361 research outputs found

    Wawancara Klinis Berbasis Konflik Kognitif untuk Mengatasi Miskonsepsi Siswa pada Operasi Pecahan Bentuk Aljabar

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    This research aims to investigate whether or not clinical interview based on cognitive conflict can solve students' misconception on fraction operation in algebraic expression in Junior High School. The method used is decriptive method by case study. The research subjects are four students of eighth grade of SMP Negeri 11 Pontianak which undergo misconception on fraction operation in algebraic expression which include addition and subtraction operation. The result of data analysis shows that misconception which is undergone by students after they are given clinical interview based on cognitive conflict undergo reduction. In addition, the average percentage of students' misconception reduction is 97.22%. It can be conclude that clinical interview based on cognitive conflict can solve students' misconception on fraction operation in algebraic expression in eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 11 Pontianak

    Remediasi Miskonsepsi Siswa pada Materi Fluida Dinamis Menggunakan Multimedia Interaktif di SMA

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    This research was aimed to investigate the reduction of amount of students who experienced the misconception on fluid dinamic learning material after they have been treated by using multimedia interactive in remediation activity. Pre-experimental design was conducted with one group pre-test post-test design. This study enganged twenty nine students who were choosen by intact group. The result of data analysis showed that the percentage of amount of students who experienced the misconception was changed from 39% to 8% within the average percentage of reduction 31%. Besides, the percentage of amount of student\u27s misconception was changed from 40% to 7% within the average percentage of reduction 33%. The data showed that the use of multimedia interactive can reduce the amount of students who experienced the misconception and the amount of student\u27s misconception. Multimedia interactive can be used as alternative way of remediation activity in physics learning

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Pesawat Sederhana Di SMP

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    : This research aims to determine the increase of students learning outcomes by implementing jigsaw cooperative learning in the material of the simple machine in class VIII SMP Negeri 19 Pontianak. This study was a classroom action research, consisting of two cycles with the stages of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subject of this research were 34 students. The data collection instruments were in the form of observation sheets and essay test. The result showed the average increase in learning outcomes in the first cycle by 72.79 with mastery of 67.65% and in the second cycle by 75 with mastery of 73.52%. These results indicated that the jigsaw cooperative learning can improve students learning outcomes in the material of simple machine

    Penerapan Metode Eksperimen Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik untuk Meremediasi Miskonsepsi pada Materi Getaran di SMP

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    The purpose this study was to invesigate the effectiveness of applying experimental method based scientific approach, to remediated students\u27 misconception about vibration material in grade nine Junior High School 8 Pontianak. The methode used was pre-experimental design with one-group pretest posttest design wich research sample of 36 students. Based of data analysis it is found that a decline in the average percentage of students misconceptions each concept about 55.83%. The calculation of McNemar test showed a change students\u27 conceptions from misconceptions becomes unmisconceptions significantly. Remediation by applying the experimental method based scientific approach is effective to improved student misconceptions about vibration material in grade nine Junior High School for each concept with an average effectiveness rate is 0.74 (relatively high)

    Penggunaan Model Direct Instruction Berbantuan Alat Peraga Sederhana Untuk Meremediasi Miskonsepsi Materi Gaya SMP

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    This study aims to find out the effectiveness of direct instruction method with simple model to remediate students' misconceptions on forces in Class VIII of SMPN 10 Sanggau. This research is a pre-experimental design with one group pre-test post-test design. Its data collecting instruments are 8 multiple-choices questions with 3 options and added with open answer. The sample were 30 students choosen by using intact group technique. Based on the analysis, the highest misconception profile in the pre-test was the students believe that contact force includes in weight and friction force (83,3%), while the highest misconception profile in the post-test was the students believe that friction force exerted on an object depends on the amount of mass transmitted (40%). The average decline of each student is 34,16% and the average student of each concept is 62,5%. Of the calculation of effect size obtained d= 0,643 with the category of high. This shows that the application of direct instruction with simple model is effective to reduce the number of students with misconception and the misconception itself

    Memperbaiki Pemahaman Konseptual dan Prosedural pada Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel melalui Wawancara Klinis

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    : This research aims to improve understanding conceptual and knowledge procedural students on matter SPLDV in grade IX MTs Mujahidin Pontianak through interview clinical. Research methods used in this research is descriptive method with case study research. Subject are chosen in this research is 3 people graders IX MTs Mujahidin Pontianak. A gatherer of data used is the test written shaped essays and guidelines clinical interview. From the results of data analysis on the question of pre-test is given, the average score obtained for conceptual understanding of 6 with a percentage of 25% and a mean score obtained for procedural knowledge amounted to 4.33 with percentage 18,84%. After being given a clinical interview, then given a posttest. Average score results of the post-test for conceptual understanding of 18 with a percentage of 76% and a score for the procedural knowledge of 17.66 with a percentage of 77,77%. In other words students experience increased learning results. For the conceptual understanding of the average score is 5 to 18, and to procedural knowledge from average score 4 to 17.66

    Neuro-Protection and Neuro-Therapy Effects of Acalypha Indica Linn. Water Extract Ex Vivo on Musculus Gastrocnemius Frog

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    The studies of neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects of Acalypha indica Linn. water extract ex vivo on Musculus gastrocnemius frog have already done at three Departments in Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. The experimental studies were done on 2 groups of frog for neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects. Each group of frog was divided into 7 subgroups of application, 4 samples each. There were 5 subgroups of doses: 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 mg and 2 subgroups as control. Pancuronium bromide 0.2%, 4 mg, was used for a positive control as muscle relaxant. Neuro-protection study was done as follow: ringer – extract – pancuronium bromide, and neuro-therapy study was ringer – pancuronium bromide – extract, respectively. The parameters measured in these studies were the electrical activities such as amount and duration (second) of re-polarization; depolarization, resting potential, and the height of spike after electrical stimulation at 5 mV. Neuro-protection effect of extract was determined by the ability of muscle to show the electrical response after incubating with pancuronium bromide for 10 minutes, and after incubating with extract for 10 minutes for neuro-therapy effect. In the dose of 15 mg and 20 mg/mL of A. indica Linn. extract showed better activities than the dose of 25 mg of extract, both as neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects, but statistically its have not a significant difference. This study should be followed by an in vivo experiment on frog and it would be done in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on other animal models
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