675 research outputs found

    Peak Flow Meter Equipped with Inspection Results Indicator

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    Peak Flow Meter (PFM) is a tool to measure the Peak Flow of Air Expiration in the road (PFR) or commonly referred to as Peak Expiration Flow (PEF) and to connect asthma. The value of PEF can help a number of factors in age, respiratory muscle strength, height and gender. Airway measurements are used to measure patients suffering from asthma. This peak flow meter tool works based on the air pressure produced from the patient\u27s puff using the MPX5100GP pressure sensor in the range of 0 to 100 kPa and the voltage output is 0.2 to 4.7 VDC to increase wind pressure in the patient. From the pressure converted to voltage and enter the 0 from the Arduino nano minimum system circuit to be processed into analog data and then put into units of liters / second, the value of the flow meter is sent and replaced to a PC with the Delphi7 application. The measurement results of PEF values at peak flow meters have an error value of less than 5% This peak flow meter tool also has a consideration value of 0.095475 so that this tool can be said to be very certain to be used as asthma. Then it can be concluded that the peak flow meter is feasible and meets the specified requirement

    Peranan Psikiater Kriminal terhadap Korban Tindak Pidana dalam Proses Penyidikan

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah peranan psikiater kriminal dalam proses penyidikan dan bagaimanakah kedudukan korban dalam proses penyidikan sebagai pihak yang mengalami penderitaan dan kerugian. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Pemeriksaan suatu perkara pidana di dalam suatu proses peradilan pada hakekatnya adalah bertujuan mencari kebenaran materiil dalam perkara tersebut. Dalam hal demikian maka bantuan seorang ahli sangat penting diperlukan dalam rangka mencari kebenaran materil selengkap-lengkapnya bagi penegak hukum tersebut. Menurut ketentuan hukum acara pidana di Indonesia, mengenai permintaan bantuan tenaga ahli diatur dan disebutkan dalam KUHAP. Untuk permintaan tenaga ahli dalam tahap penyidikan disebutkan dalam pasal 120 (1). Sedangkan permintaan bantuan keterangan ahli pada tahap pemeriksaan persidangan, terdapat dalam pasal 180 (1). Dengan adanya ilmu dari bidang psikologi humanistik yang lebih menekankan kreativitas, vitalitas emosi, eutentisitas, dan pencari makna di atas kepuasan materi maka Pendekatan ini merupakan penampakan sosial dari upaya kita untuk membina hati dan tubuh yang bijak sebagaimana jiwa yang bijak. 2. Sebagai pihak yang mengalami penderitaan, korban justru sering dilupakan oleh penegak hukum khususnya polisi, jaksa, dan hakim. Fokus perhatian dan aparat penegak hukum hampir selalu terkonsentrasi pada pelaku. Meskipun demikian, apabila ini dianggap sebagai sesuatu kesalahan, maka kesalahan tersebut tidak seluruhnya dapat ditumpakan kepada aparat yang menerapkan aturan hukum pidana. Terpinggirkannya kepentingan korban dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana melalui jalur hukum pidana tersebut tidak terlepas dari dominasi paradigma retributif dalam pembentukan dan penerapan hukum pidan

    Perbandingan Susu Kambing dan Susu Kedelai dalam Pembuatan Kefir

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan rasio terbaik susu kambing dengan susu kedelai untuk menghasilkan kualitas kefir tertinggi. Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan lima perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Perlakuannya adalah MS1 (susu kambing 100: susu kedelai 0), MS2 (susu kambing 75: susu kedelai 25), MS3 (susu kambing 50: susu kedelai 50), MS4 (susu kambing 25: susu kedelai 75), dan MS5 (susu kambing 0: susu kedelai 100). Parameter yang diamati adalah tingkat keasaman (pH), total bakteri asam laktat, padatan total dan kadar alkohol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio susu kambing dan susu kedelai berpengaruh nyata (P <0,05) terhadap pH, jumlah bakteri asam laktat, padatan total dan kadar alkohol. Perlakuan terbaik dalam penelitian ini adalah MS2

    Counterion Condensation on Spheres in the Salt-free Limit

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    A highly-charged spherical colloid in a salt-free environment exerts such a powerful attraction on its counterions that a certain fraction condenses onto the surface of a particle. The degree of condensation depends on the curvature of the surface. So, for instance, condensation is triggered on a highly-charged sphere only if the radius exceeds a certain critical radius \collrad^{*}. \collrad^{*} is expected to be a simple function of the volume fraction of particles. To test these predictions, we prepare spherical particles which contain a covalently-bound ionic liquid, which is engineered to dissociate efficiently in a low-dielectric medium. By varying the proportion of ionic liquid to monomer we synthesise nonpolar dispersions of highly-charged spheres which contain essentially no free co-ions. The only ions in the system are counterions generated by the dissociation of surface-bound groups. We study the electrophoretic mobility of this salt-free system as a function of the colloid volume fraction, the particle radius, and the bare charge density and find evidence for extensive counterion condensation. At low electric fields, we observe excellent agreement with Poisson-Boltzmann predictions for counterion condensation on spheres. At high electric fields however, where ion advection is dominant, the electrophoretic mobility is enhanced significantly which we attribute to hydrodynamic stripping of the condensed layer of counterions from the surface of the particle.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures and two table

    Factors Associated with In-stent Restenosis in Patients Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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    Aim: to determine factors associated with In-Stent Restenosis (ISR) in patients following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). Methods: a retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary information from medical records of post-PCI patients who underwent follow-up of angiography PCI between January 2009 and March 2014 at The Integrated Cardiovascular Service Unit, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Angiographic ISR was defined when the diameter of stenosis ≥50% at follow-up angiography including the diameter inside the stent and diameter with five-mm protrusion out of the proximal and distal ends of the stent. Results: there were 289 subjects including 133 subjects with and 156 subjects without ISR. The incidence of ISR in patients using of bare-metal stent (BMS) and drug-eluting stent (DES) were 61.3% and 40.7%, respectively. Factors associated with ISR are stent-type (OR=4.83, 95% CI 2.51-9.30), stent length (OR=3.71, 95% CI 1.99-6.90), bifurcation lesions (OR=2.43, 95% CI 1.16-5.10), smoking (OR=2.30, 95% CI 1.33-3.99), vascular diameter (OR=2.18, 95% CI 1.2-3.73), hypertension (OR=2.16, 95% CI 1.16-4.04) and diabetes mellitus (OR=2.14, 95% CI 1.23-3.70). Conclusion: stent type, stent length, bifurcation lesions, smoking, vascular diameter, hypertension and DM are factors associated with ISR in patients following PCI.Key words: bare-metal stent; drug-eluting stent; in-stent restenosis
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