16 research outputs found

    VOLT: a novel open-source pipeline for automatic segmentation of endolymphatic space in inner ear MRI

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    BACKGROUND Objective and volumetric quantification is a necessary step in the assessment and comparison of endolymphatic hydrops (ELH) results. Here, we introduce a novel tool for automatic volumetric segmentation of the endolymphatic space (ELS) for ELH detection in delayed intravenous gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of inner ear (iMRI) data. METHODS The core component is a novel algorithm based on Volumetric Local Thresholding (VOLT). The study included three different data sets: a real-world data set (D1) to develop the novel ELH detection algorithm and two validating data sets, one artificial (D2) and one entirely unseen prospective real-world data set (D3). D1 included 210 inner ears of 105 patients (50 male; mean age 50.4 ± 17.1 years), and D3 included 20 inner ears of 10 patients (5 male; mean age 46.8 ± 14.4 years) with episodic vertigo attacks of different etiology. D1 and D3 did not differ significantly concerning age, gender, the grade of ELH, or data quality. As an artificial data set, D2 provided a known ground truth and consisted of an 8-bit cuboid volume using the same voxel-size and grid as real-world data with different sized cylindrical and cuboid-shaped cutouts (signal) whose grayscale values matched the real-world data set D1 (mean 68.7 ± 7.8; range 48.9-92.8). The evaluation included segmentation accuracy using the Sørensen-Dice overlap coefficient and segmentation precision by comparing the volume of the ELS. RESULTS VOLT resulted in a high level of performance and accuracy in comparison with the respective gold standard. In the case of the artificial data set, VOLT outperformed the gold standard in higher noise levels. Data processing steps are fully automated and run without further user input in less than 60 s. ELS volume measured by automatic segmentation correlated significantly with the clinical grading of the ELS (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION VOLT enables an open-source reproducible, reliable, and automatic volumetric quantification of the inner ears' fluid space using MR volumetric assessment of endolymphatic hydrops. This tool constitutes an important step towards comparable and systematic big data analyses of the ELS in patients with the frequent syndrome of episodic vertigo attacks. A generic version of our three-dimensional thresholding algorithm has been made available to the scientific community via GitHub as an ImageJ-plugin

    Single Particle Tunneling in Strongly Driven Double Well Potentials

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    We report on the first direct observation of coherent control of single particle tunneling in a strongly driven double well potential. In our setup atoms propagate in a periodic arrangement of double wells allowing the full control of the driving parameters such as frequency, amplitude and even the space-time symmetry. Our experimental findings are in quantitative agreement with the predictions of the corresponding Floquet theory and are also compared to the predictions of a simple two mode model. Our experiments reveal directly the critical dependence of coherent destruction of tunneling on the generalized parity symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Asymmetric optical nuclear spin pumping in a single uncharged quantum dot

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    A highly asymmetric dynamic nuclear spin pumping is observed in a single self assembled InGaAs quantum dot subject to resonant optical pumping of the neutral exciton transition leading to a large maximum polarization of 54%. This dynamic nuclear polarization is found to be much stronger following pumping of the higher energy Zeeman state. Time-resolved measurements allow us to directly monitor the buildup of the nuclear spin polarization in real time and to quantitatively study the dynamics of the process. A strong dependence of the observed dynamic nuclear polarization on the applied magnetic field is found, with resonances in the pumping efficiency being observed for particular magnetic fields. We develop a model that fully accounts for the observed behaviour, where the pumping of the nuclear spin system is due to hyperfine-mediated spin flip transitions between the states of the neutral exciton manifold.Comment: published version; 4+ pages, 3 figures (eps

    Beyond binary parcellation of the vestibular cortex - A dataset

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    The data-set presented in this data article is supplementary to the original publication, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.018 (Kirsch et al., 2018). Named article describes handedness-dependent organizational patterns of functional subunits within the human vestibular cortical network that were revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) connectivity parcellation. 60 healthy volunteers (30 left-handed and 30 right-handed) were examined on a 3T MR scanner using resting state fMRI. The multisensory (non-binary) nature of the human (vestibular) cortex was addressed by using masked binary and non-binary variations of independent component analysis (ICA). The data have been made publicly available via github (https://github.com/RainerBoegle/BeyondBinar yParcellationData). (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Observation of Nonspreading Wave Packets in an Imaginary Potential

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    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a method to prepare a nonspreading atomic wave packet. Our technique relies on a spatially modulated absorption constantly chiseling away from an initially broad de Broglie wave. The resulting contraction is balanced by dispersion due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. This quantum evolution results in the formation of a nonspreading wave packet of Gaussian form with a spatially quadratic phase. Experimentally, we confirm these predictions by observing the evolution of the momentum distribution. Moreover, by employing interferometric techniques, we measure the predicted quadratic phase across the wave packet. Nonspreading wave packets of this kind also exist in two space dimensions and we can control their amplitude and phase using optical elements.Comment: 4 figure

    Tunneling control and localization for Bose-Einstein condensates in a frequency modulated optical lattice

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    The similarity between matter waves in periodic potential and solid-state physics processes has triggered the interest in quantum simulation using Bose-Fermi ultracold gases in optical lattices. The present work evidences the similarity between electrons moving under the application of oscillating electromagnetic fields and matter waves experiencing an optical lattice modulated by a frequency difference, equivalent to a spatially shaken periodic potential. We demonstrate that the tunneling properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate in shaken periodic potentials can be precisely controlled. We take additional crucial steps towards future applications of this method by proving that the strong shaking of the optical lattice preserves the coherence of the matter wavefunction and that the shaking parameters can be changed adiabatically, even in the presence of interactions. We induce reversibly the quantum phase transition to the Mott insulator in a driven periodic potential.Comment: Laser Physics (in press

    Abelian gauge potentials on cubic lattices

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    The study of the properties of quantum particles in a periodic potential subject to a magnetic field is an active area of research both in physics and mathematics; it has been and it is still deeply investigated. In this review we discuss how to implement and describe tunable Abelian magnetic fields in a system of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. After discussing two of the main experimental schemes for the physical realization of synthetic gauge potentials in ultracold set-ups, we study cubic lattice tight-binding models with commensurate flux. We finally examine applications of gauge potentials in one-dimensional rings.Comment: To appear on: "Advances in Quantum Mechanics: Contemporary Trends and Open Problems", G. Dell'Antonio and A. Michelangeli eds., Springer-INdAM series 201

    Beyond binary parcellation of the vestibular cortex – A dataset

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    The data-set presented in this data article is supplementary to the original publication, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.018 (Kirsch et al., 2018). Named article describes handedness-dependent organizational patterns of functional subunits within the human vestibular cortical network that were revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) connectivity parcellation. 60 healthy volunteers (30 left-handed and 30 right-handed) were examined on a 3T MR scanner using resting state fMRI. The multisensory (non-binary) nature of the human (vestibular) cortex was addressed by using masked binary and non-binary variations of independent component analysis (ICA). The data have been made publicly available via github (https://github.com/RainerBoegle/BeyondBinaryParcellationData)