15,278 research outputs found
Distribution of periodic points of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2
This paper deals with the dynamics of a simple family of holomorphic
diffeomorphisms of \C^2: the polynomial automorphisms. This family of maps
has been studied by a number of authors. We refer to [BLS] for a general
introduction to this class of dynamical systems. An interesting object from the
point of view of potential theory is the equilibrium measure of the set
of points with bounded orbits. In [BLS] is also characterized
dynamically as the unique measure of maximal entropy. Thus is also an
equilibrium measure from the point of view of the thermodynamical formalism. In
the present paper we give another dynamical interpretation of as the
limit distribution of the periodic points of
Evaluation of a Web-Based Research Course
A web-based research course for graduate nursing students was developed, implemented, and evaluated for academic and satisfactions outcomes. A collaborative paradigm was utilized in designing the course to increase successful attainment of the graduate nursing program’s goal of a complete online graduate nursing MSN program. This web-based research course with 24 enrolled students was compared to an identical classroom based research course with 20 enrolled students. Areas of evaluation were academic outcomes of overall numerical course grades, satisfaction with course scores, and qualitative data on satisfaction of course. Results of this descriptive exploratory study demonstrated no statistically significant differences between the academic outcomes of these two groups of students. Both groups were satisfied with the course, however there was a statistically significant difference in mean satisfaction scores for the research courses. Further investigation of environmental factors will need to be done to determine the significance of differences in satisfaction outcomes
Optical characterization of LDEF contaminant film
Dark brown molecular film deposits were found at numerous locations on the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) and have been documented in great detail by several investigators. The exact deposition mechanism for these deposits is as yet unknown, although direct and scattered atomic oxygen, and solar radiation interacting with materials outgassing products have all been implicated in the formation process. Specimens of the brown molecular film were taken from below the flange of the experimental tray located at position D10 on the LDEF. The tray was one of two, comprising the same experiment, the other being located on the wake facing side of the LDEF satellite at position B4. Having access to both trays, we were able to directly compare the effect that orientation with respect to the atomic oxygen flux vector had on the formation of the brown molecular film deposits. The film is thickest on surfaces facing toward the exterior, i.e. the tray corner, as can be seen by comparing the lee and wake aspects of the rivets. The patterns appear to be aligned not with the velocity vector but with the corner of the tray suggesting that flux to the surface is due to scattered atomic oxygen rather than direct ram impingement. The role of scattered flux is further supported by more faint plume patterns on the sides of the tray. The angle of these plumes is strongly aligned with the ram direction but the outline of the deposit implies that incident atoms are scattered by collisions with the edges of the opening resulting in a directed, but diffuse, flux of atomic oxygen to the surface. Spectral reflectance measurements in the 2 to 10 micron (4000 to 1000 wavenumbers) spectral range are presented for the film in the 'as deposited' condition and for the free standing film. The material was analyzed by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) microspectroscopy using gold as the reference standard. The 'as deposited' specimen was on an aluminum rivet taken from beneath the tray flange while the free film was obtained by chipping some of the material from the rivet. The transmission spectrum over the 2 to 10 micron range for the free film is presented. This spectrum appears to be essentially the same as that presented by Crutcher et.al. for films formed at vent sites which faced into the ram direction and suggested to originate from urethanes and silicones used on the LDEF. Banks et. al. state that silicones, when exposed to atomic oxygen, release polymeric scission fragments which deposit on surfaces and form a glassy, dark contaminant layer upon further atomic oxygen exposure and solar irradiation
Finite type approximations of Gibbs measures on sofic subshifts
Consider a H\"older continuous potential defined on the full shift
A^\nn, where is a finite alphabet. Let X\subset A^\nn be a specified
sofic subshift. It is well-known that there is a unique Gibbs measure
on associated to . Besides, there is a natural nested
sequence of subshifts of finite type converging to the sofic subshift
. To this sequence we can associate a sequence of Gibbs measures
. In this paper, we prove that these measures weakly converge
at exponential speed to (in the classical distance metrizing weak
topology). We also establish a strong mixing property (ensuring weak
Bernoullicity) of . Finally, we prove that the measure-theoretic
entropy of converges to the one of exponentially fast.
We indicate how to extend our results to more general subshifts and potentials.
We stress that we use basic algebraic tools (contractive properties of iterated
matrices) and symbolic dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, no figure
Thermodynamic phase transitions for Pomeau-Manneville maps
We study phase transitions in the thermodynamic description of
Pomeau-Manneville intermittent maps from the point of view of infinite ergodic
theory, which deals with diverging measure dynamical systems. For such systems,
we use a distributional limit theorem to provide both a powerful tool for
calculating thermodynamic potentials as also an understanding of the dynamic
characteristics at each instability phase. In particular, topological pressure
and Renyi entropy are calculated exactly for such systems. Finally, we show the
connection of the distributional limit theorem with non-Gaussian fluctuations
of the algorithmic complexity proposed by Gaspard and Wang [Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 85, 4591 (1988)].Comment: 5 page
Initial Data and Coordinates for Multiple Black Hole Systems
We present here an alternative approach to data setting for spacetimes with
multiple moving black holes generalizing the Kerr-Schild form for rotating or
non-rotating single black holes to multiple moving holes. Because this scheme
preserves the Kerr-Schild form near the holes, it selects out the behaviour of
null rays near the holes, may simplify horizon tracking, and may prove useful
in computational applications. For computational evolution, a discussion of
coordinates (lapse function and shift vector) is given which preserves some of
the properties of the single-hole Kerr-Schild form
Debris/ice/TPS assessment and integrated photographic analysis for Shuttle Mission STS-56
The Debris Team developed and implemented measures to control damage from debris in the Shuttle operational environment and to make the control measures a part of routine launch flows. These measures include engineering surveillance during vehicle processing and closeout operations, facility and flight hardware inspections before and after launch, and photographic analysis of mission events. Photographic analyses of mission imagery from launch, on-orbit, and landing provide significant data in verifying proper operation of systems and evaluating anomalies. In addition to the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Photo/Video Analysis, reports from JSC, MSFC, and Rockwell International--Downey are also included in this document to provide an integrated assessment of the mission
Spin-polarized tunneling spectroscopy in tunnel junctions with half-metallic electrodes
We have studied the magnetoresistance (TMR) of tunnel junctions with
electrodes of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and we show how the variation of the conductance
and TMR with the bias voltage can be exploited to obtain a precise information
on the spin and energy dependence of the density of states. Our analysis leads
to a quantitative description of the band structure of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and
allows the determination of the gap delta between the Fermi level and the
bottom of the t2g minority spin band, in good agreement with data from
spin-polarized inverse photoemission experiments. This shows the potential of
magnetic tunnel junctions with half-metallic electrodes for spin-resolved
spectroscopic studies.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter
Cavity Optomechanical Magnetometer
A cavity optomechanical magnetometer is demonstrated where the magnetic field
induced expansion of a magnetostrictive material is transduced onto the
physical structure of a highly compliant optical microresonator. The resulting
motion is read out optically with ultra-high sensitivity. Detecting the
magnetostrictive deformation of Terfenol-D with a toroidal whispering gallery
mode (TWGM) resonator a peak sensitivity of 400 nT/Hz^.5 was achieved with
theoretical modelling predicting that sensitivities of up to 500 fT/Hz^.5 may
be possible. This chip-based magnetometer combines high-sensitivity and large
dynamic range with small size and room temperature operation
Facies analysis and Reservoir Characterization of the Cambrian Mount Simon Formation in the Illinois Basin: Implications for CO Sequestration and Storage
This poster was presented at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Meeting, from June 7-10, 2009, in Denver, Colorado.Deep saline reservoirs have become a target of increased study with the development of carbon sequestration technologies. In the Illinois Basin, The Upper Cambrian Mt. Simon Formation has been proposed as a potential reservoir for CO2 sequestration. Depth and limited economic interest in the Mt. Simon have left it minimally explored with previous detailed depositional facies analysis only performed at localities outside of the Illinois Basin, where the Mt. Simon is much thinner and closer to the surface. From the analysis of recently acquired and preexisting relatively complete cores and composite cores of the Mt. Simon Formation in addition to basin wide correlation with geophysical well logs, we present a revised model for the deposition of the Mt. Simon Formation in the Illinois Basin region and the resulting implications for a CO2 reservoir. The Mt. Simon Formation is a sub-quartz to quartz arenite that unconformably overlies the crystalline basement of the interior North American craton. Thickness of the Mt. Simon ranges from a few hundred to over 2000 feet thick and structually from 2000 to over 14000 feet below sea level. The upper contact of the Mt. Simon Formation is gradational with the overlying Eau Clair Formation while the lower contact unconformably bounds the crystalline basement. Core analysis has led to the identification of several distinct facies within the Mt. Simon. The lowermost facies is dominated by medium grain to granular eolian sands with distinct interdunal red mudstone. Gradationally above the lowermost facies, tidal indicators become increasingly present with mud drapes and flaser bedding located in isolated units. This transgressive sequence from nonmarine to marine depositional environments correlates with sea level curves for the Upper Cambrian. By increasing our understanding of the Mt. Simon, we can better understand its CO2 reservoir potential
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