644 research outputs found

    Type IIB Flows with N=1 Supersymmetry

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    We write general and explicit equations which solve the supersymmetry transformations with two arbitrary complex-proportional Weyl spinors on N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetric type IIB strings backgrounds with all R-R F1F_1, F3F_3, F5F_5 and NS-NS H3H_3 fluxes turned on using SU(3) structures. The equations are generalizations of the ones found for specific relations between the two spinors by Grana, Minasian, Petrini and Tomasiello in [1] and by Butti, Grana, Minasian, Petrini and Zaffaroni in [2]. The general equations allow to study systematically generic type IIB backgrounds with N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetry. We then explore some specific classes of flows with constant axion, flows with constant dilaton, flows on conformally Calabi-Yau backgrounds, flows with imaginary self-dual 3-form flux, flows with constant ratio of the two spinors, the corresponding equations are written down and some of their features and relations are discussed.Comment: 28 page

    AdS Vacua, Attractor Mechanism and Generalized Geometries

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    We consider flux vacua attractor equations in type IIA string theory compactified on generalized geometries with orientifold projections. The four-dimensional N=1 superpotential in this compactification can be written as the sum of the Ramond-Ramond superpotential and a term described by (non)geometric flux charges. We exhibit a simple model in which supersymmetric AdS and Minkowski solutions are classified by means of discriminants of the two superpotentials. We further study various configurations without Ramond-Ramond flux charges. In this case we find supersymmetric AdS vacua both in the case of compactifications on generalized geometries with SU(3) x SU(3) structures and on manifolds with an SU(3)-structure without nongeometric flux charges. In the latter case, we have to introduce correction terms into the prepotential in order to realize consistent vacua.Comment: 35 pages, accepted version in JHE

    New families of interpolating type IIB backgrounds

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    We construct new families of interpolating two-parameter solutions of type IIB supergravity. These correspond to D3-D5 systems on non-compact six-dimensional manifolds which are T^2 fibrations over Eguchi-Hanson and multi-center Taub-NUT spaces, respectively. One end of the interpolation corresponds to a solution with only D5 branes and vanishing NS three-form flux. A topology changing transition occurs at the other end, where the internal space becomes a direct product of the four-dimensional surface and the two-torus and the complexified NS-RR three-form flux becomes imaginary self-dual. Depending on the choice of the connections on the torus fibre, the interpolating family has either N=2 or N=1 supersymmetry. In the N=2 case it can be shown that the solutions are regular.Comment: 20 page

    D3-brane action in a supergravity background: the fermionic story

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    Using the kappa-symmetric action for a D3-brane, we study the interaction between its world-volume fermions and a bosonic type IIB supergravity background preserving 4-dimensional Lorentz invariance. We find that the renormalizable terms in the action include only coupling between the fermions and the 3-form flux in the combination *G_3-iG_3, which is zero for a class of supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric solutions. We also find the magnetic and electric dipole moments for the fermions, which are proportional to the derivative of the dilaton-axion. We show that different gauges to fix the kappa-symmetry give the same interaction terms, and prove that these terms are also SL(2,R) self-dual. We interpret our results in terms of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theory on the D-brane.Comment: 23 pages. Minor corrections, references adde

    Contact line depinning from sharp edges

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    With aim of finding mathematical criteria for contact line depinning from sharp corners, we have studied the equilibrium and stability of a semi-infinite planar liquid layer pinned at the vertex of a wedge. Equilibrium is compatible with a fan of apparent contact angles θ0\theta_0 bracketed by the equilibrium contact angles of both flanks of the wedge, so the contact line could remain pinned if θ0\theta_0 is within this fan. However, the analysis of the stability of these solutions, studied exploiting the variational structure of the problem through turning-point arguments, shows that the equilibrium becomes unstable at critical depinning advancing θ0a\theta_0^a and receding θ0r\theta_0^r contact angles, which are found as subcritical saddle-node bifurcations. Equilibrium is thus possible (stable) within the interval θ0a<θ0<θ0a\theta_0^a < \theta_0 <\theta_0^a but the contact line depins from the vertex beyond these critical angles if they occur within the equilibrium fan.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Supersymmetric sources, integrability and generalized-structure compactifications

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    In the context of supersymmetric compactifications of type II supergravity to four dimensions, we show that orientifold sources can be compatible with a generalized SU(3) x SU(3)-structure that is neither strictly SU(3) nor static SU(2). We illustrate this with explicit examples, obtained by suitably T-dualizing known solutions on the six-torus. In addition we prove the following integrability statements, valid under certain mild assumptions: (a) for general type II supergravity backgrounds with orientifold and/or D-brane generalized-calibrated sources, the source-corrected Einstein and dilaton equations of motion follow automatically from the supersymmetry equations once the likewise source-corrected form equations of motion and Bianchi identities are imposed; (b) in the special case of supersymmetric compactifications to four-dimensional Minkowski space, the equations of motion of all fields, including the NSNS three-form, follow automatically once the supersymmetry and the Bianchi identities of the forms are imposed. Both (a) and (b) are equally valid whether the sources are smeared or localized. As a byproduct we obtain the calibration form for a space-filling NS5-brane.Comment: 32 pages, 1 table, v2: added references, v3: corrected mistake in (4.1) leading to factor 2 mistake in (B.6), corrected (B.5), smaller typo

    Type IIB Solutions with Interpolating Supersymmetries

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    We study type IIB supergravity solutions with four supersymmetries that interpolate between two types widely considered in the literature: the dual of Becker and Becker's compactifications of M-theory to 3 dimensions and the dual of Strominger's torsion compactifications of heterotic theory to 4 dimensions. We find that for all intermediate solutions the internal manifold is not Calabi-Yau, but has SU(3) holonomy in a connection with a torsion given by the 3-form flux. All 3-form and 5-form fluxes, as well as the dilaton, depend on one function appearing in the supersymmetry spinor, which satisfies a nonlinear differential equation. We check that the fields corresponding to a flat bound state of D3/D5-branes lie in our class of solutions. The relations among supergravity fields that we derive should be useful in studying new gravity duals of gauge theories, as well as possibly compactifications.Comment: 27pp, v2 REVTeX4, typographical fixes and minor clarifications, v3 added ref, modified discussion of RR axion slightl

    From ten to four and back again: how to generalize the geometry

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    We discuss the four-dimensional N=1 effective approach in the study of warped type II flux compactifications with SU(3)x SU(3)-structure to AdS_4 or flat Minkowski space-time. The non-trivial warping makes it natural to use a supergravity formulation invariant under local complexified Weyl transformations. We obtain the classical superpotential from a standard argument involving domain walls and generalized calibrations and show how the resulting F-flatness and D-flatness equations exactly reproduce the full ten-dimensional supersymmetry equations. Furthermore, we consider the effect of non-perturbative corrections to this superpotential arising from gaugino condensation or Euclidean D-brane instantons. For the latter we derive the supersymmetry conditions in N=1 flux vacua in full generality. We find that the non-perturbative corrections induce a quantum deformation of the internal generalized geometry. Smeared instantons allow to understand KKLT-like AdS vacua from a ten-dimensional point of view. On the other hand, non-smeared instantons in IIB warped Calabi-Yau compactifications 'destabilize' the Calabi-Yau complex structure into a genuine generalized complex one. This deformation gives a geometrical explanation of the non-trivial superpotential for mobile D3-branes induced by the non-perturbative corrections.Comment: LaTeX, 47 pages, v2, references, hyperref added, v3, correcting small inaccuracies in eqs. (2.6a) and (5.16

    On the Existence of Meta-stable Vacua in Klebanov-Strassler

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    We solve for the complete space of linearized deformations of the Klebanov-Strassler background consistent with the symmetries preserved by a stack of anti-D3 branes smeared on the S3S^3 of the deformed conifold. We find that the only solution whose UV physics is consistent with that of a perturbation produced by anti-D3 branes must have a singularity in the infrared, coming from NS and RR three-form field strengths whose energy density diverges. If this singularity is admissible, our solution describes the backreaction of the anti-D3 branes, and is thus likely to be dual to the conjectured metastable vacuum in the Klebanov-Strassler field theory. If this singularity is not admissible, then our analysis strongly suggests that anti-D3 branes do not give rise to metastable Klebanov-Strassler vacua, which would have dramatic consequences for some string theory constructions of de Sitter space. Key to this result is a simple, universal form for the force on a probe D3-brane in our ansatz.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX. v2: further details provided regarding the IR singularity and the discussion modified accordingly. typos corrected, refs adde