17 research outputs found

    The use of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive in high-risk intestinal anastomoses

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    The success of every intestinal surgical procedure primarily depends on correct technical execution of the intestinal sutures. Despite the continuing improvements in intestinal synthesis techniques and the introduction of mechanical staplers, the risk of anastomotic dehiscence remains a major concern. For high-risk anastomoses, defined as those performed under critical conditions, n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive allows for quick sealing of the two stumps and supports the physiological wound-healing process. Furthermore, no experimental or clinical studies have shown that this glue has any carcinogenic or mutagenic properties. Thus, we believe that n-butyl- 2-cyanoacrylate will be extremely useful for intestinal anastomoses with a high risk of dehiscence

    Polymeric glues in intestinal surgery

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    Authors reports the results of an experimental study on the usefulness of n-butil-2-cyanoacrylate in abdominal surgery. The research, performed on Wistar rats and Landrace pigs, is constituted by an early phase, to verify the tissutal reaction to the n-butil-2-cyano-acrylate and its adhesive properties, and a main phase, in which it was evaluated the efficacy of n-butil-2 cyano-acrylate as the only support or as an adjunct to the usual methods in intestinal synthesis. Istological and angiographic examination of the surgical specimens demonstrated the tissutal atoxicity and the good adhesive effect of the tissutal glue. Because of these characteristic, authors propose its employment to reinforce intestinal sutures performed with the usual methods in high risk condition