397 research outputs found

    BRSMG 780Frr: cultivar de soja transgênica.

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    A brsmg 780rr é sua nova opção em soja transgênica para o manejo da ferrugem asiática. Alta produtividade e resistência moderada à ferrugem asiática. Grupo de maturidade. Regiões edafoclimáticas de adaptação (REC 303 - MG Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba). Reação a doenças. Características médias. População de plantas e ciclo em solos férteis. Manejo da ferrugem asiática.bitstream/item/57490/1/BRSMG780Frr.pdf1 folder

    Statistical Analysis of Winter Sulphur Dioxide Concentration Data in Vienna

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    The paper describes two nonlinear regression models, applied to winter daily SO2 concentration data and to the corresponding meteorological data from the metropolitan area of Vienna. The first model accounts for the role of wind speed and temperature (a proxy for emissions due to residential heating) on average SO2 concentration in the area. The second regression has an additional wind direction input and tries to point out the contribution by the industrial emissions (located primarily near the south-eastern border of the area) to concentration in the most polluted subarea. Both models offer a satisfactory fitting performance (e.g., correlations around 0.85 between observed and regression values). However, since model validation is a critical point for regressions, sensitivity tests of model fitting performance are carried out by using various data sets for the estimation of regression coefficients. One of such tests points out that there is an "optimal length" of the data set to be used, namely neither a too short set nor a set including "too past" data offer a satisfactory fitting quality

    Real-Time Forecasting of Air Pollution Episodes in the Venetian Region. Part I: The Advection-Diffusion Model. Part II: The Kalman Predictor

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    The object of this overall research, which has an expected duration of two years is to set up a scheme for predicting ground-level pollutant concentrations for real-time control purposes (i.e. the action to be taken at the emission sources in the presence of forthcoming high pollutant events). The forecasting scheme is described, together with its application to sulphur dioxide pollution in the Venetian lagoon area. The scheme is based on a complex mathematical model to be run on a computer and receiving at the beginning of each interval of time all the information (about the meteorological and emission situation) required for the prediction. The type of control action which should be taken on the basis of such a forecast is the object of this part of the research

    Integrase-deficient lentiviral vectors mediate efficient gene transfer to human vascular smooth muscle cells with minimal genotoxic risk

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    We have previously shown that injury-induced neointima formation was rescued by adenoviral-Nogo-B gene delivery. Integrase-competent lentiviral vectors (ICLV) are efficient at gene delivery to vascular cells but present a risk of insertional mutagenesis. Conversely, integrase-deficient lentiviral vectors (IDLV) offer additional benefits through reduced mutagenesis risk, but this has not been evaluated in the context of vascular gene transfer. Here, we have investigated the performance and genetic safety of both counterparts in primary human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and compared gene transfer efficiency and assessed the genotoxic potential of ICLVs and IDLVs based on their integration frequency and insertional profile in the human genome. Expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) mediated by IDLVs (IDLV-eGFP) demonstrated efficient transgene expression in VSMCs. IDLV gene transfer of Nogo-B mediated efficient overexpression of Nogo-B in VSMCs, leading to phenotypic effects on VSMC migration and proliferation, similar to its ICLV version and unlike its eGFP control and uninfected VSMCs. Large-scale integration site analyses in VSMCs indicated that IDLV-mediated gene transfer gave rise to a very low frequency of genomic integration compared to ICLVs, revealing a close-to-random genomic distribution in VSMCs. This study demonstrates for the first time the potential of IDLVs for safe and efficient vascular gene transfer

    Eficiência de bio e imunoensaio para detecção de semente de soja geneticamente modificada tolerante ao glifosato em lotes de sementes de soja não transgênica.

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    A produção de semente de soja livre de sementes de outras cultivares ou outras sementes, dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação, é facilitada pelo fato da soja ser espécie autógama. No caso específico das cultivares geneticamente modificadas (GM), a baixa taxa de fecundação cruzada que ainda pode existir é um dos pontos críticos de contaminação genética dos campos de sementes convencionais por transgênicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência de dois métodos de detecção de misturas de semente GM em amostras de soja convencional, para avaliar lotes de sementes quanto aos limites exigidos pela legislação. Foram utilizadas amostras de semente da cultivar BRSMG 810C (convencional) e da cultivar BRSMG 850GRR. Foram avaliados dois tamanhos de amostras (200 e 400 sementes), com quatro níveis de contaminação (semente GM adicionada às amostras convencionais, para se obter 0%, 0,5%, 1% e 1,5%), e dois métodos de detecção: imunoensaio de fluxo lateral e bioensaio (pré-embebição em solução de herbicida a 0,6% do equivalente ácido, na proporção de 2,5 vezes o peso do substrato, por 16 horas no escuro a 25oC). O método de bioensaio é eficiente na detecção da presença de GM em amostras de semente convencional de soja, desde que as mesmas apresentem alta qualidade fisiológica. Existe correlação significativa entre os valores obtidos pelo método de detecção por bioensaio e os níveis de contaminação estabelecidos (r= 0,82; p< ou = 0,0001). O tamanho da amostra não influenciou a eficiência dos dois métodos na detecção da presença de sementes adventícias (GM)