6,654 research outputs found

    Equianalytic and equisingular families of curves on surfaces

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    We consider flat families of reduced curves on a smooth surface S such that each member C has the same number of singularities of fixed singularity types and the corresponding (locally closed) subscheme H of the Hilbert scheme of S. We are mainly concerned with analytic resp. topological singularity types and give a sufficient condition for the smoothness of H (at C). Our results for S=P^2 seem to be quite sharp for families of cuves of small degree d.Comment: LaTeX v 2.0

    Energetics, Predation, and Ration Affect Size-dependent Growth and Mortality of Fish during Winter

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    Winter temperatures may reduce energy costs for ectotherms. However, variable mid-temperate and low-latitude winters may interact with scaling of size, metabolism, and energy reserves to cause energy deficits and require trade-offs between foraging and predation. A dynamic optimization model explored how ration, fall fat, and both non- and size-selective predation influenced foraging (i.e., fast or forage) and energy allocation (i.e., length or fat) decisions that maximize winter survival of age-0 largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). During a mid-latitude (38° N) winter, a pond experiment in which age-0 fish occurred with or without adult conspecific predators tested a subset of the model. In the model without predators, winter foraging occurred, with small size only reducing survival when low ration and low fall fat caused small fish to exhaust reserves. With predation, all sizes foraged to maintain mass and fat reserves when ration was sufficiently high, with small fish also growing in length. When modeled predation was nonselective, size-dependent mortality varied in complex ways. In contrast, size-selective predators consistently reduced survival of small fish. Generally consistent with the model, fish in ponds without predators gained mass and energy content, while those with predators only maintained these parameters. All small individuals grew more than large counterparts in length. Mortality in ponds never depended on size but was ~20% higher with predators. Energy deficits often demand active foraging during mid-temperate winters, with predation rather than energy depletion influencing size-dependent survival

    The cis-regulatory system of the tbrain gene: Alternative use of multiple modules to promote skeletogenic expression in the sea urchin embryo

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    The genomic cis-regulatory systems controlling regulatory gene expression usually include multiple modules. The regulatory output of such systems at any given time depends on which module is directing the function of the basal transcription apparatus, and ultimately on the transcription factor inputs into that module. Here we examine regulation of the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus tbrain gene, a required activator of the skeletogenic specification state in the lineage descendant from the embryo micromeres. Alternate cis-regulatory modules were found to convey skeletogenic expression in reporter constructs. To determine their relative developmental functions in context, we made use of recombineered BAC constructs containing a GFP reporter and of derivatives from which specific modules had been deleted. The outputs of the various constructs were observed spatially by GFP fluorescence and quantitatively over time by QPCR. In the context of the complete genomic locus, early skeletogenic expression is controlled by an intron enhancer plus a proximal region containing a HesC site as predicted from network analysis. From ingression onward, however, a dedicated distal module utilizing positive Ets1/2 inputs contributes to definitive expression in the skeletogenic mesenchyme. This module also mediates a newly discovered negative Erg input which excludes non-skeletogenic mesodermal expression

    MoS2 nanoparticle formation in a low pressure environment

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    Formation of MoS2 nanoparticles at pressures between 0.5 and 10 Torr has been studied. Two different chemistries for the particle nucleation are compared: one based on MoCl5 and H2S, and the other based on MoCl5 and S. In both cases particle formation has been studied in a thermal oven and in a radio-frequency discharge. Typically, the reaction rates at low pressures are too low for an efficient thermal particle production. At pressures below 10 Torr no particle production in the oven is achieved in H2S chemistry. In the more reactive chemistry based on sulfur, the optimal conditions for thermal particle growth are found at 10 Torr and low gas flows, using excess of hydrogen. In the radio-frequency discharge, nanoparticles are readily formed in both chemistries at 0.5 Torr and can be detected in situ by laser light scattering. In the H2S chemistry particles smaller than 100 nm diameter have been synthesized, the sulfur chemistry yields somewhat larger grains. Both in thermal and plasma-enhanced particle syntheses, using excess of hydrogen is beneficial for the stability and purity of the particles

    Cooperation and Self-Regulation in a Model of Agents Playing Different Games

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    A simple model for cooperation between "selfish" agents, which play an extended version of the Prisoner's Dilemma(PD) game, in which they use arbitrary payoffs, is presented and studied. A continuous variable, representing the probability of cooperation, pk(t)p_k(t) \in [0,1], is assigned to each agent kk at time tt. At each time step tt a pair of agents, chosen at random, interact by playing the game. The players update their pk(t)p_k(t) using a criteria based on the comparison of their utilities with the simplest estimate for expected income. The agents have no memory and use strategies not based on direct reciprocity nor 'tags'. Depending on the payoff matrix, the systems self-organizes - after a transient - into stationary states characterized by their average probability of cooperation pˉeq\bar{p}_{eq} and average equilibrium per-capita-income pˉeq,Uˉ\bar{p}_{eq},\bar{U}_\infty. It turns out that the model exhibit some results that contradict the intuition. In particular, some games which - {\it a priory}- seems to favor defection most, may produce a relatively high degree of cooperation. Conversely, other games, which one would bet that lead to maximum cooperation, indeed are not the optimal for producing cooperation.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, keybords: Complex adaptive systems, Agent-based models, Social system

    Information processing at the foxa node of the sea urchin endomesoderm specification network

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    The foxa regulatory gene is of central importance for endoderm specification across Bilateria, and this gene lies at an essential node of the well-characterized sea urchin endomesoderm gene regulatory network (GRN). Here we experimentally dissect the cis-regulatory system that controls the complex pattern of foxa expression in these embryos. Four separate cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) cooperate to control foxa expression in different spatial domains of the endomesoderm, and at different times. A detailed mutational analysis revealed the inputs to each of these cis-regulatory modules. The complex and dynamic expression of foxa is regulated by a combination of repressors, a permissive switch, and multiple activators. A mathematical kinetic model was applied to study the dynamic response of foxa cis-regulatory modules to transient inputs. This study shed light on the mesoderm–endoderm fate decision and provides a functional explanation, in terms of the genomic regulatory code, for the spatial and temporal expression of a key developmental control gene

    Ion stopping in dense plasma target for high energy density physics

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    The basic physics of nonrelativistic and electromagnetic ion stopping in hot and ionized plasma targets is thoroughly updated. Corresponding projectile-target interactions involve enhanced projectile ionization and coupling with target free electrons leading to significantly larger energy losses in hot targets when contrasted to their cold homologues. Standard stoppping formalism is framed around the most economical extrapolation of high velocity stopping in cold matter. Further elaborations pay attention to target electron coupling and nonlinearities due to enhanced projectile charge state, as well. Scaling rules are then used to optimize the enhanced stopping of MeV/amu ions in plasmas with electron linear densities nel ~ 10 18 -10 20 cm -2 . The synchronous firing of dense and strongly ionized plasmas with the time structure of bunched and energetic multicharged ion beam then allow to probe, for the first time, the long searched enhanced plasma stopping and projectile charge at target exit. Laser ablated plasmas (SPQR1) and dense linear plasma columns (SPQR2) show up as targets of choice in providing accurate and on line measurements of plasma parameters. Corresponding stopping results are of a central significance in asserting the validity of intense ion beam scenarios for driving thermonuclear pellets. Other applications of note feature thorium induced fission, novel ion sources and specific material processing through low energy ion beams. Last but not least, the given ion beam-plasma target interaction physics is likely to pave a way to the production and diagnostics of warm dense matter (WDM)

    A simply connected surface of general type with p_g=0 and K^2=2

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    In this paper we construct a simply connected, minimal, complex surface of general type with p_g=0 and K^2=2 using a rational blow-down surgery and Q-Gorenstein smoothing theory.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    The thrombomodulin analog Solulin promotes reperfusion and reduces infarct volume in a thrombotic stroke model

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86888/1/j.1538-7836.2011.04269.x.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86888/2/JTH_4269_sm_Data-S1.pd