1,307 research outputs found

    The dairy sector in the Azores Islands: possibilities and main constraints towards increased added value

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    Technical NoteThe Azores archipelago is the most suitable region for dairy production in Portugal, representing 30% of the overall Portuguese dairy production. It has a production system characterized by an average milk yield of 6216 kg/cow/year, and the predominance of pasture-based feeding and cows that have longer productive lives and lower incidence of metabolic/production diseases, such as acidosis or mastitis. The biggest problem with the Azores Islands dairy sector is the cost of transport, as the main markets are located in continental Portugal, over 1500 km away, and local dairy products have to compete with dairy products produced in mainland Portugal and in the rest of the European Union. Herein, the evolution of the dairy sector in the Azores Islands from 2007 to 2017 is presented. A SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis was performed to find potential solutions to increase the value of the Azorean dairy sector. The most relevant solution considered was the valorization of the dairy production through three major aspects: higher milk quality, namely, better organoleptic properties; lower carbon footprint (not considering transport costs); and higher levels of animal welfare. Three examples are shown of such valorization: protected denomination of origin (PDO) cheeses, the “happy cows” program, and the production of an organic milk, from the Terceira Island. Some of these programs are relatively recent, so, it will be interesting to see how their sales and acceptance by consumers evolve, particularly under the current economic frameworkinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Four cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in iatrogenic immunocompromised patients

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    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) caused by John Cunningham Virus (JCV). We report four PML cases in immunocompromised patients, respectively treated with (1) Natalizumab, (2) Rituximab, (3) autologous stem-cell transplantation, and (4) Tacrolimus. All patients underwent neurological examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), JCV-DNA research on biological samples, and lymphocytes subpopulation study. All cases presented with motor, behavioural, and cognitive disorders. Visual, sensitive, and cerebellar deficits developed in three cases. MRI revealed widespread progressive demyelinating areas with active borders; three patients presented contrast enhancement. One patient developed inflammatory reconstitution syndrome (IRIS). At MRS, all cases presented decreased N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) and three cases showed increased choline (Cho). In one patient, plasma and urine tested positive for JCV-DNA, while cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis confirmed JCV in two patients. The fourth patient had a low JCV-DNA blood titer and brain biopsy showed subacute necrosis. Two patients had abnormal lymphocyte subpopulations. Three patients underwent therapy with Mirtazapine, one of whom received Mefloquine in add-on. No clinical response was registered. Clinical onset, MRI and MRS were highly suggestive of PML in all patients, despite three cases presented contrast enhancement. In three cases JCV-DNA detection in biological samples confirmed the diagnosis. The fourth patient fulfilled diagnosis of “presumptive PML”. Our data confirm the importance to complete the diagnostic workup despite the presence of findings not completely consistent with classical PML. We hypothesize that atypical characteristics could due to the clinical conditions leading to PML

    Privatização no Brasil: 1990-1994, 1995-2002

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    Cartilha de financiamento às micro, pequenas e médias empresas

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    1. Mensagem do Presidente -- 2. Introdução -- 3. Quem pode ser financiado -- 4. O que é um pode ser financiado -- 5. O que é um projeto de investimento -- 6. Onde solicitar financiamentos com recursos do BNDES -- 7. O que é preciso para candidatar-se a um financiamento com recursos do BNDES -- 8. Garantias e destinação do financiamento -- 9. Taxas de juros e prazos dos empréstimos -- 10. Características das linhas e programas de financiamento do BNDES -- 11. Resumo das linhas e programas de financiament

    A contribuição do BNDES para o desenvolvimento nacional

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    Bibliografia: p. 127-130

    65 anos: nossa histĂłria tal como ela Ă©

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    Parte 1. Revisitando o período 2001-2016 -- Capítulo 1. Relevância e desempenho do BNDES Capítulo 2. Fontes de financiamento utilizadas pelo BNDES -- Capítulo 3. Prudência: crédito, risco e conformidade -- Parte 2. Os avanços na atuação do BNDES -- Capítulo 4. Atuação inovadora do BNDES nas políticas públicas -- Capítulo 5. Presença territorial do BNDES -- Apêndice 1. O apoio do BNDES: uma visão histórica -- Apêndice 2. Os maiores clientes do BNDES – Referências – Glossário --Ficha técnicaBibliografia: p. 322-329Inclui glossário

    Privatização da Vale do Rio Doce: o Estado no lugar certo

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    Balanço da implementação da PRSA 2015-2016

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    Programa nacional de desestatização : relatório de atividades

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    O volume referente ao ano de 2003 é bilingue: português-inglês.É permitida a reprodução parcial ou total dos artigos desta publicação, desde que citada a fonte

    Brazilian Privatization Program: annual report

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    É permitida a reprodução parcial ou total dos artigos desta publicação, desde que citada a fonteO volume 2003 é bilingue: português-inglê
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