832 research outputs found

    Spin-dependent THz oscillator based on hybrid graphene superlattices

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    We theoretically study the occurrence of Bloch oscillations in biased hybrid graphene systems with spin-dependent superlattices. The spin-dependent potential is realized by a set of ferromagnetic insulator strips deposited on top of a gapped graphene nanoribbon, which induce a proximity exchange splitting of the electronic states in the graphene monolayer. We numerically solve the Dirac equation and study Bloch oscillations in the lowest conduction band of the spin-dependent superlattice. While the Bloch frequency is the same for both spins, we find the Bloch amplitude to be spin dependent. This difference results in a spin-polarized ac electric current in the THz range.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Home boom in Hungary: report about a nationwide design competition for 9-18 year old children

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    Design education is not yet prevalent in Hungary. Pedagogical innovations, however, have been taking place in several areas: in the development of the subject areas of art and technology, in legislation where the principles of a National Core Curriculum have been adopted (1994), in teacher training at the Academy of Craft and Design (since 1986), and in a nationwide design competition. The Let's Design Objects! 1994 competition resulted in a real break through in Hungarian Art and Design education. The unexpectedly high number of entries, the high standard of work, and the lively and new approaches to solving design problems have convinced many art educators of the importance of design education. The report lists proven methods and richly illustrates them with photographs of works entered in the subcategories of the 1994 competition's overall theme: Our Home; Robinson's Shelter; How We Live Now; and My Home in 2014

    Speed of sound in disordered Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Disorder modifies the sound-wave excitation spectrum of Bose-Einstein condensates. We consider the classical hydrodynamic limit, where the disorder correlation length is much longer than the condensate healing length. By perturbation theory, we compute the phonon lifetime and correction to the speed of sound. This correction is found to be negative in all dimensions, with universal asymptotics for smooth correlations. Considering in detail optical speckle potentials, we find a quite rich intermediate structure. This has consequences for the average density of states, particularly in one dimension, where we find a "boson dip" next to a sharp "boson peak" as function of frequency. In one dimension, our prediction is verified in detail by a numerical integration of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation.Comment: final, extended version with 2 new figure

    Dynamics and stability of Bose-Einstein solitons in tilted optical lattices

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    Bloch oscillations of Bose-Einstein condensates realize sensitive matter-wave interferometers. We investigate the dynamics and stability of bright-soliton wave packets in one-dimensional tilted optical lattices with a modulated mean-field interaction g(t)g(t). By means of a time-reversal argument, we prove the stability of Bloch oscillations of breathing solitons that would be quasistatically unstable. Floquet theory shows that these breathing solitons can be more stable against certain experimental perturbations than rigid solitons or even non-interacting wave packets.Comment: final, published versio

    Summary Report Of Working Group 8: Laser Technology For Laser-Plasma Accelerators

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    Laser Technology has long been the limiting and the enabling step for laser plasma accelerators. The work presented here addressed the current and near future laser technology relevant to particle acceleration as well as laser technology challenges for future accelerator facilities. Many laser facilities are operating or will be operating shortly at high intensity, high peak power, and with good beam parameters.Physic
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