96,9% (89,3-99,1%); прогностическая ценность положительного результата теста 23,6 (95°%CI 5,9-93,5), прогностическая ценность отрицательного результата теста 0,27 (0,16-0,45), отношение правдоподобия для положительного результата теста 87,4 (18,2418,7). Площадь под кривой операционной характеристики теста (ОК)- 0,859 (95°%CI 0,773-0,945), что для данной категории пациентов имело меньшую диагностическую ценность по сравнению со свободным кортизолом в слюне и МПД (p<0,01) В ретроспективной части исследования среди больных с остеопорозом у 67 пациенток был подтверждён ПМО (-2,5 Т-критерий и/или наличие низкотравматичных переломов) и у 39 пациентов вторичный остеопороз на фоне эндогенного гиперкортицизма (хуже чем -2,0 Z-или T-критерий и/или наличие низкотравматичных переломов). У всех пациентов с эндогенным гиперкортицизмом было нарушение менструального цикла, 11 из них были старте 45 лет. Уровень ОК был статистически значимо ниже у пациентов с эндогенным гиперкортицизмом по сравнению с ПМО. Диагностические возможности ОК для вторичного остеопороза: площадь под кривой операционной характеристики -0,957 (95%CI 0,912-1,00). Точка разделения уровень ОК - 8,3 нг/мл чувствительность - 87,2% (95%CI 73,3-94,4), специфичность - 98,5% (95%CI 92,1-99,7%), прогностическая ценность положительного результата теста 59,2 (95%CI 8,4-416,3), прогностическая ценность отрицательного результата теста - 0,13 (0,057-0,295), отношение правдоподобия для положительного результата теста 455,6 (51,2-4055,9). Среди пациентов с эндогенным гиперкортицизмом старше 45 лет (П=11) точка разделения 8,3 нг/мл позволила добиться чувствительности 90,9% (95°%CI 62,2-98,4%), специфичности - 98,5% (95°%CI 92,1-99,7%). Вывод: исследование ОК может быть рекомендовано для диагностики эндогенного гиперкортицизма среди пациентов с ожирением как дополнительный тест, а также для диагностики вторичного остеопороза, развившегося вследствие эндогенного гиперкортицизма

    Mineral'naya plotnost' kosti i pokazatelikostnogo metabolizma u muzhchin s sindromomgiperprolaktinemii razlichnogo geneza

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    Hypogonadism is the most popular cause of BMD decreasing not only in women, but also in men. There are several studies showed a correlation between duration of hypogonadism and BMD reducing degree. Despite wide light exposure of osteoporosis problem at women with hyperprolactinemia, there are a few researches devoted to the same question at men. The aim of our study was to assess the biochemical parameters of bone metabolism and the bone mineral density (BMD) in men with tumoral and not tumoral hyperprolactinemia. In 24 men with hyperprolactinemia and 17 healthy controls we evaluated BMD, serum osteocalcin (OK) and C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX), as well as calcium total, ionized calcium and alkaline phosphatase. All men with hyperprolactinemia were also studied after 24 months of cabergoline treatment. The results showed significant differences between study groups in BMD of vertebra and femur bone (p = 0,000052 up = 0,002718). We confirm increasing of BMD in vertebra and femur bone after cabergoline treatment (p = 0,003 и p = 0,027)

    OPYT PRIMENENIYa PROFILAKTIChESKOY DOZY ALENDRONATA (FOSAMAKS 35 mg) DLYa LEChENIYa OSTEOPOROZA u zhenshchin v postmenopauzes subklinicheskim tireotoksikozom

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    The aim was to estimate the effects of treatment with alendronate (Fosomax 35 mg) in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and subclinical hyperthyroidism. Thirty postmenopausal women (64 (60-69) years old) with osteoporosis (T-score ≤ -2,5) and subclinical hyperthyroidism (77% with endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism and 23% on L-thyroxine suppres-sive therapy after thyroidectomy due to differentiated thyroid cancer) were randomly assigned into two groups: 1-14 women received Fosamax 35 mg a week in combination with 500 mg of calcium and 400 UI of Vitamin D3 (VD) daily; 2-16 women received 1000 mg of calcium and 800 UI of VD daily. Euthyroidism was achieved in all women with endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism. An increase in physical activity was recommended to all patients and a hypolipidemic diet was given to those who had had high cholesterol level. Biochemical parameters (calcium (Ca), phosphorous (P), creatinine (Cre), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides (TG), cholesterol/HDL ratio) in fasting serum as well as calcium/creatinine ratio in fasting urine (U-Ca/U-Cre); biochemical markers of bone metabolism: osteocalcin (OC) and C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (b-CTx) serum ("ECLIA", Roche Elecsys 1010/2010), BMD (DXA; Prodigy, Lunar) at the lumbar spine (L1-L4), femoral neck (FN), total hip (TH) and radius total (RT) were measured at the baseline visit and after 1 year of treatment. At the baseline visit there were not found any differences between the 1 and the 2 groups. After 12 months of treatment the markers of bone metabolism as well as ALP decreased significantly in both groups, though the decreases were significantly greater (