23,139 research outputs found

    Structure of the Vacuum in Deformed Supersymmetric Chiral Models

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    We analyze the vacuum structure of N=1/2 chiral supersymmetric theories in deformed superspace. In particular we study O'Raifeartaigh models with C-deformed superpotentials and canonical and non-canonical deformed Kahler potentials. We find conditions under which the vacuum configurations are affected by the deformations.Comment: 15 pages, minor corrections. Version to appear in JHE

    Understanding the spiral structure of the Milky Way using the local kinematic groups

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    We study the spiral arm influence on the solar neighbourhood stellar kinematics. As the nature of the Milky Way (MW) spiral arms is not completely determined, we study two models: the Tight-Winding Approximation (TWA) model, which represents a local approximation, and a model with self-consistent material arms named PERLAS. This is a mass distribution with more abrupt gravitational forces. We perform test particle simulations after tuning the two models to the observational range for the MW spiral arm properties. We explore the effects of the arm properties and find that a significant region of the allowed parameter space favours the appearance of kinematic groups. The velocity distribution is mostly sensitive to the relative spiral arm phase and pattern speed. In all cases the arms induce strong kinematic imprints for pattern speeds around 17 km/s/kpc (close to the 4:1 inner resonance) but no substructure is induced close to corotation. The groups change significantly if one moves only ~0.6 kpc in galactocentric radius, but ~2 kpc in azimuth. The appearance time of each group is different, ranging from 0 to more than 1 Gyr. Recent spiral arms can produce strong kinematic structures. The stellar response to the two potential models is significantly different near the Sun, both in density and kinematics. The PERLAS model triggers more substructure for a larger range of pattern speed values. The kinematic groups can be used to reduce the current uncertainty about the MW spiral structure and to test whether this follows the TWA. However, groups such as the observed ones in the solar vicinity can be reproduced by different parameter combinations. Data from velocity distributions at larger distances are needed for a definitive constraint.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, 4 tables; acccepted for publication in MNRA

    Fermions in an AdS3 Black Hole Background and the Gauge-Gravity Duality

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    We study a model whose dynamics is determined by a Maxwell Lagrangian coupled to a complex scalar and a Dirac fermion field, in an AdS3AdS_3 black hole background. Our study is performed within the context of the Euclidean formalism, in terms of an effective action SeffS^{eff} that results from integrating out the fermion field. In particular, SeffS^{eff} includes an induced parity breaking part which reduces, in the weak coupling limit, to Chern-Simons terms for both the gauge and spin connections, with temperature dependent coefficients. We find numerically the effective action minimum and, applying the AdS/CFT correspondence, we discuss the properties of the dual quantum field theory defined on the boundary. We show that, in contrast with what happens in the absence of fermions, the system does not undergo a phase transition at any finite temperature.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures - Revised version to appear in Physical Review

    On the Saturation of Astrophysical Dynamos: Numerical Experiments with the No-cosines flow

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    In the context of astrophysical dynamos we illustrate that the no-cosines flow, with zero mean helicity, can drive fast dynamo action and study the dynamo's mode of operation during both the linear and non-linear saturation regime: It turns out that in addition to a high growth rate in the linear regime, the dynamo saturates at a level significantly higher than normal turbulent dynamos, namely at exact equipartition when the magnetic Prandtl number is on the order of unity. Visualization of the magnetic and velocity fields at saturation will help us to understand some of the aspects of the non-linear dynamo problem.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the proceedings of "Space Climate 1" to be peer-reviewed to Solar Physic

    Self-dual Ginzburg-Landau vortices in a disk

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    We study the properties of the Ginzburg-Laundau model in the self-dual point for a two-dimensional finite system . By a numerical calculation we analyze the solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equations for a cylindrically symmetric ansatz. We also study the self-dual equations for this case. We find that the minimal energy configurations are not given by the Bogomol'nyi equations but by solutions to the Euler Lagrange ones. With a simple approximation scheme we reproduce the result of the numerical calculation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, RevTex macro

    Time dependence of breakdown in a global fiber-bundle model with continuous damage

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    A time-dependent global fiber-bundle model of fracture with continuous damage is formulated in terms of a set of coupled non-linear differential equations. A first integral of this set is analytically obtained. The time evolution of the system is studied by applying a discrete probabilistic method. Several results are discussed emphasizing their differences with the standard time-dependent model. The results obtained show that with this simple model a variety of experimental observations can be qualitatively reproduced.Comment: APS style, two columns, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Valence band offset of the ZnO/AlN heterojunction determined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy

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    The valence band offset of ZnO/AlN heterojunctions is determined by high resolution x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The valence band of ZnO is found to be 0.43±0.17 eV below that of AlN. Together with the resulting conduction band offset of 3.29±0.20 eV, this indicates that a type-II (staggered) band line up exists at the ZnO/AlN heterojunction. Using the III-nitride band offsets and the transitivity rule, the valence band offsets for ZnO/GaN and ZnO/InN heterojunctions are derived as 1.37 and 1.95 eV, respectively, significantly higher than the previously determined values

    A Non-Perturbative Approach to the Random-Bond Ising Model

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    We study the N -> 0 limit of the O(N) Gross-Neveu model in the framework of the massless form-factor approach. This model is related to the continuum limit of the Ising model with random bonds via the replica method. We discuss how this method may be useful in calculating correlation functions of physical operators. The identification of non-perturbative fixed points of the O(N) Gross-Neveu model is pursued by its mapping to a WZW model.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX, 1 PostScript figure included using psfig.st
