2,809 research outputs found

    The Intrinsic Shapes of Molecular Cloud Fragments over a Range of Length Scales

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    We decipher intrinsic three-dimensional shape distributions of molecular clouds, cloud cores, Bok globules, and condensations using recently compiled catalogues of observed axis ratios for these objects mapped in carbon monoxide, ammonia, through optical selection, or in continuum dust emission. We apply statistical techniques to compare assumed intrinsic axis ratio distributions with observed projected axis ratio distributions. Intrinsically triaxial shapes produce projected distributions which agree with observations. Molecular clouds mapped in 12^{12}CO are intrinsically triaxial but more nearly prolate than oblate, while the smaller cloud cores, Bok globules, and condensations are also intrinsically triaxial but more nearly oblate than prolate.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Version with color figures can be found at http://www.astro.uwo.ca/~cjones/ or http://www.astro.uwo.ca/~basu/. To appear in ApJ, 10 April 2002, v. 569, no.

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of therapeutic alliance, engagement and outcome in psychological therapies for psychosis

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    Aim: The moderate association between therapeutic alliance (TA) and psychological therapy outcome is well established. Historically, the field has not focused on people with a severe mental illness. This is the first review to conduct a meta-analysis of associations between TA and therapeutic engagement as well as outcome in psychological therapy for psychosis. / Eligibility criteria: Eligible studies conducted a quantitative investigation of the relationship between TA during a psychological therapy and outcome at a subsequent time-point. / Method: A systematic review examined the relationship between TA and engagement as well as outcome measures within psychological therapy for psychosis. Correlational meta-analyses using an aggregate random effects model were conducted. / Results: Twenty-four studies were eligible for inclusion (n = 1,656) of which 13 were included in the meta-analyses. Client- and therapist-rated TA were associated with engagement in therapy (rclient (c) = 0.36, p = .003; rtherapist (t) = 0.40, p = .0053). TA was also associated with reduction in global (rc = 0.29, p = .0005; rt = 0.24, p = .0015) and psychotic symptoms (rc = 0.17, p = .0115; rt = 0.30, p = .0003). The systematic review identified no evidence or limited evidence for a relationship between TA during therapy and depression, substance use, physical health behaviours, global as well as social functioning, overall mental health recovery, and self-esteem at follow-up. Although number of studies was small, TA was related to a reduced risk of subsequent hospitalization in 40% of analyses (across two studies) and improved cognitive outcome in 50% of analyses (across three studies). / Conclusions: The observed TA-therapy engagement and TA-outcome associations were broadly consistent with those identified across non-psychotic diagnostic groups. Well-powered studies are needed to investigate the relationship between TA and process as well as outcome in psychological therapy for psychosis specifically. / Practitioner points: This is the first review to conduct a meta-analytic synthesis of the association between therapeutic alliance (TA) and both engagement and change in outcome in psychological therapies for psychosis. TA (as rated by therapist and client) was associated with the extent of therapeutic engagement as well as reduction in global mental health symptoms and psychotic symptoms. The significant associations between TA and engagement as well as change in outcome identified in the current review are broadly consistent with those observed across non-psychotic diagnostic groups. We consider factors that could impact upon the dynamic and potentially interdependent relationships between TA and therapeutic techniques, including attachment security and severity of paranoid ideation

    Dynamical structure of the inner 100 AU of the deeply embedded protostar IRAS 16293-2422

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    A fundamental question about the early evolution of low-mass protostars is when circumstellar disks may form. High angular resolution observations of molecular transitions in the (sub)millimeter wavelength windows make it possible to investigate the kinematics of the gas around newly-formed stars, for example to identify the presence of rotation and infall. IRAS 16293-2422 was observed with the extended Submillimeter Array (eSMA) resulting in subarcsecond resolution (0.46" x 0.29", i.e. \sim 55 ×\times 35~AU) images of compact emission from the C17^{17}O (3-2) and C34^{34}S (7-6) transitions at 337~GHz (0.89~mm). To recover the more extended emission we have combined the eSMA data with SMA observations of the same molecules. The emission of C17^{17}O (3-2) and C34^{34}S (7-6) both show a velocity gradient oriented along a northeast-southwest direction with respect to the continuum marking the location of one of the components of the binary, IRAS16293A. Our combined eSMA and SMA observations show that the velocity field on the 50--400~AU scales is consistent with a rotating structure. It cannot be explained by simple Keplerian rotation around a single point mass but rather needs to take into account the enclosed envelope mass at the radii where the observed lines are excited. We suggest that IRAS 16293-2422 could be among the best candidates to observe a pseudo-disk with future high angular resolution observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 18 pages, 10 figure

    Cohort Study Examining the Association of Optimal Blood Pressure Control at Entry With Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth

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    Background and Aim: The benefit of controlling cardiovascular risk factors in slowing the progression of small abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is controversial. This study investigated the association of optimal blood pressure control at entry with the growth of small AAA. Methods and Results: A total of 1,293 patients with initial AAA diameter <50 mm were followed by a median 5 (inter-quartile range, IQR, 3–7) ultrasound scans for a median of 3.6 years (IQR 1.8, 5.3). Optimal blood pressure control was defined as blood pressure ≤140/90 mmHg at recruitment. The association of optimal blood pressure control at entry with AAA growth was assessed using linear mixed effects models adjusted for established risk factors of AAA growth and factors which were unequally distributed among the blood pressure groups. Optimal blood pressure control at entry was not significantly associated with AAA growth. In the risk factor adjusted model the mean difference in AAA growth between blood pressure groups was 0.04 mm/year (95% CI −0.20, 0.13; p = 0.65). The results were similar in sensitivity analyses excluding outliers or focused on systolic or diastolic blood pressure alone. Conclusions: This observational study suggests that optimal blood pressure control at entry is not associated with slower AAA growth

    A First Look at the Auriga-California Giant Molecular Cloud With Herschel and the CSO: Census of the Young Stellar Objects and the Dense Gas

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    We have mapped the Auriga/California molecular cloud with the Herschel PACS and SPIRE cameras and the Bolocam 1.1 mm camera on the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) with the eventual goal of quantifying the star formation and cloud structure in this Giant Molecular Cloud (GMC) that is comparable in size and mass to the Orion GMC, but which appears to be forming far fewer stars. We have tabulated 60 compact 70/160um sources that are likely pre-main-sequence objects and correlated those with Spitzer and WISE mid-IR sources. At 1.1 mm we find 18 cold, compact sources and discuss their properties. The most important result from this part of our study is that we find a modest number of additional compact young objects beyond those identified at shorter wavelengths with Spitzer. We also describe the dust column density and temperature structure derived from our photometric maps. The column density peaks at a few x 10^22 cm^-2 (N_H2) and is distributed in a clear filamentary structure along which nearly all the pre-main-sequence objects are found. We compare the YSO surface density to the gas column density and find a strong non-linear correlation between them. The dust temperature in the densest parts of the filaments drops to ~10K from values ~ 14--15K in the low density parts of the cloud. We also derive the cumulative mass fraction and probability density function of material in the cloud which we compare with similar data on other star-forming clouds.Comment: in press Astrophysical Journal, 201

    Molecular Line Observations of the Small Protostellar Group L1251B

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    We present molecular line observations of L1251B, a small group of pre- and protostellar objects, and its immediate environment in the dense C18O core L1251E. These data are complementary to near-infrared, submillimeter and millimeter continuum observations reported by Lee et al. (2006, ApJ, 648, 491; Paper I). The single-dish data of L1251B described here show very complex kinematics including infall, rotation and outflow motions, and the interferometer data reveal these in greater detail. Interferometer data of N2H+ 1-0 suggest a very rapidly rotating flattened envelope between two young stellar objects, IRS1 and IRS2. Also, interferometer data of CO 2-1 resolve the outflow associated with L1251B seen in single-dish maps into a few narrow and compact components. Furthermore, the high resolution data support recent theoretical studies of molecular depletions and enhancements that accompany the formation of protostars within dense cores. Beyond L1251B, single-dish data are also presented of a dense core located ~150" to the east that, in Paper I, was detected at 850 micron but has no associated point sources at near- and mid-infrared wavelengths. The relative brightness between molecules, which have different chemical timescales, suggests it is less chemically evolved than L1251B. This core may be a site for future star formation, however, since line profiles of HCO+, CS, and HCN show asymmetry with a stronger blue peak, which is interpreted as an infall signature.Comment: 46 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Protostellar accretion traced with chemistry. High resolution C18O and continuum observations towards deeply embedded protostars in Perseus

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    Context: Understanding how accretion proceeds is a key question of star formation, with important implications for both the physical and chemical evolution of young stellar objects. In particular, very little is known about the accretion variability in the earliest stages of star formation. Aims: To characterise protostellar accretion histories towards individual sources by utilising sublimation and freeze-out chemistry of CO. Methods: A sample of 24 embedded protostars are observed with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) in context of the large program "Mass Assembly of Stellar Systems and their Evolution with the SMA" (MASSES). The size of the C18^{18}O emitting region, where CO has sublimated into the gas-phase, is measured towards each source and compared to the expected size of the region given the current luminosity. The SMA observations also include 1.3 mm continuum data, which are used to investigate whether a link can be established between accretion bursts and massive circumstellar disks. Results: Depending on the adopted sublimation temperature of the CO ice, between 20% and 50% of the sources in the sample show extended C18^{18}O emission indicating that the gas was warm enough in the past that CO sublimated and is currently in the process of refreezing; something which we attribute to a recent accretion burst. Given the fraction of sources with extended C18^{18}O emission, we estimate an average interval between bursts of 20000-50000 yr, which is consistent with previous estimates. No clear link can be established between the presence of circumstellar disks and accretion bursts, however the three closest known binaries in the sample (projected separations <20 AU) all show evidence of a past accretion burst, indicating that close binary interactions may also play a role in inducing accretion variability.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 21 pages, 13 figure