144 research outputs found

    Bis(dihydrogen norfloxacinium) tri-μ2-chlorido-bis­[trichloridobismuthate(III)] chloride dihydrate

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    The title compound, {systematic name: (3-carb­oxy-1-ethyl-6-fluoro-7-piperazin-4-ium-1-yl-1H-quinolin-4-yl­idene)oxonium tri-μ2-chlorido-bis­[trichloridobismuthate(III)] chloride dihydrate], (C16H20FN3O3)2[Bi2Cl9]Cl·2H2O, is composed of [Bi2Cl9]3− anions lying on crystallographic twofold rotation axes, Cl− anions also on twofold axes, C16H20FN3O3 2+ cations, and water mol­ecules. The BiIII coordination polyhedron is a distorted octa­hedron and two such octa­hedra share a triangular face to form the complex anion. There are three short terminal Bi—Cl bonds [2.5471 (6)–2.5781(5 Å] and three longer bridging bonds [2.8599 (5)–2.9984 (6) Å] in each octa­hedron. Anions, cations and water mol­ecules are linked by hydrogen bonds to form a three-dimensional network. There are also π–π stacking inter­actions between quinoline ring systems, with an inter­planar distance of 3.27 (1) Å

    Studying Supply Chain and Tourism Cluster Development

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    Supply chain and tourism cluster are the two important ways to enhance the competitiveness of regions or industries. By discussing the differences and links between the two, this paper concludes that tourism cluster and supply chain carry features of compatibility and symbiosis. The importance of this research paper is determined by the fact that a significant number of tourism clusters established in the territory of the Russian Federation are not always successful as catalysts for the tourism sector development. This study aims to determine methods for conducting research on specialization as a factor in tourism cluster development, taking into consideration the existing research approaches and findings in this area. The systemic, structural, functional and analysis methods were used, along with a general theoretic approach to researching tourism cluster development. The selected methods made it possible to identify approaches to forming the relevant research methodologies. Based on the presented approaches, it is possible to choose research methods and the coherence of research activities in this area, with a view to identify key development indicators for tourism development and various tourism-related processes taking place within the territory of a tourism cluster. The research findings will provide necessary tools and mechanisms for developing tourism clusters based on the diversification of their specialization. The findings of the study are directed at increasing the effectiveness of decisions taken to assess and forecast tourism cluster development and can also be of use to all those interested in this field. The materials of the present study can be used by regional administrations to monitor and make effective management decisions aimed at improving regional tourism development programs. Experts and scholars could also benefit from the findings of this study to analyze and develop projections and to promote topic-related methodological approaches. The article will be of practical value for the specialists in tourism planning, tourism administration and tourism enterprise managers

    Анализ развития рифей-вендских отложений северо-восточной части Волго-Уральской НГП в связи с их нефтегазоносностью

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    The indicators of hydrocarbons generation and migration, and the source rock location in the Riphean - Vendian deposits of the northeast part of the Volga-Ural Oil and Gas Province are considered using the results of study of large volume of borehole data. The analysis of the indicators allowed localizing in the Riphean and Vendian deposits zones of the source rocks of various productivity and different phase composition of the generated hydrocarbons. Distribution of oil and gas content in the Riphean and Vendian sediments coincides with the development of the Riphean Kama-Belsk aulacogen, where the source rock concentrates. The obtained data confirm the most important role of the Riphean source rocks in generation of hydrocarbons and suggests the possible vertical hydrocarbons migration to the Vendian formation. Prevalence of the revealed oil deposits at the margins of the Kama-Belsk aulacogen is possibly due to the initial migration from the internal parts.На основе исследования большого объема фактического материала по додевонским разрезам в скважинах северо-восточной части Волго-Уральской НГП рассмотрены показатели генерации и эмиграции углеводородов, установлены нефтегазоматеринские породы в рифейских и вендских отложениях. Анализ использованных показателей позволил выделить зоны развития нефтегазоматеринских пород в рифейских и вендских отложениях различной продуктивности и с разным фазовым составом генерированных углеводородов. Зональность развития нефтегазоносности в рифейских и вендских отложениях совпадает с развитием рифейского Камско-Бельского авлакогена, в котором преобладают рифейские нефтегазоматеринские породы. Полученные данные подтверждают наиболее важную роль рифейских материнских пород в генерации углеводородов и указывают на возможную вертикальную миграцию нефти в вендские образования. Преобладание выявленных залежей нефти в бортовых зонах Камско-Бельского авлакогена, возможно, связано с первоначальной миграцией из его внутренних частей

    Technique for the restoration of face defects by copyright method

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    Face defects are formed as a result of gunshot wounds, mechanic injuries, and after removal of tumors. In case of hard face injuries occur large real defects of soft and bone tissues. To remove them repeated plastic surgery is required. Often, large defects are eliminated through the prosthetics. Such prostheses as usual replace defects of nose, ears, eyes, and are called exoprostheses.Were studied methods and characteristics of orthopedic treatment of patients with face defects. On the clinical case were developed phases of manufacturing of the prosthesis of nose after the operation for the nose basalioma recurrence. A patent was gained for the invention «The method of repeated reproduction prosthetic nose» № 2352296 dated 06 November 2007. Was made an assessment of the results of the orthopedic treatment, carried out.Дефекты лица образуются в результате огнестрельных ранений, механических повреждений и после удаления опухолей. При тяжелых повреждениях лица образуются большие истинные дефекты мягких и костных тканей. Для их устранения требуются многократные пластические операции. Нередко большие дефекты устраняются путем протезирования. Такие протезы замещают чаще дефекты носа, уха, глаза и называются экзопротезами. Изучены методы и особенности ортопедического лечения пациентов с дефектами лица. На примере клинического случая освоены этапы изготовления протеза носа после операции по поводу рецидива базалиомы носа. Получен патент на изобретение «Способ неоднократной репродукции протеза носа» №2352296 от 06 ноября 2007г. Проведена оценка результатов проведённого ортопедического лечени

    Orthopedic rehabilitation in the acquired mid defects of hard palate

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    Acquired defects occur in the process of human life, so most of them occur in adults, when maxillofacial skeleton is already finished in forming. Resection of jaw is held on the various neoplasms, and the elimination of it's effects is carried out mainly through the prosthetics. The purpose of the prosthetics of this pathology is to restore lost functions, but often this is problematic because of the complex of clinical conditions. Specialities of the prosthesis of patients are dependent on the size and localization of the defect, the condition of remaining teeth, the degree of mouth opening and the presence or absence of cicatrices changes of soft tissues surrounding the defect. Were studied methods and characteristics of orthopedic treatment of patients with mid hard palate defect. On a clinical case, as an example, were developed stages of manufacturing of resection prosthesis-obturator with all-metal base, cast on dubbed model, after an operation for the recurrence of the hondromy of upper jaw. Was made an assessment of the results of the orthopedic treatment, carried out.Приобретенные дефекты появляются в процессе жизни человека, поэтому в большинстве своем наблюдаются у взрослых, когда уже закончилось формирование челюстно-лицевого скелета. Резекция челюстей проводится по поводу различных новообразований, а устранение её последствий осуществляется в основном путем протезирования. Целью протезирования при такой патологии является восстановление утраченных функций, но нередко это бывает проблематичным из-за сложных клинических условий. Особенности протезирования больных зависят от величины и локализации дефекта, от состояния оставшихся зубов, от степени открывания рта и наличия или отсутствия рубцовых изменений мягких тканей, окружающих дефект. Изучены методы и особенности ортопедического лечения пациентов со срединным дефектом твердого неба. На примере клинического случая освоены этапы изготовления резекционного протеза-обтуратора с цельнолитым металлическим базисом, отлитым на дублированной модели, после операции по поводу рецидива хондромы верхней челюсти. Проведена оценка результатов проведённого ортопедического лечения

    Modeling the structure and formation of the oil and gas potential of Riphean-Vendian deposits that belong to north-east regions of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province

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    The paper is devoted to the urgent problem of studying the prospects of the oil and gas potential of Riphean-Vendian sediments of poorly studied areas such as northeastern regions of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. The paper presents the characteristic of the lithological and stratigraphic features of the structure of Riphean and Vendian deposits in the northeastern part of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. Particular attention is paid to the basin modeling of well sections that did not fully passed through the Riphean-Vendian complex of rocks.That allows to predict oil and gas generation processes. During the research sections of three wells were modelled. Wells Keltmenskaya-1, Krasnovisherskaya-18, Borovitskaya-624 revealed Upper Proterozoic rocks in the north-east of the Perm region and the Komi Republic. Procedure features of the used software systems, phasing of the research, including gathering and input of initial data, processing of parameters, calculation and calibration of models are given. Certain challenges associated with modeling the conditions of oil and gas formation and oil and gas accumulation of Riphean and Vendian sediments of this territory are associated with insufficient information on the structure and composition of sediments, incomplete drilling of ancient sediments in wells and inconsistent geophysical data. In addition, the complexity of the reconstruction lies in the lack of information about geothermal conditions of sections, numerous interruptions in sedimentation and erosion of sediments. According to simulation results, most of the Riphean-Vendian sedimentary section is located in the main zone of oil generation. The research conducted allowed the authors to conclude that there are increased prospects to discover oil hydrocarbons in a wide range of depths in the areas where the Krasnovisherskaya-18 and Borovitskaya-624 wells are drilled. There is a little likelihood that gaseous hydrocarbons can be found in the section. Conducted research and obtained results pose a problem for the development of geological exploration in the poorly studied areas of the northeast of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. First of all, that corresponds to reference-parametric drilling together with the zonal-regional geophysical studies

    Associations of changes in lipid metabolism parameters and the severity of COVID-19 infection in Novosibirsk residents

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    Aim. To study the associations of changes in lipid metabolism parameters and the severity of a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Material and methods. This cross-sectional study included 270 patients aged 26-84 years (mean age, 53,09±13,22 years) who had COVID-19 within prior two months, which were divided into 3 groups: mild (1, n=128), moderate (2, n=128) and severe (3, n=14) COVID-19. Patients were assessed for body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), total cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). In addition, atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) was calculated. Statistical processing was performed using the SPSS software package (version 13.0).Results. Patients with severe COVID-19 had significantly higher levels of TG and AIP compared with patients with moderate and mild course. BMI and WC were significantly higher in patients in groups 2 and 3 compared with patients in group 1. In women, BMI and AIP levels were significantly higher in the severe COVID-19 group compared to groups 1 and 2. HDL-C levels were lower in patients with severe COVID-19 compared to those with moderate disease. WHR was higher among men in group 3 compared with group 1.Conclusion. Patients with severe COVID-19 have higher BMI, WC, AIP, TG levels, and lower HD-C levels. The relative odds for severe COVID-19 are associated with increased WC, AIP, TG, and lower HDL-C

    Assessment of the prevalence of harmful habit of smoking among students of medical college

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    The article considers the results of monitoring the opinions of medical college students concerning the issues of different types of smoking: tobacco cigarettes, hookahs, e-cigarettes and vaping.В статье рассмотрены результаты мониторинга мнения учащихся медицинского колледжа, касающихся вопросов о различных видах курения: табачных сигарет, кальянов, электронных сигарет и вейпинге

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic liver dysfunction in the new coronavirus infection COVID-19

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    Our study aimed to explore associated non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and metabolic liver dysfunction influence on the severity of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Material and methods. The study design was a cross-sectional study. The research included 215 patients (39.50 % of men) aged 26–60 years who had undergone a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 at least two months ago. Participants were divided into three groups by severity of infection: mild (n = 99), moderate and severe (n = 116) by anamnesis. Hepatic steatosis index (HIS), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, glucose and triglyceride content, systolic and diastolic pressure were calculated and abdominal ultrasound examination was done. Results. In the group with moderate and severe course of COVID-19, the proportion of patients diagnosed with NAFLDaccording to the HSI index was significantly higher compared to patients with mild coronavirus infection. Patients with mild COVID-19, who were diagnosed with NAFLD, had higher alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, glucose and triglyceride content, BMI, systolic and diastolic pressure, waist circumference compared to patients without NAFLD. Similar differences persisted for patients with moderate and severe course. With the step-by-step exclusion of cardiometabolic parameters from the logistic regression model, the triglyceride content and BMI retained association with steatohepatosis according to ultrasound data, regardless of severity. When creating a similar model for the HSI index, significant correlation was shown for alanine aminotransferase activity in patients with mild COVID-19, for alanine aminotransferase activity and BMI – in patients with moderate and severe COVID-19. Conclusions. Patients with NAFLD have a more severe course of COVID-19. In addition, associations of the severity of COVID-19 with a combination of NAFLD and other cardiometabolic changes in the body, such as arterial hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, were revealed