18,049 research outputs found

    Feasibility study of high performance hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells Final technical report

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    Engineering analysis for evaluating moving bed and mediator hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell conceptual design

    Permutation groups, simple groups and sieve methods

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    We show that the number of integers n ≤ x which occur as indices of subgroups of nonabelian finite simple groups, excluding that of An-1 in An, is ∼ hx/log x, for some given constant h. This might be regarded as a noncommutative analogue of the Prime Number Theorem (which counts indices n ≤ x of subgroups of abelian simple groups). We conclude that for most positive integers n, the only quasiprimitive permutation groups of degree n are Sn and An in their natural action. This extends a similar result for primitive permutation groups obtained by Cameron, Neumann and Teague in 1982. Our proof combines group-theoretic and number-theoretic methods. In particular, we use the classification of finite simple groups, and we also apply sieve methods to estimate the size of some interesting sets of primes

    A discontinuous Galerkin method for the Vlasov-Poisson system

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    A discontinuous Galerkin method for approximating the Vlasov-Poisson system of equations describing the time evolution of a collisionless plasma is proposed. The method is mass conservative and, in the case that piecewise constant functions are used as a basis, the method preserves the positivity of the electron distribution function and weakly enforces continuity of the electric field through mesh interfaces and boundary conditions. The performance of the method is investigated by computing several examples and error estimates associated system's approximation are stated. In particular, computed results are benchmarked against established theoretical results for linear advection and the phenomenon of linear Landau damping for both the Maxwell and Lorentz distributions. Moreover, two nonlinear problems are considered: nonlinear Landau damping and a version of the two-stream instability are computed. For the latter, fine scale details of the resulting long-time BGK-like state are presented. Conservation laws are examined and various comparisons to theory are made. The results obtained demonstrate that the discontinuous Galerkin method is a viable option for integrating the Vlasov-Poisson system.Comment: To appear in Journal for Computational Physics, 2011. 63 pages, 86 figure

    Sums and differences of four k-th powers

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    We prove an upper bound for the number of representations of a positive integer NN as the sum of four kk-th powers of integers of size at most BB, using a new version of the Determinant method developed by Heath-Brown, along with recent results by Salberger on the density of integral points on affine surfaces. More generally we consider representations by any integral diagonal form. The upper bound has the form ON(Bc/k)O_{N}(B^{c/\sqrt{k}}), whereas earlier versions of the Determinant method would produce an exponent for BB of order k−1/3k^{-1/3} in this case. Furthermore, we prove that the number of representations of a positive integer NN as a sum of four kk-th powers of non-negative integers is at most Oϵ(N1/k+2/k3/2+ϵ)O_{\epsilon}(N^{1/k+2/k^{3/2}+\epsilon}) for k≥3k \geq 3, improving upon bounds by Wisdom.Comment: 18 pages. Mistake corrected in the statement of Theorem 1.2. To appear in Monatsh. Mat

    Kondo regime in triangular arrangements of quantum dots: Molecular orbitals, interference and contact effects

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    Transport properties of an interacting triple quantum dot system coupled to three leads in a triangular geometry has been studied in the Kondo regime. Applying mean-field finite-U slave boson and embedded cluster approximations to the calculation of transport properties unveils a set of rich features associated to the high symmetry of this system. Results using both calculation techniques yield excellent overall agreement and provide additional insights into the physical behavior of this interesting geometry. In the case when just two current leads are connected to the three-dot system, interference effects between degenerate molecular orbitals are found to strongly affect the overall conductance. An S=1 Kondo effect is also shown to appear for the perfect equilateral triangle symmetry. The introduction of a third current lead results in an `amplitude leakage' phenomenon, akin to that appearing in beam splitters, which alters the interference effects and the overall conductance through the system.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    Integrated care and the working record

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    By default, many discussions and specifications of electronic health records or integrated care records often conceptualize the record as a passive information repository. This article presents data from a case study of work in a medical unit in a major metropolitan hospital. It shows how the clinicians tailored, re-presented and augmented clinical information to support their own roles in the delivery of care for individual patients. This is referred to as the working record: a set of complexly interrelated clinician-centred documents that are locally evolved, maintained and used to support delivery of care in conjunction with the more patient-centred chart that will be stored in the medical records department on the patient’s discharge. Implications are drawn for how an integrated care record could support the local tailorability and flexibility that underpin this working record and hence underpin practice

    A reactor concept for space power employing thermionic diodes and pipes

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    Reactor heat pipe flow system with external diode for thermionic generator power suppl

    Extended twin study of alcohol use in Virginia and Australia

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    Drinking alcohol is a normal behavior in many societies, and prior studies have demonstrated it has both genetic and environmental sources of variation. Using two very large samples of twins and their first-degree relatives (Australia ≈ 20,000 individuals from 8,019 families; Virginia ≈ 23,000 from 6,042 families), we examine whether there are differences: (1) in the genetic and environmental factors that influence four interrelated drinking behaviors (quantity, frequency, age of initiation, and number of drinks in the last week), (2) between the twin-only design and the extended twin design, and (3) the Australian and Virginia samples. We find that while drinking behaviors are interrelated, there are substantial differences in the genetic and environmental architectures across phenotypes. Specifically, drinking quantity, frequency, and number of drinks in the past week have large broad genetic variance components, and smaller but significant environmental variance components, while age of onset is driven exclusively by environmental factors. Further, the twin-only design and the extended twin design come to similar conclusions regarding broad-sense heritability and environmental transmission, but the extended twin models provide a more nuanced perspective. Finally, we find a high level of similarity between the Australian and Virginian samples, especially for the genetic factors. The observed differences, when present, tend to be at the environmental level. Implications for the extended twin model and future directions are discussed

    Single-nucleotide polymorphism versus microsatellite markers in a combined linkage and segregation analysis of a quantitative trait

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    Increasingly, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers are being used in preference to microsatellite markers. However, methods developed for microsatellites may be problematic when applied to SNP markers. We evaluated the results of using SNPs vs. microsatellites in Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) oligogenic combined segregation and linkage analysis methods. These methods were developed with microsatellite markers in mind. We selected chromosome 7 from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism dataset for analysis because linkage to an electrophysiological trait had been reported there. We found linkage in the same region of chromosome 7 with the Affymetrix SNP data, the Illumina SNP data, and the microsatellite marker data. The MCMC sampler appears to mix with both types of data. The sampler implemented in this MCMC oligogenic combined segregation and linkage analysis appears to handle SNP data as well as microsatellite data and it is possible that the localizations with the SNP data are better
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