1,837 research outputs found

    Multiplicative anomaly and zeta factorization

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    Some aspects of the multiplicative anomaly of zeta determinants are investigated. A rather simple approach is adopted and, in particular, the question of zeta function factorization, together with its possible relation with the multiplicative anomaly issue is discussed. We look primordially into the zeta functions instead of the determinants themselves, as was done in previous work. That provides a supplementary view, regarding the appearance of the multiplicative anomaly. Finally, we briefly discuss determinants of zeta functions that are not in the pseudodifferential operator framework.Comment: 20 pages, AIP styl

    Casimir effect in rugby-ball type flux compactifications

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    As a continuation of the work in \cite{mns}, we discuss the Casimir effect for a massless bulk scalar field in a 4D toy model of a 6D warped flux compactification model,to stabilize the volume modulus. The one-loop effective potential for the volume modulus has a form similar to the Coleman-Weinberg potential. The stability of the volume modulus against quantum corrections is related to an appropriate heat kernel coefficient. However, to make any physical predictions after volume stabilization, knowledge of the derivative of the zeta function, ζâ€Č(0)\zeta'(0) (in a conformally related spacetime) is also required. By adding up the exact mass spectrum using zeta function regularization, we present a revised analysis of the effective potential. Finally, we discuss some physical implications, especially concerning the degree of the hierarchy between the fundamental energy scales on the branes. For a larger degree of warping our new results are very similar to the previous ones \cite{mns} and imply a larger hierarchy. In the non-warped (rugby-ball) limit the ratio tends to converge to the same value, independently of the bulk dilaton coupling.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Complex fermion mass term, regularization and CP violation

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    It is well known that the CP violating theta term of QCD can be converted to a phase in the quark mass term. However, a theory with a complex mass term for quarks can be regularized so as not to violate CP, for example through a zeta function. The contradiction is resolved through the recognition of a dependence on the regularization or measure. The appropriate choice of regularization is discussed and implications for the strong CP problem are pointed out.Comment: REVTeX, 4 page

    Uses of zeta regularization in QFT with boundary conditions: a cosmo-topological Casimir effect

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    Zeta regularization has proven to be a powerful and reliable tool for the regularization of the vacuum energy density in ideal situations. With the Hadamard complement, it has been shown to provide finite (and meaningful) answers too in more involved cases, as when imposing physical boundary conditions (BCs) in two-- and higher--dimensional surfaces (being able to mimic, in a very convenient way, other {\it ad hoc} cut-offs, as non-zero depths). What we have considered is the {\it additional} contribution to the cc coming from the non-trivial topology of space or from specific boundary conditions imposed on braneworld models (kind of cosmological Casimir effects). Assuming someone will be able to prove (some day) that the ground value of the cc is zero, as many had suspected until very recently, we will then be left with this incremental value coming from the topology or BCs. We show that this value can have the correct order of magnitude in a number of quite reasonable models involving small and large compactified scales and/or brane BCs, and supergravitons.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, Talk given at the Seventh International Workshop Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions, QFEXT'05, Barcelona, September 5-9, 200

    An Extension of the Chowla-Selberg Formula Useful in Quantizing with the Wheeler-De Witt Equation

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    The two-dimensional inhomogeneous zeta-function series (with homogeneous part of the most general Epstein type): \sum_{m,n \in \mbox{\bf Z}} (am^2+bmn+cn^2+q)^{-s}, is analytically continued in the variable ss by using zeta-function techniques. A simple formula is obtained, which extends the Chowla-Selberg formula to inhomogeneous Epstein zeta-functions. The new expression is then applied to solve the problem of computing the determinant of the basic differential operator that appears in an attempt at quantizing gravity by using the Wheeler-De Witt equation in 2+1 dimensional spacetime with the torus topology.Comment: 14 pages (small typo errors corrected and 2page improvement of physical applications), LaTeX file, UB-ECM-PF 94/

    On two complementary approaches aiming at the definition of the determinant of an elliptic partial differential operator

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    We bring together two apparently disconnected lines of research (of mathematical and of physical nature, respectively) which aim at the definition, through the corresponding zeta function, of the determinant of a differential operator possessing, in general, a complex spectrum. It is shown explicitly how the two lines have in fact converged to a meeting point at which the precise mathematical conditions for the definition of the zeta function and the associated determinant are easy to understand from the considerations coming up from the physical approach, which proceeds by stepwise generalization starting from the most simple cases of physical interest. An explicit formula that establishes the bridge between the two approaches is obtained.Comment: LaTeX file, 9 pages, no figure

    Multidimensional extension of the generalized Chowla-Selberg formula

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    After recalling the precise existence conditions of the zeta function of a pseudodifferential operator, and the concept of reflection formula, an exponentially convergent expression for the analytic continuation of a multidimensional inhomogeneous Epstein-type zeta function of the general form \zeta_{A,\vec{b},q} (s) = \sum_{\vec{n}\in Z^p (\vec{n}^T A \vec{n} +\vec{b}^T \vec{n}+q)^{-s}, with AA the p×pp\times p matrix of a quadratic form, b⃗\vec{b} a pp vector and qq a constant, is obtained. It is valid on the whole complex ss-plane, is exponentially convergent and provides the residua at the poles explicitly. It reduces to the famous formula of Chowla and Selberg in the particular case p=2p=2, b⃗=0⃗\vec{b}= \vec{0}, q=0q=0. Some variations of the formula and physical applications are considered.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, no figure
