216 research outputs found

    Space weather and space anomalies

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    A large database of anomalies, registered by 220 satellites in different orbits over the period 1971-1994 has been compiled. For the first time, data from 49 Russian Kosmos satellites have been included in a statistical analysis. The database also contains a large set of daily and hourly space weather parameters. A series of statistical analyses made it possible to quantify, for different satellite orbits, space weather conditions on the days characterized by anomaly occurrences. In particular, very intense fluxes (>1000 pfu at energy >10 MeV) of solar protons are linked to anomalies registered by satellites in high-altitude (>15000 km), near-polar (inclination >55°) orbits typical for navigation satellites, such as those used in the GPS network, NAVSTAR, etc. (the rate of anomalies increases by a factor ~20), and to a much smaller extent to anomalies in geostationary orbits, (they increase by a factor ~4). Direct and indirect connections between anomaly occurrence and geomagnetic perturbations are also discussed

    Роль уровня BDNF в формировании когнитивных нарушений у лиц среднего возраста

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    Relevance: the problem of cognitive violations at middle-aged persons with stenoziruyushchy atherosclerosis of brakhiotsefalny arteries and interrelation between the BDNF level and cognitive violation at this group of persons is considered. Materials and methods: 50 patients whose average age 52 years with displays of stenoziruyushchy atherosclerosis of brakhiotsefalny arteries took part in research. The control group included 50 people with average age of 50 years without symptoms of atherosclerosis of brakhiotsefalny arteries. To all patients neuropsychological testing and research of the BDNF level was conducted. Results: on the basis of our supervision, it is expedient to consider the revealed features of cognitive violations at patients of middle age, haemo dynamic characteristics, level of maintenance of BDNF in blood plasma at dodementny stages of tserebrovaskulyarny frustration at inspection and planning of approaches to treatment of patients with this pathology.Актуальность: рассматривается проблема когнитивных нарушений у лиц среднего возраста со стенозирующим атеросклерозом брахиоцефальных артерий и взаимосвязь между уровнем BDNF и когнитивным нарушением у данной группы лиц. Материалы и методы: в исследовании приняли участие 50 пациентов, средний возраст 52 года, с проявлениями стенозирующего атеросклероза брахиоцефальных артерий. В контрольную группу вошли 50 человек со средним возрастом 50 лет без признаков атеросклероза брахиоцефальных артерий. Всем пациентам проводилось нейропсихологическое тестирование и исследование уровня BDNF. Результаты: на основании наших наблюдений, выявленные особенности когнитивных нарушений у пациентов среднего возраста, гемодинамических характеристик, уровня содержания BDNF в плазме крови на додементных стадиях цереброваскулярных расстройств целесообразно учитывать при обследовании и планировании подходов к лечению больных с данной патологией

    Pathoanatomical Pattern of Brain Damage of White Mice Infected with Experimental Anthrax

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    Background. Bacillus anthracis is a microorganism that causes anthrax. Because of irrational therapy, this particularly dangerous infectious disease leads to a systemic spread of bacteria in the body through histohematological barriers. Bacilli entering the brain subsequently lead to hemorrhagic meningitis. Despite intensive antibiotic therapy, that kind of meningitis is difficult to cure and therefore highly lethal. Studying characteristics of anthrax’s isolates of different origin and genotype is an actual area of research.The aim of the study is searching for pathomorphological and histological changes in the brain regions of experimental animals with anthrax infection, caused by B. anthracis with different plasmid spectrum.Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 200 certified white mice, three B. anthracis strains were used as research objects: B. anthracis I-323 (рХО1– /рХО2– ), B. anthracis I-275 (рХО1- /рХО2- ), and B. anthracis I-217 (рХО1+ / рХО2– ). The material for histological examination was the brain of mice, embedded in paraffin, and then sections were prepared using a microtome and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Nissl toluidine blue. The degree of neuronal damage was assessed by calculating the semi-quantitative factor and determining the average size of the neuron nuclei, and the numerical density of cells in 1mm2 was studied. Microphotography and quantitative analysis was performed using the Motic Images Plus 2.0 application package. Statistical processing of the results was performed using the program “Statistica 6.0”.The results of the study showed that the brain of infected mice shows signs of hemorrhagic leptomeningitis, the manifestations of which are more pronounced in mice infected with weakly virulent plasmid strains of B. anthracis and fallen mice.Conclusion. Multicomponent exotoxin and specialized proteins, encoded in the pathogenicity plasmid of microorganisms, allow B. anthracis to easily overcome histohematological barriers and cause severe septic anthrax. The results obtained during the study supplement the available information on the pathogenesis of anthrax and indicate the need for further research in this direction

    Оценка эффективности витаминно-минерального комплекса магния лактата и пиридоксина как средства коррекции отклонений элементного гомеостаза у молодых людей, проживающих на территории Ивановской области

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    Resume. The study of the elemental status of young people aged 19 to 25 years living in the Ivanovo region, an estimate of the prevalence of premorbid forms of health disorders and the possibility of its correction with the help of a vitamin-mineral complex containing magnesium lactate and pyridoxine.Проведено исследование элементного статуса молодых людей в возрасте от 19 до 25 лет, проживающих на территории Ивановской области, дана оценка распространённости преморбидных форм нарушения здоровья и установлена возможность его коррекции с помощью витаминно-минерального комплекса, содержащего магния лактат и пиридоксин

    О взаимосвязях между уровнями нейротрофического фактора мозга в крови, микроэлементов в волосах в молодом возрасте

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    Examination of healthy young volunteers of 22±1.4 years (n = 50) is conducted and levels of 48 microelements in hair are determined. It is shown that levels of a neurotrophic factor of a brain in a blood plasma are directly proportional to levels of lithium and copper in hair. Neurotropic effects of these microelements are considered.Проведено обследование здоровых молодых добровольцев 22±1,4 лет (n = 50) и определены уровни 48 микроэлементов в волосах. Показано, что уровни нейротрофического фактора мозга в плазме крови прямо пропорциональны уровням лития и меди в волосах. Рассмотрены нейротропные эффекты этих микроэлементов

    Development and Main Stages of Introduction of the Preparation “Cholera O139 Diagnostic Fluorescent Immunoglobulins”

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    – for environmental objects. Application of the preparation for practical purposes was considered to be promising, and it was recommended for State registration as a product of medical application

    Комплексная оценка неврологического статуса и метаболических эффектов витаминно-минерального комплекса Теравит Антистресс и его компонентов

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    In the experimental study, the effect of the vitamin-mineral complex Teravit Antistress and its individual components: Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba on the orientation-research behavior, resistance to stress and the course of metabolic processes in laboratory rats were studied.В экспериментальном исследовании изучили влияние витаминно-минерального комплекса Теравит Антистресс и его отдельных компонентов: женьшеня и гинкго билоба на ориентировочно-исследовательское поведение, устойчивость к стрессовым воздействиям и течение метаболических процессов у лабораторных кры

    Improvement of Technology of Cholera Toxin B-Subunit Production

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    Consideration is given to implementation of state-of-the-art filtration technologies for up-scaled manufacturing of cholera toxin B-subunit, produced by recombinant Vibrio cholerae non O1 KM93 strain. Selected are micro- and ultra-filtration membranes to be incorporated into manufacturing method. Investigated are the properties of cholera toxin B-subunit, obtained applying the pilot technology. The engineered method for up-scaled manufacturing of cholera toxin B-subunit makes the procedure easier-to-maintain due to tangential micro- and ultra-filtration, performed at the stage of purification and concentration. It excludes labor-consuming chromatographic purification, while retaining B-subunit properties. The studies undertaken make it possible to manufacture cholera toxin B-subunit with the same characteristics as in the case of the pilot technology, but under production conditions, and use it as a component for chemical cholera vaccine

    Нейропротекторное действие миоинозитола на клеточной модели глутаматного стресса как основа для профилактики нарушений внутриутробного развития головного мозга

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    Myoinositol is the basis for the synthesis of an important group of signal molecules, inositolphosphates, which mediate signal transmission from receptors of growth factors and neurotransmitters. Grants myo-Inositol promote the prevention of folate-resistant defects and neuroprotection of the fetal brain ischemia. The paper presents the results of a study of the effects of myoinositol on the growth of cerebellar neurons in culture under glutamate stress. It is shown that the effects of myoinositol on the survival of neurons (+17 %) exceed the effects of drugs that are usually used for neuroprotection (peptide extracts - + 10 %, choline preparations - no more than 3 %). Confirmed in the present work, a direct neuroprotective effect of myo-Inositol indicates the importance of the use of myo-Inositol during pregnancy with the aim of neuroprotection of the fetal brain.Миоинозитол - основа для синтеза важной группы сигнальных молекул, инозитолфосфатов, которые опосредуют передачу сигнала от рецепторов ростовых факторов и нейротрансмиттеров. Дотации миоинозитола способствуют профилактике фолат-резистентных пороков развития и нейропротекции мозга плода в условиях ишемии. В работе представлены результаты исследования эффектов миоинозитола на рост нейронов мозжечка в культуре в условиях глутаматного стресса. Показано, что эффекты миоинозитола на выживание нейронов (+17 %) превосходят эффекты средств, которые обычно используются для нейропротекции (пептидные экстракты - +10 %, холиновые препараты - не более 3 %). Подтверждённое в настоящей работе прямое нейропротекторное действие миоинозитола указывает на важность использования миоинозитола во время беременности с целью нейропротекции мозга плода