1,833 research outputs found

    Fermionic construction of partition functions for two-matrix models and perturbative Schur function expansions

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    A new representation of the 2N fold integrals appearing in various two-matrix models that admit reductions to integrals over their eigenvalues is given in terms of vacuum state expectation values of operator products formed from two-component free fermions. This is used to derive the perturbation series for these integrals under deformations induced by exponential weight factors in the measure, expressed as double and quadruple Schur function expansions, generalizing results obtained earlier for certain two-matrix models. Links with the coupled two-component KP hierarchy and the two-component Toda lattice hierarchy are also derived.Comment: Submitted to: "Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems", Special Issue of J. Phys. A, based on the Centre de recherches mathematiques short program, Montreal, June 20-July 8, 200

    Bound, virtual and resonance SS-matrix poles from the Schr\"odinger equation

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    A general method, which we call the potential SS-matrix pole method, is developed for obtaining the SS-matrix pole parameters for bound, virtual and resonant states based on numerical solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation. This method is well-known for bound states. In this work we generalize it for resonant and virtual states, although the corresponding solutions increase exponentially when rr\to\infty. Concrete calculations are performed for the 1+1^+ ground and the 0+0^+ first excited states of 14N^{14}\rm{N}, the resonance 15F^{15}\rm{F} states (1/2+1/2^+, 5/2+5/2^+), low-lying states of 11Be^{11}\rm{Be} and 11N^{11}\rm{N}, and the subthreshold resonances in the proton-proton system. We also demonstrate that in the case the broad resonances their energy and width can be found from the fitting of the experimental phase shifts using the analytical expression for the elastic scattering SS-matrix. We compare the SS-matrix pole and the RR-matrix for broad s1/2s_{1/2} resonance in 15F{}^{15}{\rm F}Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures (figures 3 and 4 consist of two figures each) and 4 table

    Fermionic construction of partition function for multi-matrix models and multi-component TL hierarchy

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    We use pp-component fermions (p=2,3,...)(p=2,3,...) to present (2p2)N(2p-2)N-fold integrals as a fermionic expectation value. This yields fermionic representation for various (2p2)(2p-2)-matrix models. Links with the pp-component KP hierarchy and also with the pp-component TL hierarchy are discussed. We show that the set of all (but two) flows of pp-component TL changes standard matrix models to new ones.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to a special issue of Theoretical and Mathematical Physic

    Energy efficient building and location of a residential building

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    In this paper, the model of an idealized residential, multi-store house is considered. Idealization of the model is carried out in terms of energy efficiency. The most advantageous geographical position of the house is revealed concerning the sides of the world and the terrain. In the city of Yekaterinburg, the region most suitable for describing the idealized model was found and investigated. The same suggested solutions for the construction of houses, in a complex terrain, in order to increase their energy efficiency.В работе рассматривается модель идеализированного жилого, многоэтажного дома. Выявлено наиболее выгодное географическое положение дома относительно сторон света и рельефа местности. В городе Екатеринбурге найден и исследован район, наиболее подходящий под описание идеализированной модели. Также предложены варианты решения постройки домов, в условиях сложного рельефа, с целью увеличения их энергоэффективности

    Fermionic approach to the evaluation of integrals of rational symmetric functions

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    We use the fermionic construction of two-matrix model partition functions to evaluate integrals over rational symmetric functions. This approach is complementary to the one used in the paper ``Integrals of Rational Symmetric Functions, Two-Matrix Models and Biorthogonal Polynomials'' \cite{paper2}, where these integrals were evaluated by a direct method.Comment: 34 page

    Equivalences between GIT quotients of Landau-Ginzburg B-models

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    We define the category of B-branes in a (not necessarily affine) Landau-Ginzburg B-model, incorporating the notion of R-charge. Our definition is a direct generalization of the category of perfect complexes. We then consider pairs of Landau-Ginzburg B-models that arise as different GIT quotients of a vector space by a one-dimensional torus, and show that for each such pair the two categories of B-branes are quasi-equivalent. In fact we produce a whole set of quasi-equivalences indexed by the integers, and show that the resulting auto-equivalences are all spherical twists.Comment: v3: Added two references. Final version, to appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    Commutator identities on associative algebras and integrability of nonlinear pde's

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    It is shown that commutator identities on associative algebras generate solutions of linearized integrable equations. Next, a special kind of the dressing procedure is suggested that in a special class of integral operators enables to associate to such commutator identity both nonlinear equation and its Lax pair. Thus problem of construction of new integrable pde's reduces to construction of commutator identities on associative algebras.Comment: 12 page

    A quantum McKay correspondence for fractional 2p-branes on LG orbifolds

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    We study fractional 2p-branes and their intersection numbers in non-compact orbifolds as well the continuation of these objects in Kahler moduli space to coherent sheaves in the corresponding smooth non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds. We show that the restriction of these objects to compact Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces gives the new fractional branes in LG orbifolds constructed by Ashok et. al. in hep-th/0401135. We thus demonstrate the equivalence of the B-type branes corresponding to linear boundary conditions in LG orbifolds, originally constructed in hep-th/9907131, to a subset of those constructed in LG orbifolds using boundary fermions and matrix factorization of the world-sheet superpotential. The relationship between the coherent sheaves corresponding to the fractional two-branes leads to a generalization of the McKay correspondence that we call the quantum McKay correspondence due to a close parallel with the construction of branes on non-supersymmetric orbifolds. We also provide evidence that the boundary states associated to these branes in a conformal field theory description corresponds to a sub-class of the boundary states associated to the permutation branes in the Gepner model associated with the LG orbifold.Comment: LaTeX2e, 1+39 pages, 3 figures (v2) refs added, typos and report no. correcte

    B-type defects in Landau-Ginzburg models

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    We consider Landau-Ginzburg models with possibly different superpotentials glued together along one-dimensional defect lines. Defects preserving B-type supersymmetry can be represented by matrix factorisations of the difference of the superpotentials. The composition of these defects and their action on B-type boundary conditions is described in this framework. The cases of Landau-Ginzburg models with superpotential W=X^d and W=X^d+Z^2 are analysed in detail, and the results are compared to the CFT treatment of defects in N=2 superconformal minimal models to which these Landau-Ginzburg models flow in the IR.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure