7 research outputs found

    Can cognitive biases in robots make more ‘likeable' human-robot interactions than the robots without such biases

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    The research presented in the paper aims to develop long-term companionship between cognitively imperfect robots and humans. In order to develop cognitively imperfect robot, the research suggests to implement various cognitive biases in a robot's interactive behaviours. In the authors' understanding, such cognitively biased behaviours in robot will help the participants to relate with it easily. In the current paper, they show comparative results of the experiments using five biased and one non-biased algorithms in a 3D printed humanoid robot MARC. The results from the experiments show that the participants initially liked the robot with biased and imperfect behaviours than the same robots without any mistakes and biases

    Inside the Small Island Economies

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    The extant literature presents antecedents of loyalty into four groups: characteristics of the environment, characteristics of the dyadic relationship, characteristics of the consumer, and consumer perceptions of the relationship with the marketing firm. However, it pays little to no attention to the antecedents of loyalty in small island economies. Prior research on small island economies is heavily focused on cultural, environmental, and macro-economic issues. Thus, the focus of this chapter is to capture antecedents that are cognizant of the distinct market conditions that potentially impact customer loyalty within the telecommunications sector. It seeks to advance understanding of loyalty in Business-to-Business (B2B) relationships in the context of a small island economy and identify triggers and determinants to convert passively loyal customers into actively loyal customers