322 research outputs found

    Evolution of magneto-orbital order upon B-site electron doping in Na1-xCaxMn7O12 quadruple perovskite manganites

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    We present the discovery and refinement by neutron powder diffraction of a new magnetic phase in the Na1-xCaxMn7O12 quadruple perovskite phase diagram, which is the incommensurate analogue of the well-known pseudo-CE phase of the simple perovskite manganites. We demonstrate that incommensurate magnetic order arises in quadruple perovskites due to the exchange interactions between A and B sites. Furthermore, by constructing a simple mean field Heisenberg exchange model that generically describes both simple and quadruple perovskite systems, we show that this new magnetic phase unifies a picture of the interplay between charge, magnetic and orbital ordering across a wide range of compounds.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Optical study of the vibrational and dielectric properties of BiMnO3

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    BiMnO3 (BMO), ferromagnetic (FM) below Tc = 100 K, was believed to be also ferroelectric (FE) due to a non-centro-symmetric C2 structure, until diffraction data indicated that its space group is the centro-symmetric C2/c. Here we present infrared phonon spectra of BMO, taken on a mosaic of single crystals, which are consistent with C2/c at any T > 10 K, as well as room-temperature Raman data which strongly support this conclusion. We also find that the infrared intensity of several phonons increases steadily for decreasing T, causing the relative permittivity of BMO to vary from 18.5 at 300 K to 45 at 10 K. At variance with FE materials of displacive type, no appreciable softening has been found in the infrared phonons. Both their frequencies and intensities, moreover, appear insensitive to the FM transition at Tc

    Thermoelectric behavior of Ruddlesden-Popper series iridates

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    The goal of this work is studying the evolution of thermoelectric transport across the members of the Ruddlesden-Popper series iridates Srn+1IrnO3n+1, where a metal-insulator transition driven by bandwidth change occurs, from the strongly insulating Sr2IrO4 to the metallic non Fermi liquid behavior of SrIrO3. Sr2IrO4 (n=1), Sr3Ir2O7 (n=2) and SrIrO3 (n=inf.) polycrystals are synthesized at high pressure and characterized by structural, magnetic, electric and thermoelectric transport analyses. We find a complex thermoelectric phenomenology in the three compounds. Thermal diffusion of charge carriers accounts for the Seebeck behavior of Sr2IrO4, whereas additional drag mechanisms come into play in determining the Seebeck temperature dependence of Sr3Ir2O7 and SrIrO3. These findings reveal close relationship between magnetic, electronic and thermoelectric properties, strong coupling of charge carriers with phonons and spin fluctuations as well as relevance of multiband description in these compounds.Comment: main paper + supplementary informatio

    Synthesis and characterization of multiferroic BiMn7_7O12_{12}

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    We report on the high pressure synthesis of BiMn7_7O12_{12}, a manganite displaying a "quadruple perovskite" structure. Structural characterization of single crystal samples shows a distorted and asymmetrical coordination around the Bi atom, due to presence of the 6s26s^{2} lone pair, resulting in non-centrosymmetric space group Im, leading to a permanent electrical dipole moment and ferroelectric properties. On the other hand, magnetic characterization reveals antiferromagnetic transitions, in agreement with the isostructural compounds, thus evidencing two intrinsic properties that make BiMn7_7O12_{12} a promising multiferroic material.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Internal-strain mediated coupling between polar Bi and magnetic Mn ions in the defect-free quadruple-perovskite BiMn3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}

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    By means of neutron powder diffraction, we investigated the effect of the polar Bi3+^{3+} ion on the magnetic ordering of the Mn3+^{3+} ions in BiMn3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}, the counterpart with \textit{quadruple} perovskite structure of the \textit{simple} perovskite BiMnO3_3. The data are consistent with a \textit{noncentrosymmetric} spacegroup ImIm which contrasts the \textit{centrosymmetric} one I2/mI2/m previously reported for the isovalent and isomorphic compound LaMn3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}, which gives evidence of a Bi3+^{3+}-induced polarization of the lattice. At low temperature, the two Mn3+^{3+} sublattices of the AA' and BB sites order antiferromagnetically (AFM) in an independent manner at 25 and 55 K, similarly to the case of LaMn3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}. However, both magnetic structures of BiMn3_3Mn4_4O12_{12} radically differ from those of LaMn3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}. In BiMn3_3Mn4_4O12_{12} the moments MA\textbf{M}_{A'} of the AA' sites form an anti-body AFM structure, whilst the moments \textbf{M}B_{B} of the BB sites result from a large and \textit{uniform} modulation ±MB,b\pm \textbf{M}_{B,b} along the b-axis of the moments \textbf{M}B,ac_{B,ac} in the acac-plane. The modulation is strikingly correlated with the displacements of the Mn3+^{3+} ions induced by the Bi3+^{3+} ions. Our analysis unveils a strong magnetoelastic coupling between the internal strain created by the Bi3+^{3+} ions and the moment of the Mn3+^{3+} ions in the BB sites. This is ascribed to the high symmetry of the oxygen sites and to the absence of oxygen defects, two characteristics of quadruple perovskites not found in simple ones, which prevent the release of the Bi3+^{3+}-induced strain through distortions or disorder. This demonstrates the possibility of a large magnetoelectric coupling in proper ferroelectrics and suggests a novel concept of internal strain engineering for multiferroics design.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 5 table