2,774 research outputs found

    Mastitis Control: Reducing Somatic Cell Counts

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    Mastitis is the most costly disease of dairy cattle. The primary economic loss associated with mastitis is lost production due to subclinical mastitis. This loss accounts for nearly two-thirds the costs associated with mastitis or about 126percowperyear.Theremainingone−thirdofthedollarorabout126 per cow per year. The remaining one-third of the dollar or about 62 per cow per year are costs associated with discarded milk, drug therapy, veterinarian costs, and culling

    Estimating the Dollar Value of Hay

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    This is a question being asked more and more due to more dairies buying hay, volatile grain markets, and adverse weather conditions. Hay is an important contributor of protein, energy, fiber and other nutrients to the rations of dairy cattle, from claves to lactating cows. As such, its dollar and feeding value can not be overlooked, especially when trying to maximize income over feed costs to enhance the overall profitability of a farm operation

    Pandemic Flu Preparation: The Workplace and the Community

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    Yes, we can expect our lives to be “touched” by an avian influenza pandemic. Our diets and daily routines will be altered, and the concern of all of us will be to protect ourselves and our families. Since we don’t know how serious the pandemic may be in our communities, it only pays to prepare. Advance planning can make our homes safe and comfortable. It’s not an overwhelming task, and there are many guidelines to help. Look at it this way: The better we are prepared, the better we will respond and rebound, and when it’s all over, the better and stronger will be our families, community, and state

    Top 10 Recommendations to Consider When Feed Quality/Quantity/Costs are Compromised

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    This article provides ten recommendations that ranchers should consider when their feed quality, quanity, and costs are compromised

    Percent Contribution to the Bulk Tank -- A DHIA Tool to Aid in the Control of Somatic Cell Count

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    Heart of America DHIA lab services now provides a “hot list” of the 20 highest somatic cell count cows, noting not only the somatic cell count, but milk production, percent contribution to the bulk tank, and bulk tank count estimates with the cows removed consecutively from the tank. This valuable new tool from DHIA can be most useful to producers trying to manage bulk tank counts while addressing mastitis control issues in their herd

    Pandemic Flu Preparation: Food and Water Supplies and Storage

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    Yes, we can expect our lives to be “touched” by an avian influenza pandemic. Our diets and daily routines will be altered, and the concern of all of us will be to protect ourselves and our families. Since we don’t know how serious the pandemic may be in our communities, it only pays to prepare. Advance planning can make our homes safe and comfortable. It’s not an overwhelming task, and there are many guidelines to help. Look at it this way: The better we are prepared, the better we will respond and rebound, and when it’s all over, the better and stronger will be our families, community, and state

    Using Non-Protein Nitrogen to Control Feed Costs

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    What is non-protein nitrogen? All proteins contain nitrogen, but not all nitrogen is contained in proteins. For example, urea and anhydrous ammonia are two compounds which contain significant amounts of nitrogen, but neither is a protein. Instead, they are called nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) compounds

    Pandemic Flu Preparation: If we don’t have utilities, how do we cook, keep things clean?

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    Yes, we can expect our lives to be “touched” by an avian influenza pandemic. Our diets and daily routines will be altered, and the concern of all of us will be to protect ourselves and our families. Since we don’t know how serious the pandemic may be in our communities, it only pays to prepare. Advance planning can make our homes safe and comfortable. It’s not an overwhelming task, and there are many guidelines to help. Look at it this way: The better we are prepared, the better we will respond and rebound, and when it’s all over, the better and stronger will be our families, community, and state

    Emergency Preparedness: Saving Up for an Emergency

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    Having an emergency savings fund is an important part of emergency preparedness. A disaster is hard enough to endure without creating serious financial hardship too. How would you pay your bills if the income earners in your family were unable to work for an extended time because they could not get to work or their business closed down? Having an emergency savings fund will allow you to cover expenses in case of an emergency, and it will also give you some peace of mind

    Emergency Preparedness: Hold Family Meetings

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    Yes, we can expect our lives to be impacted by an emergency event. Our daily routines will be altered, and the immediate concern will turn to protecting ourselves and our families. Since we don’t know how serious the emergency may be, it pays to prepare. Advance planning can make our homes com¬fortable and our families safe. It is not an over¬whelming task, and there are guidelines available to help. The better we are prepared, the better we will respond and rebound
