6,216 research outputs found

    Learning medical alarms whilst performing other tasks.

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    Two studies are reported which first observe, and then attempt to replicate, the cognitive demands of intensive care unit (ICU) activity whilst concurrently learning audible alarms. The first study, an observational study in an ICU ward, showed that the alarms are very frequent and co-occur with some activities more than others. The three most frequently observed activities observed in the ICU were drugs (calculation, preparation and administration), patient observation and talking. The cognitive demands of these activities were simulated in a second, laboratory-based experiment in which alarms were learned. The results showed that performance in the alarm task generally improved as participants were exposed to more repetitions of those alarms, but that performance decrements were observed in the secondary tasks, particularly when there were two or three of them. Some confusions between the alarms persisted to the end of the study despite prolonged exposure to the alarms, confusions which were likely caused by both acoustic and verbal labelling similarities. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: The cognitive demands of working in an ICU were observed and simulated whilst alarms were learned. Alarms should generally avoid sharing similar rhythmic (and other) characteristics. The simulation task described here could be used for testing alarm learning without requiring a clinical environment


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    This paper builds on earlier studies of agricultural productivity by incorporating spatially referenced soil and climate data combined with high-resolution land-cover data. Econometric analysis of these data, along with panel data on agricultural inputs and outputs from 110 countries for 1961-1997, quantifies the significant impact that differences in land quality have on agricultural productivity.Productivity Analysis,

    Surface electromyographic control of a novel phonemic interface for speech synthesis

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    Many individuals with minimal movement capabilities use AAC to communicate. These individuals require both an interface with which to construct a message (e.g., a grid of letters) and an input modality with which to select targets. This study evaluated the interaction of two such systems: (a) an input modality using surface electromyography (sEMG) of spared facial musculature, and (b) an onscreen interface from which users select phonemic targets. These systems were evaluated in two experiments: (a) participants without motor impairments used the systems during a series of eight training sessions, and (b) one individual who uses AAC used the systems for two sessions. Both the phonemic interface and the electromyographic cursor show promise for future AAC applications.F31 DC014872 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC002852 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC007683 - NIDCD NIH HHS; T90 DA032484 - NIDA NIH HHShttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Surface+electromyographic+control+of+a+novel+phonemic+interface+for+speech+synthesishttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Surface+electromyographic+control+of+a+novel+phonemic+interface+for+speech+synthesisPublished versio

    Acoustic characterization of crack damage evolution in sandstone deformed under conventional and true triaxial loading

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    We thank the Associate Editor, Michelle Cooke, and the reviewers, Ze'ev Reches and Yves Guéguen, for useful comments which helped to improve the manuscript. We thank J.G. Van Munster for providing access to the true triaxial apparatus at KSEPL and for technical support during the experimental program. We thank R. Pricci for assistance with technical drawings of the apparatus. This work was partly funded by NERC award NE/N002938/1 and by a NERC Doctoral Studentship, which we gratefully acknowledge. Supporting data are included in a supporting information file; any additional data may be obtained from J.B. (e-mail: [email protected]).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The relationship between approach to activity engagement, specific aspects of physical function, and pain duration in chronic pain

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    Objectives:To examine: (1) the relationships between habitual approach to activity engagement and specific aspects of physical functioning in chronic pain; and (2) whether or not these relationships differ according to pain duration.Materials and Methods:Outpatients (N=169) with generalized chronic pain completed a set of written questionnaires. Categories of approach to activity engagement were created using the confronting and avoidance subscales of the Pain and Activity Relations Questionnaire. An interaction term between approach to activity engagement categories and pain duration was entered into analysis with age, sex, pain intensity, the categorical approach to activity engagement variable, and pain duration, in 9 ordinal regression models investigating functioning in a variety of daily activities.Results:The approach to activity engagement category predicted the personal care, lifting, sleeping, social life, and traveling aspects of physical functioning but, interestingly, not the performance skills used during these activities, that is, walking, sitting, and standing. The interaction term was significant in 2 models; however, the effect of pain duration on associations was the inverse of that theorized, with the relationship between variables becoming less pronounced with increasing duration of pain.Discussion:The results of this study do not support the commonly held notion that avoidance and/or overactivity behavior leads to deconditioning and reduced physical capacity over time. Findings do, however, suggest that a relationship exists between avoidance and/or overactivity behavior and reduced participation in activities. Implications for the clinical management of chronic pain and directions for further research are discussed

    The impact of hydrothermal carbonisation on the char reactivity of biomass

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    Hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) is an attractive biomass pre-treatment as it produces a coal-like fuel, can easily process wet biomass and wastes, and lowers the risk of slagging and fouling in pulverised fuel (PF) combustion boilers. One of the major factors in determining the suitability of a fuel as a coal replacement for PF combustion is matching the char reactivity and volatile matter content to that of coals, as these significantly affect heat release and flame stability. The char reactivity of wood and olive cake biocoals and their respective drop tube furnace chars have been studied using thermogravimetric analysis in comparison to other biomass fuels and high-volatile bituminous coal. It was found that HTC reduces the reactivity of biomass, and in the case of HTC of wood pellets the resulting biocoal has a char reactivity similar to that of high-volatile bituminous coal. Proximate analysis, X-ray fluorescence analysis, and textural characterisation were used to show that this effect is caused primarily by removal of catalytic alkali and alkaline earth metals. Subsequent torrefaction of the wood biocoals was performed to tailor their volatile matter content to match that of sub-bituminous and high volatile bituminous coals without major impact on char reactivity