115 research outputs found

    Impact of a mass vaccination campaign against a meningitis epidemic in a refugee camp.

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    Serogroup A meningococcus epidemics occurred in refugee populations in Zaire in August 1994. The paper analyses the public health impact of a mass vaccination campaign implemented in a large refugee camp. We compared meningitis incidence rates from 2 similar camps. In Kibumba camp, vaccination was implemented early in the course of the epidemic whilst in the control camp (Katale), vaccination was delayed. At a threshold of 15 cases per 100 000 population per week an immunization campaign was implemented. Attack rates were 94 and 134 per 100,000 in Kibumba and Katale respectively over 2 months. In Kibumba, one week after crossing the threshold, 121,588 doses of vaccine were administered covering 76% of all refugees. Vaccination may have prevented 68 cases (30% of the expected cases). Despite its rapid institution and the high coverage achieved, the vaccination campaign had a limited impact on morbidity due to meningitis. In the early phase in refugee camps, the relative priorities of meningitis vaccination and case management need to be better defined

    Experimental quantum key distribution over highly noisy channels

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    Error filtration is a method for encoding the quantum state of a single particle into a higher dimensional Hilbert space in such a way that it becomes less sensitive to phase noise. We experimentally demonstrate this method by distributing a secret key over an optical fiber whose noise level otherwise precludes secure quantum key distribution. By filtering out the phase noise, a bit error rate of 15.3% +/- 0.1%, which is beyond the security limit, can be reduced to 10.6% +/- 0.1%, thereby guaranteeing the cryptographic security.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Preparatory investigation

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    A great deal of preparatory investigation preceded the organizational work at Bergenmeersen. This was necessary to gain an insight into soil quality and structure and the archaeological richness of the project area, since these elements influence the design and costs of the project.This chapter describes the results of the environmental, geotechnical and geophysical soil survey and the archaeological survey. It also examines the model trials of the inlet and outlet sluices. It is through these sluices that the Scheldt water will flow into and out of the flood control area with controlled reduced tide (FCA-CRT)

    Vector modulation instability induced by vacuum fluctuations in highly birefringent fibers in the anomalous dispersion regime

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    We report a detailed experimental study of vector modulation instability in highly birefringent optical fibers in the anomalous dispersion regime. We prove that the observed instability is mainly induced by vacuum fluctuations. The detuning of the spectral peaks agrees with linear perturbation analysis. The exact shape of the spectrum is well reproduced by numerical integration of stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equations describing quantum propagation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Optics Letter

    Interaction of Vortices in Complex Vector Field and Stability of a ``Vortex Molecule''

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    We consider interaction of vortices in the vector complex Ginzburg--Landau equation (CVGLE). In the limit of small field coupling, it is found analytically that the interaction between well-separated defects in two different fields is long-range, in contrast to interaction between defects in the same field which falls off exponentially. In a certain region of parameters of CVGLE, we find stable rotating bound states of two defects -- a ``vortex molecule".Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Higher-order nonlinear modes and bifurcation phenomena due to degenerate parametric four-wave mixing

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    We demonstrate that weak parametric interaction of a fundamental beam with its third harmonic field in Kerr media gives rise to a rich variety of families of non-fundamental (multi-humped) solitary waves. Making a comprehensive comparison between bifurcation phenomena for these families in bulk media and planar waveguides, we discover two novel types of soliton bifurcations and other interesting findings. The later includes (i) multi-humped solitary waves without even or odd symmetry and (ii) multi-humped solitary waves with large separation between their humps which, however, may not be viewed as bound states of several distinct one-humped solitons.Comment: 9 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Modulational instability of bright solitary waves in incoherently coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations

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    We present a detailed analysis of the modulational instability (MI) of ground-state bright solitary solutions of two incoherently coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations. Varying the relative strength of cross-phase and self-phase effects we show existence and origin of four branches of MI of the two-wave solitary solutions. We give a physical interpretation of our results in terms of the group velocity dispersion (GVD) induced polarization dynamics of spatial solitary waves. In particular, we show that in media with normal GVD spatial symmetry breaking changes to polarization symmetry breaking when the relative strength of the cross-phase modulation exceeds a certain threshold value. The analytical and numerical stability analyses are fully supported by an extensive series of numerical simulations of the full model.Comment: Physical Review E, July, 199

    Elliminating The Transverse Instabilities of Kerr Solitons

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    We show analytically, numerically, and experimentally that a transversely stable one-dimensional [(1+1)D] bright Kerr soliton can exist in a 3D bulk medium. The transverse instability of the soliton is completely eliminated if it is made sufficiently incoherent along the transverse dimension. We derive a criterion for the threshold of transverse instability that links the nonlinearity to the largest transverse correlation distance for which the 1D soliton is stableComment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    The effect of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy on small for gestational age and stillbirth: a population based study

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are leading causes of maternal, fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, studies attempting to quantify the effect of hypertension on adverse perinatal outcomes have been mostly conducted in tertiary centres. This population-based study explored the frequency of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and the associated increase in small for gestational age (SGA) and stillbirth. METHODS: We used information on all pregnant women and births, in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, between 1988 and 2000. Pregnancies were excluded if delivery occurred < 20 weeks, if birthweight was < 500 grams, if there was a high-order multiple pregnancy (greater than twin gestation), or a major fetal anomaly. RESULTS: The study population included 135,466 pregnancies. Of these, 7.7% had mild pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), 1.3% had severe PIH, 0.2% had HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets), 0.02% had eclampsia, 0.6% had chronic hypertension, and 0.4% had chronic hypertension with superimposed PIH. Women with any hypertension in pregnancy were 1.6 (95% CI 1.5–1.6) times more likely to have a live birth with SGA and 1.4 (95% CI 1.1–1.8) times more likely to have a stillbirth as compared with normotensive women. Adjusted analyses showed that women with gestational hypertension without proteinuria (mild PIH) and with proteinuria (severe PIH, HELLP, or eclampsia) were more likely to have infants with SGA (RR 1.5, 95% CI 1.4–1.6 and RR 3.2, 95% CI 2.8–3.6, respectively). Women with pre-existing hypertension were also more likely to give birth to an infant with SGA (RR 2.5, 95% CI 2.2–3.0) or to have a stillbirth (RR 3.2, 95% CI 1.9–5.4). CONCLUSIONS: This large, population-based study confirms and quantifies the magnitude of the excess risk of small for gestational age and stillbirth among births to women with hypertensive disease in pregnancy
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